2018-08-27 15:05:23 -06:00

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AWIPS Plugins and Supported Data Types

aqi Air Quality Index data
bufrmos Model Output Statistics
bufrua Upper air radiosonde data
climate-hmdb Climate text products
geodata NetCDF JTS Geometry records
geomag SWPC Geomagnetic Forecast (RTKP)
gfe Graphical Forecast Editor grids
ghcd SWPC Generic High Cadence Data
gpd NCEP Generic Point Data
grid Binary gridded data grib1/grib2
idft Ice Drift Forecasts
madis NCEP Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS)
manualIngest Manual data ingest plugin
metartohmdb Adds metar records to the Verification and Climate database
modelsounding Individual grid point soundings from the GFS and NAM models
mping Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground (mPING)
ncpafm Point/Area Forecast Matrices data
nctext NCEP Text decoders
ncuair NCEP Upper Air decoder
ndm National Dataset Maintenance ingester
ntrans NCCEP Ntrans Metafiles
obs Surface observations from METARs
pgen NCEP NAWIPS PGEN decoder
redbook Redbook graphics
sfcobs Surface observations other than METAR format including buoys
solarimage SWPC Solar imagery
ssha NCEP Sea Surface Height Anomaly BUFR data
text Various Text Products
vaa Volcanic ash advisories

AWIPS Plugins for Remote Sensing/Lightning

binlightning Lightning data from the National Lightning Detection Network
bufrascat Advanced Scatterometer wind data
bufrhdw GOES High Density Winds
bufrmthdw MTSAT (Japanese Multi-Functional Transport Satellite) High Density Winds
bufrssmi Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data from DMSP (Defesne Meteorological Satellite Program) satellites
crimss NPP/NPOESS CrIMSS (Cross Track Infrared and Microwave Sounding Suite) soundings
dmw GOES-R Derived Motion Winds
glm GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper
goesr Plugins to decode and display GOES-R products
goessounding GOES Satellite Soundings
lma Lightning Mapping Array
mcidas NCEP decoder for McIDAS AREA files
modis NASA Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
ncscat NCEP ASCAT/Quikscat records
npp National Polar-Orbiting Partnership Satellites Soundings
nucaps Soundings from NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System from NPP (National Polar-Orbiting Partnership) Satellites
poessounding Polar Operational Environmental Satellite soundings
radar WSR-88D and TDWR Level 3 data
regionalsat Decoder implementation for netcdf3 files generated by the Alaska Region and GOES-R Proving Ground
satellite-gini GINI-formatted satellite imagery (GOES, POES, VIIRS, FNEXRAD)
satellite-mcidas McIDAS area files (Raytheon/D2D-developed)
viirs NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite data
sgwh NCEP BUFR Significant Wave Height data - SGWH (Jason-1), SGWHA (Altika), SGWHC (CryoSat), SGWHE (Envisat), SGWHG (GFO), SGWH2 (Jason-2), or Jason-3
textlightning Text lightning data

AWIPS Plugins for Decision Assistance (Watch/Warn/Hazards/Hydro)

atcf Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast
convectprob NOAA/CIMSS Prob Severe Model
editedregions Hazard Services Edited Regions
editedevents Hazard Services Edited Events
cwat County Warning Area Threat produced by SCAN (System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting). CWAT was formerly called SCAN Convective Threat Index (SCTI).
ffg Flash flood guidance metadata (countybased ffg from RFCs)
ffmp Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction data (raw data inputs: radar, gridded flash flood guidance from River Forecast Centers, highresolution precipitation estimates [HPE] and nowcasts [HPN], QPF from SCAN and gage data from the IHFS [Integrated Hydrologic Forecast System] database. Radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] needed for FFMP are Digital Hybrid Reflectivity [DHR, 32] and Digital Precipitation Rate [DPR, 176]. The raw GRIB files containing RFC Flash Flood Guidance are identified in the tables in Part 2 of this document as NWS_151 or FFG-XXX, where XXX is an RFC identifier such as TUA, KRF, or ALR. The WMO header for the RFC FFG begins with “ZEGZ98”. )
fog Fog Monitor. Raw data inputs: METAR, Mesonet, maritime, buoys, MAROBs, and satellite [visible, 3.9 µm, and 10.7 µm])
freezingLevel MPE Rapid Refresh Freezing Level scheduled process (MpeRUCFreezingLevel)
fssobs Observations for the Fog monitor, SNOW, and SAFESEAS (raw data inputs: METAR, Mesonet, maritime, buoys, MAROBs).
lsr Local Storm Reports
mpe Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimation
preciprate Precipitation Rate from SCAN. Raw data input: radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonic and number] needed for preciprate are Digital Hybrid Reflectivity [DHR, 32].
qpf Quantitative Precipitation Forecast from SCAN. (raw data inputs: radar and some RAP13 fields. Radar data [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] needed for SCANs QPF are 0.5 degree Base Reflectivity [Z, 19], 4 km Vertically Integrated Liquid [VIL, 57], and Storm Track [STI, 58]. The RAP13 field needed is 700 mb Wind, as defined in the SCANRunSiteConfig.xml file.)
satpre Satellite-estimated Pecipiration (hydroApps)
scan SCAN (System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting). (Inputs for the SCAN Table include radar, cloud-to-ground lightning from the NLDN, fields from RAP13, and CWAT. Specific radar products [with WSR-88D product mnemonics and numbers] are: 1 km Composite Reflectivity [CZ, 37]; 0.5 degree Base Reflectivity [Z, 19]; 4 km Vertically Integrated Liquid [VIL, 57]; Storm Track [STI, 58]; Mesocyclone Detections [MD, 141]; and Tornadic Vortex Signature [TVS, 61].
shef Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format data.
warning Watches, Warnings, and Advisories
wcp SPC Convective Watches
svrwx SPC Local Storm Report Summaries
tcg Tropical Cyclone Guidance
tcm Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory
tcs Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory
stormtrack NCEP StormTrack Plug-In (Automatic Tropical Cyclone Forecast & Ensemble cyclones)
vil Cell-based Vertically Integrated Liquid from SCAN (Input is radar)
spc Storm Prediction Center Convective Outlook KML files

AWIPS Plugins for Aviation

acars Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) observations
acarssounding Vertical profiles derived from ACARS data
airep Automated Aircraft Reports
airmet “Airmens Meteorological Information”: aviation weather advisories for potentially hazardous, but non-severe weather
asdi FAA Aircraft Situation Data for Industry
aww Airport Weather Warning
bufrncwf National Convective Weather Forecast for Aviation
bufrsigwx Aviation Significant Weather
ccfp Aviation Collaborative Convective Forecast Product
convsigmet Aviation Significant Meteorological Information for convective weather
cwa Aviation Center Weather Advisory, issued by CWSUs (Center Weather Service Units)
intlsigmet International Significant Meteorological Information for Aviation
nctaf NCEP TAF decoders
nonconvsigmet Aviation Significant Meteorological Information for non-convective weather
pirep Pilot Reports
taf Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts