import os import sys from datetime import datetime from operator import itemgetter from awips import ThriftClient from import GetGridInfoRequest class GridInfoRetriever: def __init__(self, server, pluginName, modelId, cycle=None, forecast=None): self.pluginName = pluginName self.modelId = modelId self.cycle = cycle self.forecast = forecast = os.getenv("DEFAULT_HOST", server) self.port = os.getenv("DEFAULT_PORT", "9581") self.client = ThriftClient.ThriftClient(, self.port) def getInfo(self): """ Sends ThriftClient request and writes out received files.""" req = GetGridInfoRequest() req.setPluginName(self.pluginName) req.setModelId(self.modelId) req.setReftime(self.cycle) if len(self.cycle) > 2: dt = datetime.strptime(self.cycle, '%y%m%d/%H%M') ct = datetime.strftime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') req.setReftime(ct) req.setFcstsec(self.forecast) resp = self.client.sendRequest(req) # Take care of bytestring encodings in python3 for i, rec in enumerate(resp): resp[i] = { key.decode() if isinstance(key, bytes) else key: val.decode() if isinstance(val, bytes) else val for key, val in rec.items() } sortresp = sorted(sorted(resp, key=itemgetter("reftime"), reverse=True), key=itemgetter("fcstsec")) grids = [] count = 0 for record in sortresp: s = '{:<12}'.format(record['param']) if sys.byteorder == 'little': parm1 = (ord(s[3]) << 24) + (ord(s[2]) << 16) + (ord(s[1]) << 8) + ord(s[0]) parm2 = (ord(s[7]) << 24) + (ord(s[6]) << 16) + (ord(s[5]) << 8) + ord(s[4]) parm3 = (ord(s[11]) << 24) + (ord(s[10]) << 16) + (ord(s[9]) << 8) + ord(s[8]) else: parm1 = (ord(s[0]) << 24) + (ord(s[1]) << 16) + (ord(s[2]) << 8) + ord(s[3]) parm2 = (ord(s[4]) << 24) + (ord(s[5]) << 16) + (ord(s[6]) << 8) + ord(s[7]) parm3 = (ord(s[8]) << 24) + (ord(s[9]) << 16) + (ord(s[10]) << 8) + ord(s[11]) dt = datetime.strptime(record['reftime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') dattim = dt.month * 100000000 + * 1000000 + (dt.year%100) * 10000 + dt.hour * 100 + dt.minute fcsth = (int(record['fcstsec']) / 60) / 60 fcstm = (int(record['fcstsec']) / 60) % 60 fcst = 100000 + fcsth * 100 + fcstm lv1 = float(record['level1']) if lv1 == -999999.0: lv1 = -1.0 lv2 = float(record['level2']) if lv2 == -999999.0: lv2 = -1.0 vcd = record['vcoord'] if vcd == 'NONE': ivcd = 0 elif vcd == 'PRES': ivcd = 1 elif vcd == 'THTA': ivcd = 2 elif vcd == 'HGHT': ivcd = 3 elif vcd == 'SGMA': ivcd = 4 if lv1 >= 0.0: lv1 = lv1 * 10000.0 if lv2 >= 0.0: lv2 = lv2 * 10000.0 elif vcd == 'DPTH': ivcd = 5 if lv1 >= 0.0: lv1 = lv1 * 100.0 if lv2 >= 0.0: lv2 = lv2 * 100.0 elif vcd == 'HYBL': ivcd = 6 else: v = '{:<4}'.format(vcd) if sys.byteorder == 'little': ivcd = (ord(v[3]) << 24) + (ord(v[2]) << 16) + (ord(v[1]) << 8) + ord(v[0]) else: ivcd = (ord(v[0]) << 24) + (ord(v[1]) << 16) + (ord(v[2]) << 8) + ord(v[3]) if vcd == 'POTV': if lv1 >= 0.0: lv1 = lv1 * 1000.0 if lv2 >= 0.0: lv2 = lv2 * 1000.0 grids.append(9999) grids.append(dattim) grids.append(fcst) grids.append(0) grids.append(0) grids.append(int(lv1)) grids.append(int(lv2)) grids.append(ivcd) grids.append(parm1) grids.append(parm2) grids.append(parm3) count += 1 if count > 29998: break return grids def getinfo(server, table, model, cycle, forecast): gir = GridInfoRetriever(server, table, model, cycle, forecast) return gir.getInfo() def getrow(server, table, model, cycle, forecast): idata = [] idata.append(9999) idata.append(1) return idata # This is the standard boilerplate that runs this script as a main if __name__ == '__main__': # Run Test srv = '' tbl = 'grid' mdl = 'NAM40' print(getrow(srv, tbl, mdl)) print(getinfo(srv, tbl, mdl))