========================= Regional Surface Obs Plot ========================= `Notebook `_ Python-AWIPS Tutorial Notebook -------------- Objectives ========== - Use python-awips to connect to an edex server - Create a plot for a regional area of the United States (Florida) - Define and filter data request for METAR and Synoptic surface obs - Use the maps database to request and draw state boundaries (no use of Cartopy.Feature in this example) - Stylize and plot surface data using Metpy -------------- Table of Contents ----------------- | `1 Imports `__\ | `2 Function: get_cloud_cover() `__\ | `3 Function: make_map() `__\ | `4 Function: extract_plotting_data() `__\ | `5 Function: plot_data() `__\ | `6 Initial Setup `__\ |     `6.1 Initial EDEX Connection `__\ |     `6.2 Maps Request and Response `__\ |     `6.3 Define Geographic Filter `__\ |     `6.4 Define Time Filter `__\ |     `6.5 Define Common Parameters for Data Requests `__\ |     `6.6 Define METAR Request `__\ |     `6.7 Define Synoptic Request `__\ | `7 Get the Data! `__\ |     `7.1 Get the EDEX Responses `__\ |     `7.2 Extract Plotting Data `__\ | `8 Plot the Data `__\ |     `8.1 Draw the Region `__\ |     `8.2 Plot METAR Data `__\ |     `8.3 Plot Synoptic Data `__\ |     `8.4 Plot both METAR and Synoptic Data `__\ | `9 See Also `__\ |     `9.1 Related Notebooks `__\ |     `9.2 Additional Documentation `__\ Imports ------- The imports below are used throughout the notebook. Note the first two imports are coming directly from python-awips and allow us to connect to an EDEX server, and define a timrange used for filtering the data. The subsequent imports are for data manipulation and visualization. .. code:: ipython3 from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.time import TimeRange from datetime import datetime, timedelta, UTC import numpy as np import cartopy.crs as ccrs from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature from shapely.geometry import Polygon import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from metpy.units import units from metpy.calc import wind_components from metpy.plots import simple_layout, StationPlot, StationPlotLayout, sky_cover import warnings `Top `__ -------------- Function: get_cloud_cover() --------------------------- Returns the cloud coverage values as integer codes (0 through 8). .. code:: ipython3 def get_cloud_cover(code): if 'OVC' in code: return 8 elif 'BKN' in code: return 6 elif 'SCT' in code: return 4 elif 'FEW' in code: return 2 else: return 0 `Top `__ -------------- Function: make_map() -------------------- In order to plot more than one image, it’s easiest to define common logic in a function. Here, a new function called **make_map** is defined. This function uses the `matplotlib.pyplot package (plt) `__ to create a figure and axis. The geographic extent is set and lat/lon gridlines are added for context. .. code:: ipython3 def make_map(bbox, proj=ccrs.PlateCarree()): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12),subplot_kw=dict(projection=proj)) ax.set_extent(bbox) gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, color='#e7e7e7') gl.top_labels = gl.right_labels = False gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER return fig, ax `Top `__ -------------- Function: extract_plotting_data() --------------------------------- Grab the simple variables out of the response data we have (attaching correct units), and put them into a dictionary that we will hand the plotting function later: - Get wind components from speed and direction - Convert cloud coverage values to integer codes [0 - 8] - Assign temperature, dewpoint, and sea level pressure the the correct units - Account for missing values (by using ``nan``) .. code:: ipython3 def extract_plotting_data(arr, datatype): """ Extract all necessary data for plotting for either datatype: 'obs' or 'sfcobs' """ data = dict() data['latitude'] = np.array(arr['latitude']) data['longitude'] = np.array(arr['longitude']) tmp = np.array(arr['temperature'], dtype=float) dpt = np.array(arr['dewpoint'], dtype=float) direction = np.array(arr['windDir']) # Suppress nan masking warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category =RuntimeWarning) # Account for missing values tmp[tmp == -9999.0] = 'nan' dpt[dpt == -9999.] = 'nan' direction[direction == -9999.0] = 'nan' data['air_pressure_at_sea_level'] = np.array(arr['seaLevelPress'])* units('mbar') u, v = wind_components(np.array(arr['windSpeed']) * units('knots'), direction * units.degree) data['eastward_wind'], data['northward_wind'] = u, v data['present_weather'] = arr['presWeather'] # metars uses 'stationName' for its identifier and temps are in deg C # metars also has sky coverage if datatype == "obs": data['stid'] = np.array(arr['stationName']) data['air_temperature'] = tmp * units.degC data['dew_point_temperature'] = dpt * units.degC data['cloud_coverage'] = [int(get_cloud_cover(x)) for x in arr['skyCover']] # synoptic obs uses 'stationId', and temps are in Kelvin elif datatype == "sfcobs": data['stid'] = np.array(arr['stationId']) data['air_temperature'] = tmp * units.kelvin data['dew_point_temperature'] = dpt * units.kelvin return data `Top `__ -------------- Function: plot_data() --------------------- This function makes use of Metpy.StationPlotLayout and Metpy.StationPlot to add all surface observation data to our plot. The logic is very similar for both METAR and Synoptic data, so a ``datatype`` argument is used to distinguish between which data is being drawn, and then draws the appropriate features. This function plots: - Wind barbs - Air temperature - Dew point temperature - Precipitation - Cloud coverage (for METARS) .. code:: ipython3 def plot_data(data, title, axes, datatype): custom_layout = StationPlotLayout() custom_layout.add_barb('eastward_wind', 'northward_wind', units='knots') custom_layout.add_value('NW', 'air_temperature', fmt='.0f', units='degF', color='darkred') custom_layout.add_value('SW', 'dew_point_temperature', fmt='.0f', units='degF', color='darkgreen') custom_layout.add_value('E', 'precipitation', fmt='0.1f', units='inch', color='blue') # metars has sky coverage if datatype == 'obs': custom_layout.add_symbol('C', 'cloud_coverage', sky_cover) axes.set_title(title) stationplot = StationPlot(axes, data['longitude'], data['latitude'], clip_on=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), fontsize=10) custom_layout.plot(stationplot, data) `Top `__ -------------- Initial Setup ------------- Connect to an EDEX server and define several `new data request objects `__. In this example we’re using multiple different datatypes from EDEX, so we’ll create a request object for each of the following: - `The states outlines (datatype maps) <#Define-Maps-Request>`__ - `The METAR data (datatype obs) <#Define-METAR-Request>`__ - `The Synoptic data (datatype sfc) <#Define-Synoptic-Request>`__ Some of the request use filters, so we’ll also create several filters than can be used for the various data requests as well. Initial EDEX Connection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First we establish a connection to Unidata’s public EDEX server. .. code:: ipython3 # EDEX connection edexServer = "edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu" DataAccessLayer.changeEDEXHost(edexServer) Maps Request and Response ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The maps data request will give us data to draw our state outlines of interest (Florida and its neighboring states). We will retrieve the data response object here so we can create a geographic filter for the METAR and Synoptic data requests. .. code:: ipython3 # Define the maps request maps_request = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest('maps') # filter for multiple states maps_request.addIdentifier('table', 'mapdata.states') maps_request.addIdentifier('geomField', 'the_geom') maps_request.addIdentifier('inLocation', 'true') maps_request.addIdentifier('locationField', 'state') maps_request.setParameters('state','name','lat','lon') maps_request.setLocationNames('FL','GA','MS','AL','SC','LA') maps_response = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(maps_request) print("Found " + str(len(maps_response)) + " MultiPolygons") .. parsed-literal:: Found 6 MultiPolygons Define Geographic Filter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The previous EDEX request limited the data by using a **parameter** for the maps database called **state**. We can take the results from that filter and get a geographic **envelope** based on the Florida polygon that was returned from the previous cell. **Warning**: Without such a filter you may be requesting many tens of thousands of records. .. code:: ipython3 # Append each geometry to a numpy array states = np.array([]) for ob in maps_response: print(ob.getString('name'), ob.getString('state'), ob.getNumber('lat'), ob.getNumber('lon')) states = np.append(states,ob.getGeometry()) # if this is Florida grab geographic info if ob.getString('name') == "Florida": bounds = ob.getGeometry().bounds fl_lat = ob.getNumber('lat') fl_lon = ob.getNumber('lon') if bounds is None: print("Error, no record found for Florida!") else: # buffer our bounds by +/i degrees lat/lon bbox=[bounds[0]-3,bounds[2]+3,bounds[1]-1.5,bounds[3]+1.5] # Create envelope geometry envelope = Polygon([(bbox[0],bbox[2]),(bbox[0],bbox[3]), (bbox[1], bbox[3]),(bbox[1],bbox[2]), (bbox[0],bbox[2])]) print(envelope) .. parsed-literal:: Florida FL 28.67402 -82.50934 Georgia GA 32.65155 -83.44848 Louisiana LA 31.0891 -92.02905 Alabama AL 32.79354 -86.82676 Mississippi MS 32.75201 -89.66553 South Carolina SC 33.93574 -80.89899 POLYGON ((-90.63429260299995 23.02105161600002, -90.63429260299995 32.50101280200016, -77.03199876199994 32.50101280200016, -77.03199876199994 23.02105161600002, -90.63429260299995 23.02105161600002)) Define Time Filter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both the METAR and Synoptic datasets should be filtered by time to avoid requesting an unreasonable amount of data. By defining one filter now, we can use it in both of their data requests to EDEX. **Note**: Here we will use the most recent hour as our default filter. Try adjusting the timerange and see the difference in the final plots. .. code:: ipython3 # Filter for the last hour lastHourDateTime = datetime.now(UTC) - timedelta(minutes = 60) start = lastHourDateTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end = datetime.now(UTC).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') beginRange = datetime.strptime( start , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") endRange = datetime.strptime( end , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timerange = TimeRange(beginRange, endRange) print(timerange) .. parsed-literal:: (Nov 11 22 19:00:54 , Nov 11 22 20:00:54 ) Define Common Parameters for Data Requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ METAR obs and Synoptic obs share several of the same parameters. By defining them here, they can be reused for both of the requests and this makes our code more efficient. .. code:: ipython3 shared_params = ["timeObs", "longitude", "latitude", "temperature", "dewpoint", "windDir", "windSpeed", "seaLevelPress", "presWeather", "skyLayerBase"] print(shared_params) .. parsed-literal:: ['timeObs', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'windDir', 'windSpeed', 'seaLevelPress', 'presWeather', 'skyLayerBase'] Define METAR Request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get METAR data we must use the **obs** datatype. To help limit the amount of data returned, we will narrow the request by using a geographic **envelope**, setting the request **parameters**, and using **timerange** as a time filter. .. code:: ipython3 # New metar request metar_request = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest("obs", envelope=envelope) # metar specifc parameters metar_params = ["stationName", "skyCover"] # combine all parameters all_metar_params = shared_params + metar_params # set the parameters on the metar request metar_request.setParameters(*(all_metar_params)) print(metar_request) .. parsed-literal:: DefaultDataRequest(datatype=obs, identifiers={}, parameters=['timeObs', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'windDir', 'windSpeed', 'seaLevelPress', 'presWeather', 'skyLayerBase', 'stationName', 'skyCover'], levels=[], locationNames=[], envelope=) Define Synoptic Request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Similar to the request above, we will limit the amount of data returned by using a geographic **envelope**, setting the request **parameters**, and using **timerange** as a time filter. However, in order to access synoptic observations we will use the **sfcobs** datatype. .. code:: ipython3 # New sfcobs/SYNOP request syn_request = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest("sfcobs", envelope=envelope) # (sfcobs) uses stationId, while (obs) uses stationName syn_params = ["stationId"] # combine all parameters all_syn_params = shared_params + syn_params # set the parameters on the synoptic request syn_request.setParameters(*(all_syn_params)) print(syn_request) .. parsed-literal:: DefaultDataRequest(datatype=sfcobs, identifiers={}, parameters=['timeObs', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'windDir', 'windSpeed', 'seaLevelPress', 'presWeather', 'skyLayerBase', 'stationId'], levels=[], locationNames=[], envelope=) `Top `__ -------------- Get the Data! ------------- We have already obtained our maps data, but we still have to collect our observation data. Get the EDEX Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 # METARs data metar_response = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(metar_request,timerange) # function getMetarObs was added in python-awips 18.1.4 metars = DataAccessLayer.getMetarObs(metar_response) print("Found " + str(len(metar_response)) + " METAR records") print("\tUsing " + str(len(metars['temperature'])) + " temperature records") # Synoptic data syn_response = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(syn_request,timerange) # function getSynopticObs was added in python-awips 18.1.4 synoptic = DataAccessLayer.getSynopticObs(syn_response) print("Found " + str(len(syn_response)) + " Synoptic records") print("\tUsing " + str(len(synoptic['temperature'])) + " temperature records") .. parsed-literal:: Found 4116 METAR records Using 179 temperature records Found 259 Synoptic records Using 63 temperature records Extract Plotting Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 # Pull all necessary plotting information for the metar data metars_data = extract_plotting_data(metars, 'obs') print(str(len(metars_data['stid'])) + " METARs stations") # Pull all necessary plotting information for the synoptic data synoptic_data = extract_plotting_data(synoptic, 'sfcobs') print(str(len(synoptic_data['stid'])) + " Synoptic stations") .. parsed-literal:: 179 METARs stations 63 Synoptic stations `Top `__ -------------- Plot the Data ------------- Draw the Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we will draw our region by using the **states** polygons we retreived from EDEX `earlier in this example <#Maps-Request-and-Response>`__. To create this plot we use the `make_map() <#Function:-make_map()>`__ function which also adds lines of latitude and longitude for additional context. .. code:: ipython3 # Create the figure and axes used for the plot fig, ax = make_map(bbox=bbox) # Create a feature based off our states polygons shape_feature = ShapelyFeature(states,ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='none', linestyle="-",edgecolor='#000000',linewidth=2) ax.add_feature(shape_feature) .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_files/Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_42_1.png Plot METAR Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the same axes (**ax**) and figure (**fig**) plot the METAR data. .. code:: ipython3 # Create a title for the plot title = str(metar_response[-1].getDataTime()) + " | METAR Surface Obs | " + edexServer # Plot the station information for METARs data plot_data(metars_data, title, ax, 'obs') # Display the figure fig .. image:: Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_files/Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_44_0.png Plot Synoptic Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a new axes and figure (**ax_syn**, **fig_syn**) plot the map and synoptic data. .. code:: ipython3 # Create a new figure and axes for the synoptic data fig_syn, ax_syn = make_map(bbox=bbox) # Create the states feature from the polygons shape_feature = ShapelyFeature(states,ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='none', linestyle="-",edgecolor='#000000',linewidth=2) ax_syn.add_feature(shape_feature) # Create a title for the figure title = str(syn_response[-1].getDataTime()) + " | SYNOP Surface Obs | " + edexServer # Draw the synoptic data plot_data(synoptic_data, title, ax_syn, 'sfcobs') .. image:: Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_files/Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_46_0.png Plot both METAR and Synoptic Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add the synoptic data to our first axes and figure (**ax**, **fig**) that already contains our map and METARs data. .. code:: ipython3 # Create a title for both the METAR and Synopotic data title = str(syn_response[-1].getDataTime()) + " | METAR & Synoptic Surface Obs | " + edexServer # Draw the synoptic on the first axes that already has the metar data plot_data(synoptic_data, title, ax, 'sfcobs') # Display the figure fig .. image:: Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_files/Regional_Surface_Obs_Plot_48_0.png `Top `__ -------------- See Also -------- - `Aviation Weather Center Static METAR Plots Information `__ Related Notebooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Metar Station Plot with MetPy `__ - `Map Resources and Topography `__ Additional Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **python-awips:** - `DataAccessLayer.changeEDEXHost() `__ - `DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest() `__ - `IDataRequest `__ - `DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData `__ **datetime:** - `datetime.datetime `__ - `datetime.now(UTC) `__ - `datetime.timedelta `__ - `datetime.strftime() and datetime.strptime() `__ **numpy:** - `np.array `__ **cartopy:** - `cartopy projection list `__ **matplotlib:** - `matplotlib.pyplot() `__ - `matplotlib.pyplot.figure() `__ - `ax.set_extent `__ - `ax.set_title `__ **metpy:** - `metpy.calc.wind_components `__ - `metpy.plots.StationPlot() `__ - `metpy.plots.StationPlotLayout() `__ - `metpy.units `__ `Top `__ --------------