- removed all images that don't apply for v20 - removed several extra files that aren't necessary (in the docs/pdf/ and docs/python/ directories) - renamed some images that were preserved that had random character names, to something descriptive
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- ACARS - Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
- AEV - AFOS-Era Verification
- AFOS - Automation of Field Operations and Services
- AGL - above ground level
- AI - AWIPS Identifier
- AMSU - Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit
- ARD - AWIPS Remote Display
- ASL - Above Sea Level
- ASOS - Automated Surface Observing System
- ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar
- ATMS - Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder
- AvnFPS - Aviation Forecast Preparation System
- AVP - AWIPS Verification Program
- AWC - Aviation Weather Center
- AWIPS - Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
- BGAN - Broadboand Global Area Network
- BUFR - Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data
- CAPE - Convective Available Potential Energy
- CAVE - Common AWIPS Visualization Environment
- CC - Correlation Coefficient
- CCF - Coded Cities Forecast
- CCFP - Collaborative Convective Forecast Product
- CCL - Convective Condensation Level
- CDP - Cell Display Parameters
- CFC - Clutter Filter Control
- CGI - Common Gateway Interface
- CIN - Convective Inhibition
- CITR - Commerce Information Technology Requirement
- CONUS - Conterminous/Contiguous/Continental United States
- COOP - Continuity Of Operations Planning
- COTS - commercial off-the-shelf
- CrIMSS - Cross-track Infrared and Microwave Sounder Suite
- CrIS - Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- CWA - County Warning Area
- CWSU - Center Weather Service Unit
- CZ - Composite Reflectivity
- D2D - Display 2 Dimensions
- DFM - Digital Forecast Matrix
- DMD - Digital Mesocyclone Display
- DMS - Data Monitoring System
- DOC - Department of Commerce
- DPA - Digital Precipitation Array
- ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts
- EDEX - Environmental Data EXchange
- EMC - Environmental Modeling Center
- EL - Equilibrium Level
- ESA - Electronic Systems Analyst
- ESRL - Earth System Research Laboratory
- FFG - Flash Flood Guidance
- FFFG - Forced Flash Flood Guidance
- FFMP - Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction
- FFMPA - Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction: Advanced
- FFTI - Flash Flood Threat Index
- FFW - Flash Flood Warning
- FSL - Forecast Systems Laboratory
- GFE - Graphical Forecast Editor
- GFS - Global Forecasting Systems
- GHG - Graphical Hazards Generator
- GIS - Geographic Information Systems
- GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
- GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
- GSD - Global System Division
- HC - Hydrometeor Classification
- HI - Hail Index
- HM - Hydromet
- HPC - Hydrologic Precipitation Center
- HWR - Hourly Weather Roundup
- ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
- IFP - Interactive Forecast Program
- IFPS - Interactive Forecast Preparation System
- IHFS - Integrated Hydrologic Forecast System
- IMET - Incident Meteorologist
- IR - infrared
- ISS - Incident Support Specialist IST - Interactive Skew-T
- JMS - Java Messaging System
- KDP - Specific Differential Phase
- KML - Keyhole Markup Language
- KMZ - KML zipped (compressed).
- LAC - Listening Area Code
- LAMP - Localized Aviation MOS Program
- LAN - Local Area Network
- LAPS - Local Analysis and Prediction System
- LARC - Local Automatic Remote Collector
- LCL - Lifting Condensation Level
- LDAD - Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination
- LFC - Level of Free Convection
- LSR - Local Storm Report
- MAPS - Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System
- mb - millibar; pressure
- MDCRS - Meteorological Data Collection and Receiving System
- MDL - Meteorological Development Laboratory
- MDP - Mesocyclone Display Parameters
- MDPI - Microburst-Day Potential Index
- MEF - Manually Entered Forecast
- METAR - Meteorological Aviation Report
- MHS - message handling system
- ML - Melting Layer
- MND - Mass News Dissemination
- MOS - Model Output Statistics
- MPC - Marine Prediction Center
- MPE - Multisensor Precipitation Estimator
- MRD - Message Reference Descriptor
- MRU - Meso Rapid Update
- MSAS - MAPS Surface Assimilation System
- MSL - Mean Sea Level
- NAM - North American Mesoscale model
- NCEP - National Centers for Environmental Prediction
- NCF - Network Control Facility
- NDFD - National Digital Forecast Database
- NE-PAC - Northeastern Pacific
- NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
- NH - Northern Hemisphere
- nMi - nautical miles
- NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NPN - NOAA Profiler Network
- NPP - Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership
- NUCAPS - NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing Systems
- NWP - Numerical Weather Prediction
- NWR - NOAA Weather Radio
- NWS - National Weather Service
- NWRWAVES - NOAA Weather Radio With All-Hazards VTEC Enhanced Software
- NWSRFS - National Weather Service River Forecast System
- NWWS - NOAA Weather Wire Service
- OCP - Ocean Prediction Center
- OH - Office of Hydrology
- OPC - Ocean Prediction Center
- ORPG - Open Radar Products Generator
- OSD - One Hour Snow Depth
- OSW - One Hour Snow Water
- OTR - One Time Request
- PID - Product Identification
- PIL - Product Inventory List
- PIREP - Pilot Weather Report
- POES - Polar Operational Environmental Satellite
- POSH - Probability of Severe Hail
- POH - Probability of Hail
- POP - Probability of Precipitation
- PQPF - Probabilistic QPF
- PRF - Pulse Repetition Frequency
- QC - quality control
- QCMS - Quality Control and Monitoring System
- QPE - Quantitative Precipitation Estimator
- QPF - Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
- QPS - Quantitative Precipitation Summary
- RAOB - Radiosonde Observation
- RAP - Rapid Refresh (Replaced RUC)
- RCM - Radar Coded Message
- RER - Record Report
- RFC - River Forecast Center
- RGB - Red, Green, Blue
- RHI - Range Height Indicator
- RMR - Radar Multiple Request
- ROSA - Remote Observing System Automation
- RPG - Radar Product Generator
- RPS - routine product set
- RTD - Requirements Traceability Document; Routine, Delayed
- RTMA - Real Time Mesoscale Analysts
- RUC - Rapid Update Cycle (Replaced by RAP)
- SAFESEAS - System on AWIPS for Forecasting and Evaluation of Seas and Lakes
- SBN - Satellite Broadcast Network
- SCAN - System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting
- SCD - Supplementary Climatological Data
- SCID - Storm Cell Identification Display
- SCP - Satellite Cloud Product
- SCTI - SCAN CWA Threat Index
- SDC - State Distribution Circuit
- SNOW - System for Nowcasting Of Winter Weather
- SOO - Science and Operations Officer
- SPC - Storm Prediction Center
- SPE - Satellite Precipitation Estimate
- SREF - Short Range Ensemble Forecast
- SRG - Supplemental Product Generator
- SRM - Storm Relative Motion
- SSD - Storm-Total Snow Depth
- SSM/I - Special Sensor Microwave/Imager
- SSW - Storm-Total Snow Water
- STI - Storm Track Information
- Suomi NPP - Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership
- SW - Spectrum Width
- SWEAT Index - Severe Weather Threat Index
- SWP - Severe Weather Probability
- TAF - Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (international code)
- TAFB - Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch
- TCM - Marine/Tropical Cyclone Advisory
- TCP - Public Tropical Cyclone Advisory
- TDWR - Terminal Doppler Weather Radio
- TE-PAC - Tropical Pacific
- TMI - Text Message Intercept
- TRU - TVS Rapid Update
- TT - Total Totals
- TVS - Tornado Vortex Signature
- TWB - Transcribed Weather Broadcasts
- UGC - Universal Geographic Code
- ULR - User Selectable Layer Reflectivity
- URL - Universal Resource Locator
- USD - User Selectable Snow Depth
- USW - User Selectable Snow Water
- UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
- VAD - Velocity Azimuth Display
- VCP - volume coverage pattern
- VIIR - Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite
- VIL - Vertically Integrated Liquid
- VTEC - Valid Time and Event Code
- VWP - VAD Wind Profile
- W-ATL - Western Atlantic
- WFO - Weather Forecast Office
- WINDEX - Wind Index
- WMO - World Meteorological Organization
- WSFO - Weather Service Forecast Office
- WSO - Weather Service Office
- WSOM - Weather Service Operations Manual
- WSR-88D - Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler
- WWA - Watch Warning Advisory
- WV - water vapor
- Z - Reflectivity
- ZDR - Differential Reflectivity