# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from .TProtocol import TType, TProtocolBase, TProtocolException, checkIntegerLimits from struct import pack, unpack from ..compat import binary_to_str, str_to_binary __all__ = ['TCompactProtocol', 'TCompactProtocolFactory'] CLEAR = 0 FIELD_WRITE = 1 VALUE_WRITE = 2 CONTAINER_WRITE = 3 BOOL_WRITE = 4 FIELD_READ = 5 CONTAINER_READ = 6 VALUE_READ = 7 BOOL_READ = 8 def make_helper(v_from, container): def helper(func): def nested(self, *args, **kwargs): assert self.state in (v_from, container), (self.state, v_from, container) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return nested return helper writer = make_helper(VALUE_WRITE, CONTAINER_WRITE) reader = make_helper(VALUE_READ, CONTAINER_READ) def makeZigZag(n, bits): checkIntegerLimits(n, bits) return (n << 1) ^ (n >> (bits - 1)) def fromZigZag(n): return (n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1) def writeVarint(trans, n): out = bytearray() while True: if n & ~0x7f == 0: out.append(n) break else: out.append((n & 0xff) | 0x80) n = n >> 7 trans.write(bytes(out)) def readVarint(trans): result = 0 shift = 0 while True: x = trans.readAll(1) byte = ord(x) result |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift if byte >> 7 == 0: return result shift += 7 class CompactType(object): STOP = 0x00 TRUE = 0x01 FALSE = 0x02 BYTE = 0x03 I16 = 0x04 I32 = 0x05 I64 = 0x06 DOUBLE = 0x07 BINARY = 0x08 LIST = 0x09 SET = 0x0A MAP = 0x0B STRUCT = 0x0C CTYPES = { TType.STOP: CompactType.STOP, TType.BOOL: CompactType.TRUE, # used for collection TType.BYTE: CompactType.BYTE, TType.I16: CompactType.I16, TType.I32: CompactType.I32, TType.I64: CompactType.I64, TType.DOUBLE: CompactType.DOUBLE, TType.STRING: CompactType.BINARY, TType.STRUCT: CompactType.STRUCT, TType.LIST: CompactType.LIST, TType.SET: CompactType.SET, TType.MAP: CompactType.MAP, } TTYPES = {} for k, v in CTYPES.items(): TTYPES[v] = k TTYPES[CompactType.FALSE] = TType.BOOL del k del v class TCompactProtocol(TProtocolBase): """Compact implementation of the Thrift protocol driver.""" PROTOCOL_ID = 0x82 VERSION = 1 VERSION_MASK = 0x1f TYPE_MASK = 0xe0 TYPE_BITS = 0x07 TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT = 5 def __init__(self, trans, string_length_limit=None, container_length_limit=None): TProtocolBase.__init__(self, trans) self.state = CLEAR self.__last_fid = 0 self.__bool_fid = None self.__bool_value = None self.__structs = [] self.__containers = [] self.string_length_limit = string_length_limit self.container_length_limit = container_length_limit def _check_string_length(self, length): self._check_length(self.string_length_limit, length) def _check_container_length(self, length): self._check_length(self.container_length_limit, length) def __writeVarint(self, n): writeVarint(self.trans, n) def writeMessageBegin(self, name, type, seqid): assert self.state == CLEAR self.__writeUByte(self.PROTOCOL_ID) self.__writeUByte(self.VERSION | (type << self.TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT)) self.__writeVarint(seqid) self.__writeBinary(str_to_binary(name)) self.state = VALUE_WRITE def writeMessageEnd(self): assert self.state == VALUE_WRITE self.state = CLEAR def writeStructBegin(self, name): assert self.state in (CLEAR, CONTAINER_WRITE, VALUE_WRITE), self.state self.__structs.append((self.state, self.__last_fid)) self.state = FIELD_WRITE self.__last_fid = 0 def writeStructEnd(self): assert self.state == FIELD_WRITE self.state, self.__last_fid = self.__structs.pop() def writeFieldStop(self): self.__writeByte(0) def __writeFieldHeader(self, type, fid): delta = fid - self.__last_fid if 0 < delta <= 15: self.__writeUByte(delta << 4 | type) else: self.__writeByte(type) self.__writeI16(fid) self.__last_fid = fid def writeFieldBegin(self, name, type, fid): assert self.state == FIELD_WRITE, self.state if type == TType.BOOL: self.state = BOOL_WRITE self.__bool_fid = fid else: self.state = VALUE_WRITE self.__writeFieldHeader(CTYPES[type], fid) def writeFieldEnd(self): assert self.state in (VALUE_WRITE, BOOL_WRITE), self.state self.state = FIELD_WRITE def __writeUByte(self, byte): self.trans.write(pack('!B', byte)) def __writeByte(self, byte): self.trans.write(pack('!b', byte)) def __writeI16(self, i16): self.__writeVarint(makeZigZag(i16, 16)) def __writeSize(self, i32): self.__writeVarint(i32) def writeCollectionBegin(self, etype, size): assert self.state in (VALUE_WRITE, CONTAINER_WRITE), self.state if size <= 14: self.__writeUByte(size << 4 | CTYPES[etype]) else: self.__writeUByte(0xf0 | CTYPES[etype]) self.__writeSize(size) self.__containers.append(self.state) self.state = CONTAINER_WRITE writeSetBegin = writeCollectionBegin writeListBegin = writeCollectionBegin def writeMapBegin(self, ktype, vtype, size): assert self.state in (VALUE_WRITE, CONTAINER_WRITE), self.state if size == 0: self.__writeByte(0) else: self.__writeSize(size) self.__writeUByte(CTYPES[ktype] << 4 | CTYPES[vtype]) self.__containers.append(self.state) self.state = CONTAINER_WRITE def writeCollectionEnd(self): assert self.state == CONTAINER_WRITE, self.state self.state = self.__containers.pop() writeMapEnd = writeCollectionEnd writeSetEnd = writeCollectionEnd writeListEnd = writeCollectionEnd def writeBool(self, bool): if self.state == BOOL_WRITE: if bool: ctype = CompactType.TRUE else: ctype = CompactType.FALSE self.__writeFieldHeader(ctype, self.__bool_fid) elif self.state == CONTAINER_WRITE: if bool: self.__writeByte(CompactType.TRUE) else: self.__writeByte(CompactType.FALSE) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid state in compact protocol") writeByte = writer(__writeByte) writeI16 = writer(__writeI16) @writer def writeI32(self, i32): self.__writeVarint(makeZigZag(i32, 32)) @writer def writeI64(self, i64): self.__writeVarint(makeZigZag(i64, 64)) @writer def writeDouble(self, dub): self.trans.write(pack('> 4 if delta == 0: fid = self.__readI16() else: fid = self.__last_fid + delta self.__last_fid = fid type = type & 0x0f if type == CompactType.TRUE: self.state = BOOL_READ self.__bool_value = True elif type == CompactType.FALSE: self.state = BOOL_READ self.__bool_value = False else: self.state = VALUE_READ return (None, self.__getTType(type), fid) def readFieldEnd(self): assert self.state in (VALUE_READ, BOOL_READ), self.state self.state = FIELD_READ def __readUByte(self): result, = unpack('!B', self.trans.readAll(1)) return result def __readByte(self): result, = unpack('!b', self.trans.readAll(1)) return result def __readVarint(self): return readVarint(self.trans) def __readZigZag(self): return fromZigZag(self.__readVarint()) def __readSize(self): result = self.__readVarint() if result < 0: raise TProtocolException("Length < 0") return result def readMessageBegin(self): assert self.state == CLEAR proto_id = self.__readUByte() if proto_id != self.PROTOCOL_ID: raise TProtocolException(TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, 'Bad protocol id in the message: %d' % proto_id) ver_type = self.__readUByte() type = (ver_type >> self.TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & self.TYPE_BITS version = ver_type & self.VERSION_MASK if version != self.VERSION: raise TProtocolException(TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, 'Bad version: %d (expect %d)' % (version, self.VERSION)) seqid = self.__readVarint() name = binary_to_str(self.__readBinary()) return (name, type, seqid) def readMessageEnd(self): assert self.state == CLEAR assert len(self.__structs) == 0 def readStructBegin(self): assert self.state in (CLEAR, CONTAINER_READ, VALUE_READ), self.state self.__structs.append((self.state, self.__last_fid)) self.state = FIELD_READ self.__last_fid = 0 def readStructEnd(self): assert self.state == FIELD_READ self.state, self.__last_fid = self.__structs.pop() def readCollectionBegin(self): assert self.state in (VALUE_READ, CONTAINER_READ), self.state size_type = self.__readUByte() size = size_type >> 4 type = self.__getTType(size_type) if size == 15: size = self.__readSize() self._check_container_length(size) self.__containers.append(self.state) self.state = CONTAINER_READ return type, size readSetBegin = readCollectionBegin readListBegin = readCollectionBegin def readMapBegin(self): assert self.state in (VALUE_READ, CONTAINER_READ), self.state size = self.__readSize() self._check_container_length(size) types = 0 if size > 0: types = self.__readUByte() vtype = self.__getTType(types) ktype = self.__getTType(types >> 4) self.__containers.append(self.state) self.state = CONTAINER_READ return (ktype, vtype, size) def readCollectionEnd(self): assert self.state == CONTAINER_READ, self.state self.state = self.__containers.pop() readSetEnd = readCollectionEnd readListEnd = readCollectionEnd readMapEnd = readCollectionEnd def readBool(self): if self.state == BOOL_READ: return self.__bool_value == CompactType.TRUE elif self.state == CONTAINER_READ: return self.__readByte() == CompactType.TRUE else: raise AssertionError("Invalid state in compact protocol: %d" % self.state) readByte = reader(__readByte) __readI16 = __readZigZag readI16 = reader(__readZigZag) readI32 = reader(__readZigZag) readI64 = reader(__readZigZag) @reader def readDouble(self): buff = self.trans.readAll(8) val, = unpack('