diff --git a/awips/test/dafTests/testFfmp.py b/awips/test/dafTests/testFfmp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b105c25..0000000
--- a/awips/test/dafTests/testFfmp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.dataquery.requests import RequestConstraint
-from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer as DAL
-from awips.test.dafTests import baseDafTestCase
-from awips.test.dafTests import params
-import unittest
-# Test DAF support for ffmp data
-# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
-# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
-# 01/19/16 4795 mapeters Initial Creation.
-# 04/11/16 5548 tgurney Cleanup
-# 04/18/16 5548 tgurney More cleanup
-# 04/18/16 5587 tgurney Add test for sane handling of
-# zero records returned
-# 06/20/16 5587 tgurney Add identifier values tests
-# 07/01/16 5728 mapeters Add advanced query tests,
-# include huc and accumHrs in
-# id values tests, test that
-# accumHrs id is never required
-# 08/03/16 5728 mapeters Fixed minor bugs, replaced
-# PRTM parameter since it isn't
-# configured for ec-oma
-# 11/08/16 5985 tgurney Do not check data times
-# 12/07/16 5981 tgurney Parameterize
-# 12/20/16 5981 tgurney Do not check data times
-class FfmpTestCase(baseDafTestCase.DafTestCase):
- """Test DAF support for ffmp data"""
- datatype = 'ffmp'
- location = params.RADAR.lower()
- @staticmethod
- def addIdentifiers(req):
- req.addIdentifier('wfo', params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier('siteKey', 'hpe')
- req.addIdentifier('dataKey', 'hpe')
- req.addIdentifier('huc', 'ALL')
- def testGetAvailableParameters(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- self.runParametersTest(req)
- def testGetAvailableLocations(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- self.addIdentifiers(req)
- self.runLocationsTest(req)
- def testGetAvailableTimes(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- self.addIdentifiers(req)
- req.setParameters('DHRMOSAIC')
- self.runTimesTest(req)
- def testGetGeometryData(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- self.addIdentifiers(req)
- req.setParameters('DHRMOSAIC')
- self.runGeometryDataTest(req, checkDataTimes=False)
- def testGetGeometryDataEmptyResult(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- self.addIdentifiers(req)
- req.setParameters('blah blah blah') # force 0 records returned
- result = self.runGeometryDataTest(req, checkDataTimes=False)
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)
- def testGetIdentifierValues(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- optionalIds = set(DAL.getOptionalIdentifiers(req))
- requiredIds = set(DAL.getRequiredIdentifiers(req))
- ids = requiredIds | optionalIds
- for id in ids:
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- if id == 'accumHrs':
- req.setParameters('ARI6H2YR')
- req.addIdentifier('wfo', params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier('siteKey', self.location)
- req.addIdentifier('huc', 'ALL')
- idValues = DAL.getIdentifierValues(req, id)
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(idValues, '__iter__'))
- print(id + " values: " + str(idValues))
- def testGetInvalidIdentifierValuesThrowsException(self):
- self.runInvalidIdValuesTest()
- def testGetNonexistentIdentifierValuesThrowsException(self):
- self.runNonexistentIdValuesTest()
- def _runConstraintTest(self, key, operator, value):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- constraint = RequestConstraint.new(operator, value)
- req.addIdentifier(key, constraint)
- req.addIdentifier('wfo', params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier('huc', 'ALL')
- req.setParameters('QPFSCAN')
- return self.runGeometryDataTest(req, checkDataTimes=False)
- def testGetDataWithEqualsString(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '=', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertEqual(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithEqualsUnicode(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '=', unicode(self.location))
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertEqual(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- # No numeric tests since no numeric identifiers are available that support
- # RequestConstraints.
- def testGetDataWithEqualsNone(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '=', None)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertIsNone(record.getAttribute('siteKey'))
- def testGetDataWithNotEquals(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '!=', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertNotEqual(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithNotEqualsNone(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '!=', None)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertIsNotNone(record.getAttribute('siteKey'))
- def testGetDataWithGreaterThan(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '>', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertGreater(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithLessThan(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '<', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertLess(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithGreaterThanEquals(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '>=', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertGreaterEqual(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithLessThanEquals(self):
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '<=', self.location)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertLessEqual(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), self.location)
- def testGetDataWithInList(self):
- collection = [self.location, 'kuex']
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', 'in', collection)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertIn(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), collection)
- def testGetDataWithNotInList(self):
- collection = [self.location, 'kuex']
- geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', 'not in', collection)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertNotIn(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), collection)
- def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintTypeThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', 'junk', self.location)
- def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintValueThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', '=', {})
- def testGetDataWithEmptyInConstraintThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- self._runConstraintTest('siteKey', 'in', [])
- def testGetDataWithSiteKeyAndDataKeyConstraints(self):
- siteKeys = [self.location, 'hpe']
- dataKeys = ['kuex', 'kdmx']
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier('wfo', params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier('huc', 'ALL')
- siteKeysConstraint = RequestConstraint.new('in', siteKeys)
- req.addIdentifier('siteKey', siteKeysConstraint)
- dataKeysConstraint = RequestConstraint.new('in', dataKeys)
- req.addIdentifier('dataKey', dataKeysConstraint)
- req.setParameters('QPFSCAN')
- geometryData = self.runGeometryDataTest(req, checkDataTimes=False)
- for record in geometryData:
- self.assertIn(record.getAttribute('siteKey'), siteKeys)
- # dataKey attr. is comma-separated list of dataKeys that had data
- for dataKey in record.getAttribute('dataKey').split(','):
- self.assertIn(dataKey, dataKeys)
- def testGetGuidanceDataWithoutAccumHrsIdentifierSet(self):
- # Test that accumHrs identifier is not required for guidance data
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier('wfo', params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier('siteKey', self.location)
- req.addIdentifier('huc', 'ALL')
- req.setParameters('FFG0124hr')
- self.runGeometryDataTest(req, checkDataTimes=False)
diff --git a/awips/test/dafTests/testGfeEditArea.py b/awips/test/dafTests/testGfeEditArea.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2c16c..0000000
--- a/awips/test/dafTests/testGfeEditArea.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.dataquery.requests import RequestConstraint
-from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer as DAL
-from awips.ThriftClient import ThriftRequestException
-from awips.test.dafTests import baseDafTestCase
-from awips.test.dafTests import params
-# Test DAF support for GFE edit area data
-# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
-# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
-# 06/08/17 6298 mapeters Initial Creation.
-# 09/27/17 6463 tgurney Remove GID site identifier
-class GfeEditAreaTestCase(baseDafTestCase.DafTestCase):
- """Test DAF support for GFE edit area data"""
- datatype = 'gfeEditArea'
- siteIdKey = 'siteId'
- editAreaNames = ['ISC_NHA', 'SDZ066', 'StormSurgeWW_EditArea']
- groupKey = 'group'
- groups = ['ISC', 'WFOs', 'FIPS_' + params.SITE_ID]
- def testGetAvailableParameters(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- with self.assertRaises(ThriftRequestException):
- self.runParametersTest(req)
- def testGetAvailableLocations(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- self.runLocationsTest(req)
- def testGetAvailableTimes(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- with self.assertRaises(ThriftRequestException):
- self.runTimesTest(req)
- def testGetGeometryDataWithoutSiteIdThrowsException(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- with self.assertRaises(ThriftRequestException):
- self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- def testGetGeometryData(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- data = self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- for item in data:
- self.assertEqual(params.SITE_ID, item.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- def testGetGeometryDataWithLocNames(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- req.setLocationNames(*self.editAreaNames)
- data = self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- for item in data:
- self.assertEqual(params.SITE_ID, item.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- self.assertIn(item.getLocationName(), self.editAreaNames)
- def testGetGeometryDataWithGroups(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- req.addIdentifier(self.groupKey, RequestConstraint.new('in', self.groups))
- data = self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- for item in data:
- self.assertEqual(params.SITE_ID, item.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- self.assertIn(item.getAttribute(self.groupKey), self.groups)
- def testGetGeometryDataWithLocNamesAndGroupsThrowException(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- req.setLocationNames(*self.editAreaNames)
- req.addIdentifier(self.groupKey, RequestConstraint.new('in', self.groups))
- with self.assertRaises(ThriftRequestException):
- self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- def testGetGeometryDataWithEnvelope(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- req.addIdentifier(self.siteIdKey, params.SITE_ID)
- req.setEnvelope(params.ENVELOPE)
- data = self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- for item in data:
- self.assertEqual(params.SITE_ID, item.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- self.assertTrue(params.ENVELOPE.intersects(item.getGeometry()))
- def testGetIdentifierValues(self):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- optionalIds = set(DAL.getOptionalIdentifiers(req))
- requiredIds = set(DAL.getRequiredIdentifiers(req))
- self.runGetIdValuesTest(optionalIds | requiredIds)
- def testGetInvalidIdentifierValuesThrowsException(self):
- self.runInvalidIdValuesTest()
- def testGetNonexistentIdentifierValuesThrowsException(self):
- self.runNonexistentIdValuesTest()
- def _runConstraintTest(self, key, operator, value):
- req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
- constraint = RequestConstraint.new(operator, value)
- req.addIdentifier(key, constraint)
- req.setLocationNames(*self.editAreaNames)
- return self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
- def testGetDataWithEqualsString(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '=', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertEqual(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithEqualsUnicode(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '=', params.SITE_ID.decode('unicode-escape'))
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertEqual(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- # No numeric tests since no numeric identifiers are available.
- def testGetDataWithEqualsNone(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '=', None)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertIsNone(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- def testGetDataWithNotEquals(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '!=', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertNotEqual(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithNotEqualsNone(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '!=', None)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertIsNotNone(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey))
- def testGetDataWithGreaterThan(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '>', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertGreater(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithLessThan(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '<', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertLess(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithGreaterThanEquals(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '>=', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertGreaterEqual(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithLessThanEquals(self):
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '<=', params.SITE_ID)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertLessEqual(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithInTuple(self):
- collection = (params.SITE_ID,)
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'in', collection)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertIn(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), collection)
- def testGetDataWithInList(self):
- collection = [params.SITE_ID,]
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'in', collection)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertIn(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), collection)
- def testGetDataWithInGenerator(self):
- collection = (params.SITE_ID,)
- generator = (item for item in collection)
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'in', generator)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertIn(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), collection)
- def testGetDataWithNotInList(self):
- collection = [params.SITE_ID,]
- geomData = self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'not in', collection)
- for record in geomData:
- self.assertNotIn(record.getAttribute(self.siteIdKey), collection)
- def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintTypeThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'junk', params.SITE_ID)
- def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintValueThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, '=', {})
- def testGetDataWithEmptyInConstraintThrowsException(self):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- self._runConstraintTest(self.siteIdKey, 'in', [])
diff --git a/dataaccess/acars-common-dataaccess.xml b/dataaccess/acars-common-dataaccess.xml
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- prMan
- htMan
- tpMan
- tdMan
- wdMan
- wsMan
- prTrop
- tpTrop
- tdTrop
- wdTrop
- wsTrop
- prMaxW
- wdMaxW
- wsMaxW
- prSigT
- tpSigT
- tdSigT
- htSigW
- wdSigW
- wsSigW
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dataaccess/climate-common-dataaccess.xml b/dataaccess/climate-common-dataaccess.xml
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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--- a/dataaccess/modelsounding-common-dataaccess.xml
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- pressure
- temperature
- specHum
- omega
- uComp
- vComp
- cldCvr
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/dataaccess/obs-common-dataaccess.xml
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- skyCover
- skyLayerBase
- skyCoverType
- skyCoverGenus
- presWeather
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- height
- uComponent
- vComponent
- HorizSpStdDev
- wComponent
- VertSpStdDev
- peakPower
- levelMode
- uvQualityCode
- consensusNum
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