Moved the thrift, dynamicserialize, and awips packages to the base directory instead of inside python_awips
Re-added the updated version of the NEXRAD3 notebook
- Fixed datetime deprecation issue with datetime.utcnow() to
- Fixed deprecations related to numpy 2.0
- Fixed deprecations related to shapely 2.0
- Updated text products that had been consolidated/added
- revamped metars notebook to follow new template
- got the cloud coverage actually ploting properly
- removed all unnecessary lines of code that weren't used
- small updates for the WWA notebook for some markdown sections (wording/misspellings)
- fixed sentence in "imports" section
- fixed a/an spelling in Function:get_color() section
- Added further explanation in Significance (Sig) Constants section about phen from phensig. Added link for phensig pamphlet as well.
- fixed Get the Data section note about 12 hours (vs 6 hours) of data requested
- added comma in Extract Phensigs, Geometries, and Times section
- commented out the println (lines 65-67) in the Extract Phensigs, Geometries, and Times code section
- modified the plot title to remove the seconds and add " UTC" for clarity
- added a link for "Phensig Explanation" in the See Also section
- createed a new notebook with a slightly different name
- added a preview image for the notebook
- use the template to format the notebook
- changed the time query to use hours instead of just the past x-records
- added an informative legend and title to the plot
- added the ability to turn on/off records based on significance (ie. hide advisories)
- draw the WWAs in an order that promotes best visibility if all are drawn