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WFO 3 Char This is the three character NWS Office/Center identifier. For CONUS locations, this is the 4 character ID dropping the first K. For non-CONUS sites, this is the identifier dropping the P.
ISSUED 12 Char This timestamp represents the start time of the event. When an event's lifecycle begins, this issued value can be updated as the NWS issues updates. The value presented represents the last known state of the event start time.
EXPIRED 12 Char Similiar to the ISSUED column above, this represents the products event end time. Again, this value is updated as the event lifecycle happens with updates made by the NWS.
INIT_ISS 12 Char This is timestamp of the NWS Text Product that started the event. This timestamp is important for products like Winter Storm Watch, which have a begin time a number of days/hours into the future, but are typically considered to be in effect at the time of the text product issuace. Yeah, this is where the headaches start. This timestamp can also be used to form a canonical URL back to the IEM to fetch the raw NWS Text for this event. It is not updated during the event's lifecycle.
INIT_EXP 12 Char Similiar to INIT_ISS above, this is the expiration of the event denoted with the first issuance of the event. It is not updated during the event's lifecycle.
PHENOM or TYPE 2 Char This is the two character NWS identifier used to denote the VTEC event type. For example, TO for Tornado and SV for Severe Thunderstorm. A lookup table of these codes exists here.
SIG 1 Char This is the one character NWS identifier used to denote the VTEC significance. The same link above for PHENOM has a lookup table for these.
GTYPE 1 Char Either P for polygon or C for county/zone/parish. The shapefiles you download could contain both so-called storm-based (polygon) events and traditional county/zone based events.
ETN Int The VTEC event identifier. A tracking number that should be unique for this event, but sometimes it is not. Yes, more headaches. Note that the uniqueness is not based on the combination of a UGC code, but the issuance center and a continuous spatial region for the event.
STATUS 3 Char The VTEC status code denoting the state the event is during its life cycle. This is purely based on any updates the event got and not some logic on the IEM's end denoting if the event is in the past or not.
NWS_UGC 6 Char For county,zone,parish warnings GTYPE=C, the Universal Geographic Code that the NWS uses. Sadly, this is not exactly FIPS.
AREA_KM2 Number The IEM computed area of this event, this area computation is done in Albers (EPSG:9311).
UPDATED 12 Char The timestamp when this event's lifecycle was last updated by the NWS.
HV_NWSLI 5 Char For events that have H-VTEC (Hydro VTEC), this is the five character NWS Location Identifier.
HV_SEV 1 Char For events that have H-VTEC (Hydro VTEC), this is the one character flood severity at issuance.
HV_CAUSE 2 Char For events that have H-VTEC (Hydro VTEC), this is the two character cause of the flood.
HV_REC 2 Char For events that have H-VTEC (Hydro VTEC), this is the code denoting if a record crest is expected at issuance.
EMERGENC Boolean Based on unofficial IEM logic, is this event an "Emergency" at any point during its life cycle.
POLY_BEG 12 Char In the case of polygons (GTYPE=P) the UTC timestamp that the polygon is initially valid for.
POLY_END 12 Char In the case of polygons (GTYPE=P) the UTC timestamp that the polygon expires at.
HAILTAG Number The IBW hail size tag (inches). This is only included with the (GTYPE=P) entries as there is a 1 to 1 association between the tags and the polygons. If you do not include SVS updates, it is just the issuance tag.
WINDTAG Number The IBW wine gust tag (MPH). See HAILTAG.
TORNTAG 16 Char The IBW tornado tag. See HAILTAG.
DAMAGTAG 16 Char The IBW damage tag. See HAILTAG.
PROD_ID 36 Char Issuance text. IEM identifier used to uniquely (99% of the time) identify NWS Text Products. The value can be passed to https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/p.php?pid=PROD_ID for a website viewer or against the IEM API service https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/api/1/nwstext/PROD_ID.