GFE Toolbar Reference Guide

January 18, 2012

This section describes each of the buttons in the button bar and the function that they perform.

Click on any button to get help for that button.



GFE Layout

Toggle Grid Manager/Temporal EditorExpand Time ScalingContract Time ScalingDeselect allToggle Quick ViewSave Forecast Grids

Frame Stepping

Step BackStep Forward

Edit Tools

Edit ActionsUndo Grid EditSample ToolContour Tool Pencil ToolMove/Copy Tool

Edit Areas

Select Points ToolToggle Edit AreaClear Edit AreaEdit Area QuerySet Edit ModeSave QuickSetQuickSet Slot 1 QuickSet Slot 2QuickSet Slot 3QuickSet Slot 4


This button toggles the GFE Spatial Editor between map panning on and off. You can pan the map using your mouse wheel.

Temporal Editor / Grid Manager

This button toggles the GFE between the Grid Manager and the Temporal Editor. The screen space for these editors is shared and this toggle button allows you to toggle between them.

Expand Time

Changes the time scaling for the Grid Manager and Temporal Editor so that a unit of time is larger. Think of it as a zoom-in time button.

Contract Time

Changes the time scaling for the Grid Manager and Temporal Editor so that a unit of time is smaller. Think of it as a zoom-out time button.

Deselect All

Deselects any Weather Elements and Time Ranges selected in the Grid Manager.

Grid Manager Display Mode

Allows the user to choose the Grid Manager Display Mode. The various choices are Normal, History, Saved, Published, Modified, and Sent. Depending upon the choice, the color coding and labels within each grid block of the grid manager will indicate various states. For Normal, the colors indicate whether a grid is displayed and active within the Spatial Editor. For History, the color coding indicates the model data source and whether it has been modified. Saved, Published, Modified, and Sent use color coding based on the last time the grid was saved, published, modified, or sent via ISC.

Toggle Quick View

Toggles Quick View Mode on and off. Quick View Mode allows the user to set the behavior of the Spatial Editor when the pointer is moved over the Grid Manager. If the button is selected, the data displayed in the Spatial Editor is controlled by the cursor position over the Grid Manager (i.e. the Spatial Editor displays the grid under the cursor). Otherwise, the data displayed in the Spatial Editor does not change when the cursor is moved over the Grid Manager time blocks. The default is off.

Toggle ISC Mode

Toggle ISC Mode places the GFE in the ISC (Intersite Coordination Viewing/Editing) mode. When the GFE is in this mode, the displayed data in the spatial editor is a composite of the Forecast grid and the received intersite coordination grids. The data over your CWA region is from the Forecast database and the remainder of the displayed grid is the intersite coordination grids. Toggling ISC mode affects more than the display. Sample display, color table fit to data operations, move/copy, smooth, and pencil operations are all affected. When in ISC mode, these tools work on the composite Fcst and ISC grids. Refer to the ISC Training Guide for more details.

Save Grids to Forecast

When selected this button causes the Save Forecast dialog to appear which allows you to save your forecast grids to the database.

Step Back Frame

Causes the Spatial Editor to display the previous visible grid in the inventory. If no earlier grid exists, then the last visible grid is displayed.

Step Forward Frame

Causes the Spatial Editor to display the next visible grid in the inventory. If no later grid exists, then the first visible grid is displayed.

Edit Actions

Displays the Edit Actions dialog where Smart Tool are found.

Undo Grid Edit

Reverses the last grid edit action no matter where the operation was executed.

Sample Tool

Makes the Sample Tool the active tool in the Spatial Editor. The Sample Tool allows you to display a text representation of the gridded value under the cursor.
Action Function
MB1 click Add sample
MB2 click Remove sample
MB1 drag Display moving sample


Contour Tool

Makes the Contour Tool the active tool in the Spatial Editor. The Contour Tool allows you to modify gridded values by adding, deleting and adjusting contours.
Action Function
MB1 drag Draw a new contour
MB2 drag Modify the position of the selected contour
MB1 click Add a new contour
MB2 click Delete an existing contour

Pencil Tool

Makes the Pencil Tool the active tool in the Spatial Editor. The Pencil Tool allows you to modify gridded values by adjusting the position of virtual contours.
Action Function
MB1 drag Modify the position of the selected contour

Move/Copy Tool

Makes the Move/Copy Tool the active tool in the Spatial Editor. The Move/Copy Tool allows you to move a defined area of data to a new location.
Action Function
MB1 drag Copy selected points to new location
MB2 drag Move selected points to new location


Select Points Tool

Makes the Select Points tool the active tool in the Spatial Editor. The Select Points Tool allows you to select areas or grid points to which you apply Edit Actions.
Action Function
MB1 drag Select edit area
MB2 drag Deselect edit area

Toggle Edit Area

Invert the set of selected areas such that any area that was selected will be deselected and any area that was not selected will be selected.

Clear Edit Area

Clears the edit area such that no areas are selected.

Edit Area Query

Displays the Edit Area Query dialog from which you may launch a query that selects areas based on gridded values.

Edit Area Mode

Changes the Edit Area Mode. Replace mode (=) replaces the old edit area with any new one. Union (|) adds the new edit area to the old one. Intersect (&) calculates the intersection of the old and new areas. Subtract (-) removes the new edit area from the old one.

QuickSet Save

Pressing this button followed by one of the numbered button to its right, saves the current edit area under that slot.

QuickSet Slot 1

Pressing this button by itself causes the edit area stored under this slot to be combined with the current edit area, according to the current Edit Area Mode. Pressing this button immediately after pressing the Q button causes the current edit area to be stored under this slot.

QuickSet Slot 2

Pressing this button by itself causes the edit area stored under this slot to be combined with the current edit area, according to the current Edit Area Mode. Pressing this button immediately after pressing the Q button causes the current edit area to be stored under this slot.

QuickSet Slot 3

Pressing this button by itself causes the edit area stored under this slot to be combined with the current edit area, according to the current Edit Area Mode. Pressing this button immediately after pressing the Q button causes the current edit area to be stored under this slot.

QuickSet Slot 4

Pressing this button by itself causes the edit area stored under this slot to be combined with the current edit area, according to the current Edit Area Mode. Pressing this button immediately after pressing the Q button causes the current edit area to be stored under this slot.

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