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import os
import numpy
from datetime import datetime
from awips import ThriftClient
from dynamicserialize.dstypes.gov.noaa.nws.ncep.common.dataplugin.gempak.request import GetGridDataRequest
class GridDataRetriever:
def __init__(self, server, pluginName, modelId, cycle, forecast, level1, level2, vcoord, param, nnx, nny):
self.pluginName = pluginName
self.modelId = modelId
self.cycle = cycle
self.forecast = forecast
self.level1 = level1
self.level2 = level2
self.vcoord = vcoord
self.param = param
self.nx = nnx
self.ny = nny
self.host = os.getenv("DEFAULT_HOST", server)
self.port = os.getenv("DEFAULT_PORT", "9581")
self.client = ThriftClient.ThriftClient(self.host, self.port)
def getData(self):
""" Sends ThriftClient request and writes out received files."""
req = GetGridDataRequest()
dt = datetime.strptime(self.cycle, '%y%m%d/%H%M')
ct = datetime.strftime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if self.level1 == '-1':
f1 = -999999.0
f1 = float(self.level1)
if self.level2 == '-1':
f2 = -999999.0
f2 = float(self.level2)
vcoord = self.vcoord
if vcoord == 'SGMA':
if f1 >= 0.0:
f1 = f1 / 10000
if f2 >= 0.0:
f2 = f2 / 10000
elif vcoord == 'DPTH':
if f1 >= 0.0:
f1 = f1 / 100.0
if f2 >= 0.0:
f2 = f2 / 100.0
elif vcoord == 'POTV':
if f1 >= 0.0:
f1 = f1 / 1000.0
if f2 >= 0.0:
f2 = f2 / 1000.0
resp = self.client.sendRequest(req)
# Get the dimensions of the grid
kx = int(self.nx)
ky = int(self.ny)
kxky = kx * ky
# Put the data into a NUMPY array
grid = numpy.asarray(resp.getFloatData())
# All grids need to be flipped from a GEMPAK point of view
# Reshape the array into 2D
grid = numpy.reshape(grid, (ky, kx))
# Flip the array in the up-down direction
grid = numpy.flipud(grid)
# Reshape the array back into 1D
grid = numpy.reshape(grid, kxky)
return [replacemissing(x) for x in grid]
def getgriddata(server, table, model, cycle, forecast, level1,
level2, vcoord, param, nnx, nny):
gir = GridDataRetriever(server, table, model, cycle, forecast,
level1, level2, vcoord, param, nnx, nny)
return gir.getData()
def getheader(server, table, model, cycle, forecast, level1,
level2, vcoord, param, nnx, nny):
idata = []
return idata
def replacemissing(x):
if x == -999999.0:
return -9999.0
return x
# This is the standard boilerplate that runs this script as a main
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run Test
srv = 'edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu'
tbl = 'grid'
mdl = 'GFS20'
cyc = '131227/0000'
fcs = '43200'
lv1 = '500'
lv2 = '-1'
vcd = 'PRES'
prm = 'HGHT'
nx = '720'
ny = '361'
print(getheader(srv, tbl, mdl, cyc, fcs, lv1, lv2, vcd, prm, nx, ny))
print(getgriddata(srv, tbl, mdl, cyc, fcs, lv1, lv2, vcd, prm, nx, ny))