2023-08-23 11:45:18 -06:00
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer as DAL
from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.dataquery.requests import RequestConstraint
from . import baseDafTestCase
import unittest
2018-09-05 15:52:38 -06:00
# Test DAF support for warning data
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 01/19/16 4795 mapeters Initial Creation.
# 04/11/16 5548 tgurney Cleanup
# 04/18/16 5548 tgurney More cleanup
# 04/26/16 5587 tgurney Add identifier values tests
# 06/08/16 5574 tgurney Add advanced query tests
# 06/10/16 5548 tgurney Clean up references to name
# of data type
# 06/13/16 5574 tgurney Fix checks for None
# 06/21/16 5548 tgurney Skip tests that cause errors
# 06/30/16 5725 tgurney Add test for NOT IN
# 12/12/16 5981 tgurney Improve test performance
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# 02/20/18 7220 mapeters Added test for getting filtered
# column identifier values
2018-09-05 15:52:38 -06:00
class WarningTestCase(baseDafTestCase.DafTestCase):
"""Test DAF support for warning data"""
datatype = "warning"
def _getLocationNames(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest()
return DAL.getAvailableLocationNames(req)
def _getAllRecords(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest()
return DAL.getGeometryData(req)
def testGetAvailableParameters(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
def testGetAvailableLocations(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
def testGetAvailableTimes(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
req.setParameters("etn", "wmoid")
def testGetGeometryData(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
req.setParameters("etn", "wmoid")
def testFilterOnLocationName(self):
allLocationNames = self._getLocationNames()
if len(allLocationNames) == 0:
errmsg = "No {0} data exists on {1}. Try again with {0} data."
raise unittest.SkipTest(errmsg.format(self.datatype, DAL.THRIFT_HOST))
testCount = 3 # number of different location names to test
for locationName in allLocationNames[:testCount]:
req = DAL.newDataRequest()
geomData = DAL.getGeometryData(req)
for geom in geomData:
self.assertEqual(geom.getLocationName(), locationName)
def testFilterOnNonexistentLocationReturnsEmpty(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest()
self.assertEqual(len(DAL.getGeometryData(req)), 0)
def testFilterOnInvalidLocationThrowsIncompatibleRequestException(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest()
req.setLocationNames(') and 0=1')
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
self.assertIn('IncompatibleRequestException', str(cm.exception))
def testGetColumnIdentifierValues(self):
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def testGetFilteredColumnIdentifierValues(self):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
req.addIdentifier('sig', 'W')
phensigs = DAL.getIdentifierValues(req, 'phensig')
for phensig in phensigs:
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def _runConstraintTest(self, key, operator, value):
req = DAL.newDataRequest(self.datatype)
constraint = RequestConstraint.new(operator, value)
req.addIdentifier(key, constraint)
req.setParameters("etn", "wmoid", "sig")
return self.runGeometryDataTest(req)
def testGetDataWithEqualsString(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '=', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertEqual(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithEqualsInt(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('etn', '=', 1000)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertEqual(record.getString('etn'), '1000')
def testGetDataWithEqualsFloat(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('etn', '=', 1.0)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertEqual(round(float(record.getString('etn')), 1), 1.0)
def testGetDataWithEqualsNone(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '=', None)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertEqual(record.getType('sig'), 'NULL')
def testGetDataWithNotEquals(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '!=', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertNotEqual(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithNotEqualsNone(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '!=', None)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertNotEqual(record.getType('sig'), 'NULL')
def testGetDataWithGreaterThan(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '>', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertGreater(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithLessThan(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '<', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertLess(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithGreaterThanEquals(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '>=', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertGreaterEqual(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithLessThanEquals(self):
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', '<=', 'Y')
for record in geometryData:
self.assertLessEqual(record.getString('sig'), 'Y')
def testGetDataWithInTuple(self):
collection = ('Y', 'A')
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'in', collection)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertIn(record.getString('sig'), collection)
def testGetDataWithInList(self):
collection = ['Y', 'A']
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'in', collection)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertIn(record.getString('sig'), collection)
def testGetDataWithInGenerator(self):
collection = ('Y', 'A')
generator = (item for item in collection)
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'in', generator)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertIn(record.getString('sig'), collection)
def testGetDataWithNotInList(self):
collection = ['Y', 'W']
geometryData = self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'not in', collection)
for record in geometryData:
self.assertNotIn(record.getString('sig'), collection)
def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintTypeThrowsException(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'junk', 'Y')
def testGetDataWithInvalidConstraintValueThrowsException(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._runConstraintTest('sig', '=', {})
def testGetDataWithEmptyInConstraintThrowsException(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'in', [])
def testGetDataWithNestedInConstraintThrowsException(self):
collection = ('Y', 'A', ())
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self._runConstraintTest('sig', 'in', collection)