12 KiB
PDA: ESPDS Product Distribution & Access ESPDS: NOAA/NESDIS Environmental Satellite Processing and Distribution System DPA: Data Provider Agent
- need to run keygenutil once and then copy keystore files to edex src directories for deployment
- "securityConfiguration" is so ingrained into data delivery that you cannot harvest from open servers (GRADS, THREDDS) without having a security config (which is only used to connect to ESPDS PDA server).
- need to specify opendap/grads server in existing file, and add TDS file for the same with a catalog DOD URL:
<mode name="centralRegistry">
<!-- Central Registry production mode -->
<!--<exclude>.*edex-security.*</exclude> -->
Spring-enabled Plugins:
bandwidth-datadelivery, bandwidth-datadelivery-daos, bandwidth-datadelivery-edex-impl, bandwidth-datadelivery-edex-impl-wfo, bandwidth-datadelivery-eventbus, bandwidth-datadelivery-schedule-route, bandwidth-datadelivery-wfo, bandwidth-datadelivery-wfo-router, bandwidth-graph-datadelivery, crawler-datadelivery, dataaccess-common, database-common, datadelivery-common, datadelivery-cron, datadelivery-handlers, datadelivery-handlers-impl, datadelivery-router, datadelivery-service, datadelivery-service-handlers, datadelivery-subscription-verification, datadelivery-wfo-cron, datadelivery-wfo-retrieval-process, ebxml, ebxml-constants, ebxml-eventbus, ebxml-federation-monitors, ebxml-garbagecollector-edex-impl, ebxml-impl, ebxml-jaxb, ebxml-querytypes, ebxml-registry-common, ebxml-registry-dao, ebxml-registry-init, ebxml-request-router, ebxml-subscription, ebxml-thrift-client, ebxml-validator-plugins, ebxml-webserver, ebxml-webservices, ebxml-xacml, edex-security, event-common, event-datadelivery, event-datadelivery-common, event-datadelivery-ingest, eventbus-common, fssobs-common, geo-common, goessounding-common, grid-common, grid-metadata, gridcoverage-common, harvester-datadelivery, harvester-datadelivery-registry, jaxb-datadelivery-registry, level-common, levelhandler-common, nwsauth-request, obs-common, parameter-common, persist-ingest, pointdata-common, purge-logs, registry-federation-datadelivery, request-service, request-service-common, retrieval-datadelivery, retrieval-datadelivery-daos, retrieval-datadelivery-ncf, retrieval-datadelivery-wfo, satellite-common, satellite-dataplugin-common, sfcobs-common, stats-common, system-status-datadelivery, thrift-bandwidth, time-common, topo-dataaccess-common, utility-common, utility-request
acars-common, acars-common-dataaccess, acarssounding-common, activetable-common, activetable-request, airep-common, airep-common-dataaccess, airmet-common, alertviz-request, archiveadmim-request, atcf-common, auth-request, awipstools-request, aww-common, binlightning-common, binlightning-common-dataaccess, bufrascat-common, bufrhdw-common, bufrmos-common, bufrmos-common-dataaccess, bufrmthdw-common, bufrncwf-common, bufrsigwx-common, bufrssmi-common, bufrua-common, bufrua-common-dataaccess, bufrua-request, ccfp-common, climate-common-dataaccess, climate-hmdb-common, convectprob-common, convsigmet-common, cwa-common, cwat-common, dat-request, dataaccess-common, dataaccess-request, database-common, database-request, datadelivery-common, dd-request-router, dissemination-request, dmw-common, ebxml-registry-common, ebxml-request-router, edex-message-common, edex-request, event-common, event-datadelivery-common, eventbus-common, ffg-common, ffmp-common, ffmp-dataplugin-common, fog-common, fssobs-common, gempak-common, gempak-request, geo-common, geomag-common, geomag-request, gfe-common, gfe-dataplugin-common, gfe-request, ghcd-common, ghcd-request, goessounding-common, gpd-common, gpd-request, grid-common, grid-dataplugin-common, grid-request, gridcoverage-common, hpe-request, hydro-common, idft-common, intlsigmet-common, level-common, levelhandler-common, localization-http-request, lsr-common, manualIngest-common, manualIngest-request, maps-dataplugin-common, mcidas-common, menus-request, message-common, modelsounding-common, modelsounding-common-dataaccess, modis-common, mosaic-common, mping-common, ncep-common, ncgrib-request, ncpafm-common, ncscat-common, nctext-common, ncuair-common, nonconvsigmet-common, ntrans-common, nucaps-common, obs-common, obs-common-dataaccess, obs-message-common, obstation-dataplugin-common, ohd-common, ohd-common-database, ohd-request, parameter-common, persist-request, pgen-common, pgen-request, pirep-common, pirep-common-dataaccess, poessounding-common, pointdata-common, pointdata-request, pointset-common, preciprate-common, profiler-common, profiler-common-dataaccess, qc-common, qpf-common, radar-common, radar-dataplugin-common, radar-request, redbook-common, remotescript-request, request-service, request-service-common, rpgenvdata-request, satellite-common, satellite-dataplugin-common, satellite-request, scan-common, sfcobs-common, sfcobs-common-dataaccess, sgwh-common, sgwhv-common, shef-common, site-common, site-request, solarimage-common, soundingrequest-request, ssha-common, stats-common, stats-request, stormtrack-common, stq-common, svrwx-common, taf-common, tcg-common, tcm-common, tcs-common, text-common, text-dbsrv-common, text-dbsrv-request, text-request, text-subscription-common, text-subscription-request, time-common, topo-dataaccess-common, uengine-request, units-common, useradmin-common, useradmin-request, utility-common, utility-request, vaa-common, viirs-common, vil-common, warning-common, warning-common-dataaccess, warning-request, wcp-common
diff request.sh centralRegistry.sh 21,25d20 < export INIT_MEM=128 # in Meg < export MAX_MEM=2048 # in Meg < export SERIALIZE_POOL_MAX_SIZE=48 < export SERIALIZE_STREAM_INIT_SIZE_MB=2 < export SERIALIZE_STREAM_MAX_SIZE_MB=8 26a22,27
export MAX_MEM=3072 export MAX_PERM_SIZE=192m export EDEX_DEBUG_PORT=5011 export EDEX_JMX_PORT=1622 export LOG_CONF=logback-registry.xml export MGMT_PORT=9607 28,32c29,32 < export EDEX_DEBUG_PORT=5005 < export EDEX_JMX_PORT=1616 < export LOG_CONF=logback-request.xml < export MGMT_PORT=9601 < export HTTP_PORT=9581
- can not run centralRegistry and request JVM, Address already in use java.net.BindException: Address already in use ( 9581 ?)
[edex status] EDEXregistry :: running :: pid 13445 17181
[awips@senne awips2-data-delivery]$ netstat -l -p|grep 13445 tcp 0 0 *:telelpathattack : LISTEN 13445/java tcp 0 0 *:us-cli : LISTEN 13445/java tcp 0 0 *:9581 : LISTEN 13445/java
awips 13410 0.0 0.0 106100 1212 pts/8 S+ 10:18 0:00 /bin/bash ./dev centralRegistry awips 13411 0.0 0.0 106104 1312 pts/8 S+ 10:18 0:00 /bin/bash /awips2/edex/bin/start.sh -b centralRegistry awips 13445 7.3 2.5 8121576 821904 ? SNsl 10:18 1:59 /awips2/java/bin/java -Dedex.run.mode=centralRegistry -Daw.site.identifier=OAX -Dedex.home=/awips2/edex -XX:
awips 19546 0.0 0.0 106100 1212 pts/8 S+ 10:58 0:00 /bin/bash ./dev centralRegistry awips 19547 0.0 0.0 106104 1312 pts/8 S+ 10:58 0:00 /bin/bash /awips2/edex/bin/start.sh -b centralRegistry
[awips@senne awips2-data-delivery]$ netstat -l -p|grep 19580
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0 *:telelpathattack : LISTEN 19580/java
tcp 0 0 *:us-cli : LISTEN 19580/java
tcp 0 0 *:9581 : LISTEN 19580/java
NCF registry (havester/crawler)
the Harvester only runs at the Central Registry. As a result, the WFO's no longer need to be concerned with the configuration of the Harvester. The NCF (Central Registry) handles the maintenance of the Crawler.
/etc/init.d/edex_camel start centralRegistry
Site (subscribe)
/etc/init.d/edex_camel start registry
Data Delivery has been implemented into the AWIPS(II) baseline to provide access to data that is not resident locally at a Weather Forecast Office, River Forecast Center, or National Center. Data Delivery gives users the ability to create queries (One Time Requests) and subscriptions to data sets (provided by the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) data provider).
Start and Stop
There are two different scripts to start the registry, and the script that gets executed depends on whether or not you are at the NCF (Central Registry), which runs the Crawler/Harvester, or an intermediary or node registry.
Start the registry for site:
/etc/init.d/edex_camel start registry
Start the registry for the NCF along with the Crawler/Harvester:
/etc/init.d/edex_camel start centralRegistry
Registry Configuration
In operational use by the NWS, the Data Delivery federation Harvester is only run at the Central Registry. As a result, WFO's no longer need to configure the Harvester, and the NCF (Central Registry) handles the maintenance of the Crawler.
Data Delivery employs HTTPS secure transfers for registry-to-registry and some provider-to-registry communications. This means that Certificates for each registry node that directly connects to another registry node must be loaded into the trust store of each connecting node. This can be accomplished using a new utility located in the /awips2/edex/conf/security
directory. The tool is called the keystoreUtil.sh
Another configuration file of note new (starting 14.4.1) is the “security.properties”. It is also located in the “/awips2/edex/conf/resources” directory but under the further directories of “/site/${SITE}” Where, ${SITE} is your local WFO/ClusterID. It is written by the “keystoreUtil.sh” and is read by the running system to gather each federation nodes SSL credentials for communicating with other nodes. Manual editing of this file should be unnecessary. Example...
#The following configuration items are used with the wss4j in/out interceptors org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.file=security/keystore.jks org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.password= org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.type=JKS org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.alias=OAX
Registry Federation Configuration
The following files must be present for a NCF registry to participate in the federation and receive replicated objects:
federationConfig.xml Located at: /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/ebxml/federation/federationConfig.xml
A sample of this file is provided:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<siteDescription>AWIPS Network Control Facility</siteDescription>
<siteAddressStreet>East West Highway</siteAddressStreet>
<siteAddressCity>Silver Spring</siteAddressCity>