GFE Main Menu

February 15, 2012

This document describes the main menu of the GFE (Graphical Forecast Editor).
main menu

Table of Contents

   Editing Preferences
   Viewing Preferences
   Show Warnings
   Break Lock...
    Delete Users....
   Define Config and ifpIMAGE Files...
   Define Smart Tools...
   Define Procedures...
   Define Text Products...
   Define Time Ranges
   Site Activation
   Weather Element Groups
   Weather Element Browser...
   Manage Hidden Weather Elements
   Procedures (List of Procedures)
   Copy Selected Grids From...
   Copy All Grids From...
   Split Grids
   Fragment Grids
   Create Grids From Scratch
   Assign Default Value
   Assign PickUp Value
   Delete Grids
   Select Grids By Time
   Select All Weather Elements
   Deselect All
   Time Shift...
    Find Weather Element
   Undo Grid Edit
   Undo Edit Area
   Procedures (List of procedures)
   Save Forecast...
   Revert Forecast...
   Procedures (List of ISC Procedures)
   Clear Selected Highlights
  Clear All Highlights
  Send Intersite Grids
   ISC Request/Reply
  ISC Send Enable
   Publish to Official...
   Formatter Launcher...
   Process Monitor...
   GHG Monitor...
    ISC Markers
   Map List
Edit Areas
Reset Practice
    Clear VTEC Practice Table
    Clear Fcst Grids
   Online Table Of Contents...
   Show Tool Tips
   About CAVE

GFE Menu

Editing Preferences

Missing Data Mode

The Missing Data Mode specifies how to handle missing data when running a Smart Tool. The options are:

Temporal Editor Mode: Relative

Allows the user to choose the Temporal Editor Mode to be either Relative or Absolute. If the button is selected, the mode is Relative. Otherwise, the mode is Absolute. The default is as set for TemporalEditorAbsoluteEditMode in the gfe configuration file.

When performing an edit in the absolute mode, each point in the Edit Area will be set to the value indicated in the Temporal Editor. When performing an edit in the relative mode, each point in the Edit Area will be incremented or decremented by the magnitude of the edit in the Temporal Editor.

Vector Editor Mode

Allows the user to control the component of the data to be modified when performing an Edit Action. The possible options are Magnitude Only, Direction Only, or Both. The default is as set for WindEditMode in the gfe configuration file. This may also be set from the Vector PickUp Dialog.

Smoothing Algorithm

Allows the user to control the amount (area) of smoothing.  The popup menu items reflect the smoothing influence by the number of grid cells. The Smoothing default value and the selection of values may be configured in the gfe configuration file.

Wx/Discrete: Combine

Allows the user to control whether an edit action replaces the existing weather/discrete data or combines the new value with the existing weather/discrete data. If the button is selected, an edit action will combine weather/discrete data. Otherwise, the weather/discrete data will be replaced. The default is as set for WeatherDiscreteCombineMode in the gfe configuration file. The Weather Combine Mode may also be set from the Weather PickUp Dialog and Discrete PickUp Dialog.

Select Grids When Stepping

Specifies whether the selection time range will track the spatial editor time when time stepping.  Time stepping is accomplished using the GFE toolbar stepping buttons or the keyboard shortcuts. When this preference is enabled (i.e., yes), the selection time range will be set to: In addition, all weather elements except the active weather element will be deselected.

When this preference is disabled (i.e., no), the selection time range, and the set of selected weather elements will not change when using the GFE toolbar step buttons and keyboard shortcuts.

Auto Save...

The Auto Save Interval entry brings up the Auto Save Interval Dialog. This dialog allows the user to enable or disable the automatic saving of modified weather elements.  If enabled, then every few minutes all modified grids will be saved to the database. The interval may be changed from 1 minute to 60 minutes.

Contour Server Selection

Allows the user to choose which algorithm is to be used for the conversion of contours into a gridded field by selecting one of the buttons. The default is as set for ContourServer in the gfe configuration file. We recommend that you try both methods and choose the one which works the best for you.
Mode Description
Contour Analyzer The Contour Analyzer makes a grid from paints on contour lines, using a simple analysis technique similar to Barnes.
Internal SIRS Server The Internal SIRS Server makes grids from contour lines using the TDL SIRS algorithm as written by FSL for the GFE.

Interpolate Algorithm

The Interpolate Algorithm entry brings up the Interpolation Algorithm Dialog. This dialog allows the user to select the appropriate interpolation algorithm for each scalar weather element.

Viewing Preferences

Quick View Mode

Allows the user to set the behavior of the Spatial Editor when the pointer is moved over the Grid Manager. If the button is selected, the data displayed in the Spatial Editor is controlled by the cursor position over the Grid Manager (i.e. the Spatial Editor displays the grid under the cursor). Otherwise, the data displayed in the Spatial Editor does not change when the cursor is moved over the Grid Manager time blocks. The default is off.

Image on Edit

Allows the user to set the display mode of the of a grid made editable. If the button is selected, a grid made editable is automatically displayed as an image in the Spatial Editor. Otherwise, the display mode (Image versus Graphic) is not changed when a grid is made editable. The default is as set for ImageOnActiveSE in the gfe configuration file.

Temporal Editor Overlay Mode

Allows the user to control the loading of new Weather Elements into the Temporal Editor. If the button is selected, the Temporal Editor will attempt to overlay a newly loaded weather element with another weather element of identical units. Otherwise, each newly loaded weather element will have its own pane in the Temporal Editor. The default is as set for TemporalEditorOverlay in the gfe configuration file.

Temporal Editor Weather Element Mode

This cascade menu permits choices of "All Weather Elements", "All Weather Elements w/o ISC", "Fcst Weather Elements", "Active Weather Element", and "Visible Elements Only". It controls the set of weather elements that appear in the temporal editor. Selection of "All Weather Elements" will mirror the weather elements that are loaded into the spatial editor. Selection of "All Weather Elements except ISC" will set the temporal editor to display all weather elements loaded into the spatial editor, except for any ISC elements. Selection of "Fcst Weather Elements" will mirror just those elements loaded into the spatial editor that are mutable, i.e., from the Fcst database. Selection of the "Active Weather Element" will set the temporal editor to have only the active weather element to be displayed in the temporal editor. Selection of the "Visible Elements Only" will set the editor to only have the visible set of weather elements that are displayed in the Grid Manager.

Temporal Editor Statistics Mode

Brings up the Temporal Editor Statistics Mode Dialog, which permits the user to define the type of statistics that are presented with the range-style visualizations in the temporal editor.

Time Scale Periods...

Brings up the Time Scale Displayed Periods Dialog, which permits the user to define which of the named selection time ranges are displayed on the Time Scale. The initial setting can also be defined in the gfe configuration file entry Time Scale Periods.

Edit Area Appearance...

Brings up the Edit Area Appearance Dialog, which permits the user to define a color and a line width for the appearance of the edit area on the spatial editor. The initial setting can also be defined in the gfe configuration file entry Edit Area Color and Border Width.

Wx/Discrete Show Description

If Show Description is on, then the Weather Pick Up Value Dialog and Discrete Pick Up Value Dialog will contain additional descriptive information for each symbol. In addition to the two dialogs, the Spatial Editor Color Bar and Temporal Editor Data Pane's MB3 Popup Menu items Set Common Values To, Set Recent Values To..., and Set Session Values To... also will contain the descriptive information. The default can be controlled through the GFE configuration file.

Show Warnings

Allows the user to enable or disable the display of warning messages. If the button is selected for a particular warning message, the message is automatically displayed in the GFE.

Show Edit Action Time Range Warning

The Show Edit Action Time Range warning is displayed when the user attempts to edit data over a selected time range which extends over more than one grid. Proceeding at this point will modify more than one grid.

Show Empty Edit Area Warning

The Show Empty Edit Area warning is displayed when the user attempts to edit data without having selected an edit area. Proceeding at this point will modify data over the entire grid. The defaults are as set for ShowTimeRangeWarning and ShowEmptyEditAreaWarning in the gfe configuration file.

Break Lock...

Breaks the lock(s) created by a different user or during a previous session. The Break Locks dialog brings up the all of the lock(s) found in the mutable database and allows the user to select which lock(s) to break. Users are not required to select a time range prior to breaking locks.

Define Config and ifpIMAGE Files...

Brings up the Define Configuration Dialog, which is used to create, view, delete, and modify configuration files for the GFE and for ifpIMAGE.

Define Smart Tools...

Brings up the Edit Action Dialog , which is used to create, view and execute smart tools.

Define Procedures...

Brings up the Define Procedures dialog allowing the user to define procedures. A new procedure can be created or an existing one modified by pressing button 3 over the dialog and selecting new or modify. A template for defining procedures appears in a Python window.

Define Text Products...

Brings up the Define Text Products dialog allowing the user to define text products. A new product can be created or an existing one modified by pressing button 3 over the dialog and selecting new or modify. A template for defining the product appears in a Python window.

Define Select Time Ranges

Save Select Time Range...

Brings up the Save Selection Time Range dialog allowing the user to define and save a selection time range relative to 0000LT today or 0000Z.

Delete Select Time Range...

Brings up the Delete Selection Time Range dialog allowing the user to delete a selection time range.

Site Activation

Opens a site activation dialog. Activating a second site allows GFE to operate as the secondary site. Localization must be in place for the secondary site to operate correctly.

Weather Element

Weather Element Groups

Lists the Weather Element Groups available. Selecting a group loads it into the Grid Manager. A Weather Element Group can be saved (defined) in the Weather Element Browser, under the browser's File menu. Note that any unsaved (modified) weather elements will not be unloaded when you swich to another weather element group.

Weather Element Browser...

Brings up the Weather Element Browser dialog which allows the user to load and unload Weather Elements. Weather Element Groups can also be saved, deleted, or loaded under the browser File menu. The dialog lower box highlights all the Weather Elements to be loaded. To deselect a highlighted Weather Element, simply click on it.

Manage Hidden Weather Elements...

Brings up the Manage Hidden Weather Elements dialog which allows the user to display or unload hidden weather elements. Hidden weather elements are those that are not seen in the Grid Manager, Spatial Editor, or Temporal Editor, but yet they exist. They are created as part of the Show Intersite Coordination and Virtual Parms, as well as temporary weather elements during smart tool execution.



Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.

Copy Selected Grids From...

Brings up the Copy Selected Grids From dialog allowing the user to select the model from which the data for the selected grids is to be copied.

Copy All Grids From...

Brings up the Copy All Grids From dialog allowing the user to select the model from which the data for all loaded grids is to be copied.


These menu items will be dimmed when the Temporal Editor is displayed since most operations apply to grids selected in the Grid Manager.


Interpolates between two or more grids and adds additional grids. There are two methods of performing interpolation: By Gaps, and Based On Edited Data. The "By Gaps" feature replaces all gaps within the selected time range with multiple interpolated time blocks aligned with the split boundaries. The "Based On Edited Data" first clears all non-user edited blocks in the selected time range and then does an interpolate. The user may also select the interpolation interval and the interpolated grid's duration. The Interpolate button brings up the Interpolation Dialog. Refer to Interpolation Algorithm to details on choosing the interpolation algorithm.

Split Grids

Splits the selected grid block into two or more blocks. The block is split at the start and end boundaries of the selected time range.

Fragment Grids

Fragments the selected grid block into equal size grids. The size of the fragments is determined by the time constraint for the given grid.

Create Grids From Scratch...

The create grids from scratch entry brings up the Create From Scratch Dialog. The dialog allows for the creation of multiple grids over the selected time range. The user has control over the creation interval and duration of the grids. The value assigned to the created grids is either the default value, or the current pick-up value.

Assign Default Value

Assigns the default value to the selected grids. This function can be used to reset the value of a grid if the user wants to eliminate the modifications made to a grid and start over. The default value for a grid corresponds to the minimum value for the given weather element.

Assign PickUp Value

Assigns the current pickup value to the selected grids. All grid points within the selected grids will be set to the pickup value. The user should first ensure that the appropriate pickup value is set by using the color bar or by using the Pick Up Value dialog.

Delete Grids

Deletes the selected grids in the Grid Manager.

Select Grids By Time

Lists the available Select Time Range(s). These time ranges can be defined in the Save Select Time Ranges under the Grids main menu. Selecting one of the Time Ranges listed sets the selected time range to it.

Select All Weather Elements

Selects all loaded weather elements in the Grid Manager. The grids selected also depends on the Selected Time Range.

Deselect All

Deselects all selected grids for all selected weather elements.

Time Shift...

Brings up the Time Shift dialog allowing the user to either move or copy a selected grid. The grids can be copied/moved either forward or backward. The default is set to move.

Find Weather Element

Lists all the loaded weather elements. Selecting a weather element makes it visible in the Grid Manager or Temporal Editor. If the weather element is already visible, nothing is done.


Undo Grid Edit

Undoes the last edit performed on the editable grid. Only one Undo can be done. Doing a second Undo is equivalent to performing a Redo.

Undo Edit Area

Undoes the last Edit Area operation in the Spatial Editor.


Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.

Save Forecast...

Brings up the Save Forecast dialog allowing the user to select which weather element(s) are to be saved to the Forecast database.

Revert Forecast...

Brings up the Revert Forecast dialog allowing the user to select which weather element(s) are to be reverted. A revert returns the data to the last saved state.



Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it. A Intersite Coordination Procedure is set up to appear as a system defaults ISC_Disrepancies. For more information on these procedures see the Intersite Coordination Training Guide.

Clear Selected Highlights

Clears the highlighting for grids in the Grid Manager over the selected time range.

Clear All Highlights

Clears all the highlighting for grids in the Grid Manager.

Send Intersite Grids

Brings up the Send Intersite Grids Dialog which allows the forecaster to specify grids to send via ISC.

ISC Request/Reply

Brings up the Request Intersite Grids Dialog allowing the user to freshen the ISC database by obtaining grids directly from other sites.

ISC Send Enable

Controls the state of the ISC Transmit capability for this client. If EDEX isn't configured for sending ISC, then this menu option will not be available. If configured, then the ISC Send Enable can be turned on or turned off through this menu item. A "traffic light" will appear in the lower right of the status bar showing the current configuration.

In order for the GFE to send grid via ISC, the ISC Send Enable must be on, and the ISCxmt traffic light in the status bar appearing green. If the ISC Send Enable is off, then the GFE will not be able to send ISC grids even when EDEX is configured for sending grids on save.


Publish to Official...

Brings up the Publish To Official dialog allowing the user to choose the source, the weather element(s), and the time range to publish to the Official database. The data must be saved prior to attempting to publish it. The Official database is the one from which products will be generated. The dialog will also permit sending your grids to configured sites for intersite coordination.

Formatter Launcher...

Brings up the Formatter Launcher dialog allowing the user to choose the products to generate using the GFE Text Formatters. One or more of the listed products may be generated. The forecast must be published to the Official database prior to generating products (if the user wants the lastest modified forecast). Text formatters must be properly configured in order for entries to appear in this dialog. Refer to the Text Formatter's User's Guide for configuration information.


Brings up the Scripts dialog allowing the user to choose the script to run. The Scripts entry in the gfe configuration file define the entries that appear in the dialog. Depending upon the scripts entry, additional dialogs may appear allowing the user to specify the parameters.

Process Monitor...

Brings up the Process Monitor Dialog which shows the status of background processes. The Dialog allows the process queue to be viewed and manipulated.

GHG Monitor...

Brings up the GHG Monitor which allows the forecaster to view the list of current hazards in effect.



Toggles the Topography grid on and off. Toggling the Topography grid off unloads it.



Brings up the Load Sample Set dialog listing the sample sets available from the server. Selecting one of the sample sets loads it for display in the Spatial Editor. This dialog allows the user to add to, delete, or replace the previously loaded sample set(s).


Clears the sample set(s) currently displayed in the Spatial Editor.


Brings up the Save Sample Set dialog allowing the user to save a new sample set.


Brings up the Delete Sample Set dialog allowing the user to delete an existing sample set.

Define by Lat/Lon...

The Define by Latitude/Longitude entry brings up the Define Samples via Lat/Lon dialog allowing the user to enter sample points by location.

Show Lat/Lon

If enabled, the latitude/longitude of the sample points, or roaming sample will be shown with the data values. The format is lat/lon. The bottommost entry is the latitude/longitude and is always painted in white.

Show ISC Update Time on Data Samples

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, the number of hours since the last update for the underlying data will be displayed. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Show ISC Site ID on Data Samples

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, the originating site for the underlying data will be displayed. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Show ISC Official DB Symbol on Data Samples

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, a "P" will be appended to the sample points for the underlying data that came from an Official (published) database. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

ISC Markers

Show ISC Markers

This control turns on and off the set of defined ISC Markers. ISC Markers are only visible when displaying ISC data or when in Intersite Coordination Mode. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Show ISC Update Time on Marker

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, the number of hours since the last update for the underlying data will be displayed. Markers are similar to sample points, except that no data values are shown. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Show ISC Site ID on Marker

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, the originating site for the underlying data will be displayed. Markers are similar to sample points, except that no data values are shown. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Show ISC Official DB Symbol on Marker

If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, a "P" will be appended to the sample points for the underlying data that came from an Official (published) database. Markers are similar to sample points, except that no data values are shown. Refer to the Intersite Coordination User's Guide for more details.

Map List

Lists all the available maps. If the map button is checked on, the map is displayed. Clicking on a map that is already loaded will unload it and remove if from the Spatial Editor display.

Edit Areas

This menu lists the edit areas by Edit Area Group. To load an edit area, simply choose it from the cascading menu.



Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.



Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it. The standard procedures provided under "Hazards" are used in creating the Hazards grid. These are MakeHazard, SeparateHazards, MergeHazards, PlotTPCEvents, PlotSPCWatches, and ViewWCL.

Reset Practice

This menu only appears while in GFE Practice Mode.

Clear VTEC Practice Table

This option is only available while in GFE Practice Mode. It immediately clears, i.e., empties, all entries in the VTEC active table used for PRACTICE mode. It does not affect the operational VTEC table. The primary use for this capability is to reset the VTEC active table to a known state.

Clear Fcst Grids

This option is only available while in GFE Practice Mode. It breaks all existing locks in the Prac_Fcst database and then removes all grids. It does not affect the operational Fcst database.


Online Table Of Contents...

Brings up a Netscape page with links to online help.

Show Tool Tips

Activates tool tips when a screen item is rolled over with the mouse.

About CAVE

Brings up the About Dialog which lists general build and server information.


Where CAVE is running.

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