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## Python for AWIPS
Component |Version|Description
Python |2.7.13| Dynamic programming language
python-awips | 18.1.1 | Python AWIPS Data Access Framework
Cycler|0.10.0|Python library for composable style cycles
Cython|0.28.3|Superset of the Python programming language, designed to give C-like performance with code that is mostly written in Python
dateutil|2.7.3|Python extension to the standard datetime module
NumPy |1.9.3 |Numerical Python Scientific package for Python
matplotlib |1.5.3| Python 2D Plotting Library
Jep |3.7.1<br>3.8.2| Java Python interface
h5py |1.3.0| HDF5 for Python
PyDev |5.4.0 | Python Development Environment
PyParsing|2.2.0|Python class library for the easy construction of recursive-descent parsers
Python QPID | 1.36.0 | Python API for Qpid Messaging
PyTables |3.4.2| Python package for managing hierarchical datasets
pytz|2015.4|World Timezone Definitions for Python
Setuptools|28.6.0|Tools to download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
ScientificPython |2.8.1| Python library for common tasks in scientific computing
Shapely|1.6.4| Python package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects.
Six|1.11.0|Python 2 and 3 Compatibility Library
stomp.py | 4.1.20 | Python client library for accessing messaging servers
werkzeug | 0.14.1| Python WSGI utility library
YAJSW | 12.09 | Yet Another Java Service Wrapper
## Apache for AWIPS
Component |Version|Description
ActiveMQ |5.14.2 |JMS
ActiveMQ Geronimo | 1.1.1 |
Apache Batik |1.9 |Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.
Apache Camel |2.18.3 |Enterprise Service Bus
Apache Derby |10.12.1 |
Apache HTTP |4.3.6 | Client and Core
Apache HTTP Server | 2.4.27 |
Apr | 1.6.2 | Apache Portable Runtime Project
Apr-Util | 1.6.0 | Apache Portable Runtime Project
commons-beanutils |1.9.3| Apache Common Libraries
commons-codec |1.10| Apache Common Libraries
commons-collections |3.2.2| Apache Common Libraries
commons-configuration |1.10| Apache Common Libraries
commons-compress |1.10| Apache Common Libraries
commons-cli |1.2| Apache Common Libraries
commons-digester |1.8.1| Apache Common Libraries
commons-io |2.4| Apache Common Libraries
commons-cxf |3.1.14| Apache Common Libraries
commons-lang |2.6| Apache Common Libraries
commons-lang3 |3.4| Apache Common Libraries
commons-management |1.0| Apache Common Libraries
commons-net |3.3| Apache Common Libraries
commons-pool |1.6| Apache Common Libraries
commons-pool2 |2.4.2| Apache Common Libraries
commons-ssl | | Apache Common Libraries
commons-validator |1.2.0| Apache Common Libraries
Mime4J | 0.7 | Parser for e-mail message streams in plain rfc822 and MIME format
MINA |1.1.7 | Network application framework
Qpid |6.1.4| Open Source AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) Messaging
Shiro |1.3.2 | Java security framework
Thrift |0.10.0 | Binary Serialization Framework
Velocity|1.7| Templating Engine
WSS4J |2.1.4 | Web Services Security
Xalan | 2.7.2 |
Xerces | 2.9.1 |
XML Resolver | 1.2 |
XML Security | 2.0.6 |
XML Serializer | 2.7.1 |
XML Beans | 2.6.0 |
XML Graphics | 2.2 |
XML Schema | 2.1.0 |
## Other COTS and FOSS
Component |Version|Description
Ant |1.9.6 | Java Build Tool
Ant-Contrib |1.0b3 | Additional useful tasks and types for Ant
Antlr |2.7.6 | Parser generator
Atomikos TransactionEssentials |3.6.2 | Transaction management system
Bitstream Vera Fonts |1.10| Font library from Gnome
Bouncy Castle | jdk15on-1.54 | Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms
bzip2 |0.9.1 |Stream compression algorithm
C3p0 |0.9.1 |c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for making traditional JDBC drivers "enterprise-ready" by augmenting them with functionality defined by the jdbc3 spec and the optional extensions to jdbc2.
cglib |2.1| Byte Code Generation Library is high level API to generate and transform JAVA byte code.
distcache | 1.4.5-21 | Distributed session caching
dom4j |1.6.1| An open source library for working with XML, XPath, and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework
OpenDAP 2| 1.0.3 |
dwr (direct web remoting) Getahead |1.1.3| Java open source library
Eclipse |4.6.1| Java IDE
Eclipse Jetty | 9.2.19 | Servlet Engine and Http Server
ehcache |1.3.0 |Caching Support
FITS | | Flexible Image Transport System
GDAL | 2.2.4 |
GEOS |3.6.2| Geometry Engine, Required for PostGIS
GeoTools Java API |16.4| Java API for Manipulation of Geospatial Data
GRIBJava |8.0| Grib Java Decoder
Groovy | 2.4.10 |
Guava | 18.0 | Google core libraries for Java
Hamcrest | 1.3 | Java Hamcrest Matchers
hdf5 |1.8.4-patch1| Core HDF5 APIs
hdf5 |2.5| Core HDF5 APIs
Hibernate |4.2.15| Data Access Layer
HIbernate JPA 2.0 API | 1.0.1 | Hibernate API
Istack | 2.21 | Common Utility Code Runtime
IzPack |4.2.0| Installer creator for EDEX
Jackson Databind | 2.6.5 | General data-binding functionality for Jackson
JAI |1.1.3| Java API for Image Manipulation
JAI – Image I/O |1.1| Plug-ins for JAI
Jasper |1.900.1| JPEG-2000 codec
Jasypt | 1.9.2 | Java simplified encryption
Java | jdk-8u101 | Kit for both 32-bit and 64-bit
Javax Servlet API | 3.1.0 |
Jaxen | 1.1.4 | Open source X-Path Library
Javassist | 3.18.1 | Java Programming Assistant for bytecode manipulation
JCommander | 1.72 | Java framework for parsing command line parameters
Jdom | 1.1.3 |
Jdom2 | 2.0.6 |
jfreechart | 1.0.19 |
JNA | 4.1.0 |
Joda | 2.9.9 | Java date and time API
jogamp |2.3.2| Provides hardware-supported 3D graphics
JSR-275 |1.0 beta | Measures and Units
JUnit | 4.12 |
JTS Topology Suite |1.10| Java API for 2D spatial data
lapack |3.4.2| Linear Algebra Package for python
ldm |6.13.6| Local Data Manager
Log4J |1.2.16| Logging Component used by Commons Logging
Logback | 1.2.0 |
libgfortran |4.1.2| Fortran Library
Mchange Commons Java | |
Mchange c3p0 | | JDBC3 Connection and Statement Pooling
Mockito | 1.9.0 | Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
mod_wsgi | 3.5 | Apache HTTP Server module that provides a WSGI compliant interface for hosting Python based web applications.
Mozilla Rhino |1.6R7| Implementation of JavaScript embedded in Java
NCAR NC2 Libraries | 4.6.10 | ucar.nc2 containing bufr, cdm, grib, httpservices, and udunits
NCEP Grib2 Libraries|| Libraries for decoding & encoding data in GRIB2 format
cnvgrib |1.1.8 and 11.9| Fortran GRIB1 <--> GRIB2 conversion utility
g2clib |1.1.8| "C" grib2 encoder/decoder
g2lib |1.1.8 and 1.1.9| Fortran grib2 encoder/decoder and search/indexing routines
w3lib |1.6 and 1.7.1| Fortran grib1 encoder/decoder and utilities
ObjectWeb ASM |2.2| ASM is an all-purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. It can be used to modify existing classes or dynamically generate classes, directly in binary form
ObjectWeb ASM
OGC Tools GML JTS Converter | 1.0.2 |
Opengis | 1.0.2 |
OpenSAML | 3.1.1 | Portable implementation of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
org.w3.xml.ext | 1.3.04 | Apache-hosted set of DOM, SAX, and JAXP interfaces
OWASP Enterprise Security API | 2.0.1 | Open source web application security control library for programmers to write low-risk applications
PNGJ | 2.1.1 | Java library for PNG image IO
PostGIS |2.4.4| Geographic Object Support for PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL |9.5.13| Database
Proj |5.1.0| Cartographic Projections library
Protocol Buffers | 3.3.1 | Core Protocol Buffers library
Python megawidgets |1.3.2| Toolkit for building high-level compound widgets in Python using the Tkinter module
Quartz | 1.8.6 | Enterprise Job Scheduler
Reflections | 0.9.9 | Java runtime metadata analysis
slf4j |1.7.21| The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
smack |4.1.9| Open Source XMPP (Jabber) client library
Spring Framework OSGI |1.2.0| dynamic modules
Spring Framework |4.2.9 |Layered Java/J2EE application platform
Subclipse |1.4.8| Eclipse plugin for Subversion support
SWT Add-ons |0.1.1| Add-ons for Eclipse SWT widgets
Symphony OGNL |2.7.3| Object-Graph Navigation Language; an expression language for getting/setting properties of Java objects.
SZIP | 2.1 | Compression in HDF Products.
Tomcat Native |1.1.17| Library for native memory control
UDUNITS | 4.6.10 | C library provides for arithmetic manipulation of units
utilconcurrent |1.3.2| Utility classes
Wildfire |3.1.1| Collaboration Server
xmltask |1.15.1| Facility for automatically editing XML files as part of an Ant build
Vecmath | 1.3.1 |