-Had to update the awips-ade and awips-devel dockers
-Update rpm building to include awips2-python-awips (which includes awips, dynamicserialize, thrift packages), and remove rpm install dependencies on ufpy, dynamicserialize, and thrift
-Update LDM scripts and edexBridge to use awips instead of ufpy
-Update multiple python scripts across several repos to use awips instead of ufpy
- brought over the previous LICENSE from branch v18.2.1
- brought over the previous README from v18 and updated for references to "NSF Unidata" and other modern updates
- renamed awips_install-v20.sh to the regular name of awips_install.sh
- brought over the environment.yml file from the branch v18.2.1
- update the common problems page with the section about data not loading because of python...changed the solution instructions now that we bundle python with cave
- update the d2d-perspective page so it has a subsection on how to remove an individual resource using the resource menu
- add an image for single resource unloading
- removed several unused .md files
- removed instances of "Unidata" (replaced with "NSF Unidata" or something else)
- add note to d2d-perspectives about GFE only supported with OAX site
- d2d-perspective.md:
- Update note about perspectives to a warning and use proper admonition style
- Update warning text to remove mention of NCEP perspective and add that GFE doesn't work on mac and windows currently
- Add favicon to see if that fixes Microsoft Edge browswer tab missing icon
- On the CAVE install page, make the bug reporting form open in a new tab
- Update the copyright on the mkdocs.yml to "2023 NSF Unidata Program Center"
- Added the note for windows admin level installer
- Changed mac dmg link to look like previous page
- Updated the image
- Updated text for the edex connection
- update cave installer page to use proper "current" directory in download urls
- update edex installer page to use proper links (directory and generic name) for download urls
- update edex installer page to reference proper "20.3.2-1" version
Because macs can't use openGL shader, some gridded products don't display correctly, specifically on the M1's. It appears like the "NO DATA" gets plotted at the max color instead of min so the whole map has extra shaded areas when the dataMapping tag is used. I attempted to change quite a few of these from the dataMapping tag to the colorbarLabeling tag.
In some of these cases when changing to the colorbarLabeling tag and plotting the data, some "NO DATA" areas show up as negative numbers, but it at least looks much better
Updated MRMS StyleRules:
-Reflectivity products
-Echo Tops
-VIL Density
-Az Shear
-Rotation Tracks
-Lightning Density
-HSR Height
-Gauge Infl
-Model Freezing Height
-Brightband Top/Bottom Height
-Warm Rain Prob
MRMS Products still not working:
-Lightning Prob
-Lightning Jump
-Streamflow Unit
-Soil Moisture
-QPE Radar Only, MSP1, MSP2 - this is really weird - colormap doesn't look the same on mac/linux
MRMS Products that work correctly as is:
-Model Temp
-Model Wet Bulb