330 lines
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330 lines
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "qpid/InlineVector.h"
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
namespace qpid {
/** A range of values, used in RangeSet.
* Range(begin, end) includes begin but excludes end.
* Range::makeClosed(first,last) includes both first and last.
template <class T>
class Range {
static Range makeClosed(const T& first, T last) { return Range(first, ++last); }
Range() : begin_(), end_() {}
explicit Range(const T& t) : begin_(t), end_(t) { ++end_; }
Range(const T& b, const T& e) : begin_(b), end_(e) { assert(b <= e); }
T begin() const { return begin_; }
/** End of _open_ range, i.e. !contains(end()) */
T end() const { return end_; }
T first() const { assert(!empty()); return begin_; }
/** Last in closed range, i.e. contains(end()) */
T last() const { assert(!empty()); T ret=end_; return --ret; }
void begin(const T& t) { begin_ = t; }
void end(const T& t) { end_ = t; }
size_t size() const { return end_ - begin_; }
bool empty() const { return begin_ == end_; }
bool contains(const T& x) const { return begin_ <= x && x < end_; }
bool contains(const Range& r) const { return begin_ <= r.begin_ && r.end_ <= end_; }
bool strictContains(const Range& r) const { return begin_ < r.begin_ && r.end_ < end_; }
bool operator==(const Range& x) { return begin_ == x.begin_ && end_== x.end_; }
bool operator<(const T& t) const { return end_ < t; }
bool operator<(const Range<T>& r) const { return end_ < r.begin_; }
/** touching ranges can be merged into a single range. */
bool touching(const Range& r) const {
return std::max(begin_, r.begin_) <= std::min(end_, r.end_);
/** @pre touching */
void merge(const Range& r) {
begin_ = std::min(begin_, r.begin_);
end_ = std::max(end_, r.end_);
operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
template <class S> void serialize(S& s) { s(begin_)(end_); }
T begin_, end_;
* A set implemented as a list of [begin, end) ranges.
* T must be LessThanComparable and Incrementable.
* RangeSet only provides const iterators.
template <class T>
class RangeSet
: boost::additive1<RangeSet<T>,
boost::additive2<RangeSet<T>, Range<T>,
boost::additive2<RangeSet<T>, T> > >
typedef InlineVector<Range<T>, 3> Ranges; // TODO aconway 2008-04-21: what's the optimial inlined value?
class iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<
const T,
iterator() : ranges(), iter(), value() {}
typedef typename Ranges::const_iterator RangesIter;
iterator(const Ranges& r, const RangesIter& i, const T& t)
: ranges(&r), iter(i), value(t) {}
void increment();
bool equal(const iterator& i) const;
const T& dereference() const { return value; }
const Ranges* ranges;
RangesIter iter;
T value;
friend class RangeSet<T>;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
typedef iterator const_iterator;
RangeSet() {}
explicit RangeSet(const Range<T>& r) { *this += r; }
RangeSet(const T& a, const T& b) { *this += Range<T>(a,b); }
bool contiguous() const { return ranges.size() <= 1; }
bool contains(const T& t) const;
bool contains(const Range<T>&) const;
/**@pre contiguous() */
Range<T> toRange() const;
bool operator==(const RangeSet<T>&) const;
void addRange (const Range<T>&);
void addSet (const RangeSet<T>&);
RangeSet<T>& operator+=(const T& t) { return *this += Range<T>(t); }
RangeSet<T>& operator+=(const Range<T>& r) { addRange(r); return *this; }
RangeSet<T>& operator+=(const RangeSet<T>& s) { addSet(s); return *this; }
void removeRange (const Range<T>&);
void removeSet (const RangeSet<T>&);
RangeSet<T>& operator-=(const T& t) { return *this -= Range<T>(t); }
RangeSet<T>& operator-=(const Range<T>& r) { removeRange(r); return *this; }
RangeSet<T>& operator-=(const RangeSet<T>& s) { removeSet(s); return *this; }
T front() const { return ranges.front().begin(); }
T back() const { return ranges.back().end(); }
// Iterate over elements in the set.
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
// Iterate over ranges in the set.
typedef typename Ranges::const_iterator RangeIterator;
RangeIterator rangesBegin() const { return ranges.begin(); }
RangeIterator rangesEnd() const { return ranges.end(); }
size_t rangesSize() const { return ranges.size(); }
// The difference between the start and end of this range set
uint32_t span() const;
size_t size() const;
bool empty() const { return ranges.empty(); }
void clear() { ranges.clear(); }
/** Return the largest contiguous range containing x.
* Returns the empty range [x,x) if x is not in the set.
Range<T> rangeContaining(const T&) const;
template <class S> void serialize(S& s) { s.split(*this); s(ranges.begin(), ranges.end()); }
template <class S> void encode(S& s) const { s(uint16_t(ranges.size()*sizeof(Range<T>))); }
template <class S> void decode(S& s) { uint16_t sz; s(sz); ranges.resize(sz/sizeof(Range<T>)); }
static size_t accumulateSize(size_t s, const Range<T>& r) { return s+r.size(); }
Ranges ranges;
template <class U> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const RangeSet<U>& r);
friend class iterator;
template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Range<T>& r) {
return o << "[" << r.begin() << "," << r.end() << ")";
template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const RangeSet<T>& rs) {
std::ostream_iterator<Range<T> > i(o, " ");
o << "{ ";
std::copy(rs.ranges.begin(), rs.ranges.end(), i);
return o << "}";
template <class T>
bool RangeSet<T>::contains(const T& t) const {
typename Ranges::const_iterator i =
std::lower_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), Range<T>(t));
return i != ranges.end() && i->contains(t);
template <class T>
bool RangeSet<T>::contains(const Range<T>& r) const {
typename Ranges::const_iterator i =
std::lower_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), r);
return i != ranges.end() && i->contains(r);
template <class T> void RangeSet<T>::addRange(const Range<T>& r) {
if (r.empty()) return;
typename Ranges::iterator i =
std::lower_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), r);
if (i == ranges.end() || !i->touching(r))
ranges.insert(i, r);
else {
typename Ranges::iterator j = i;
if (++j != ranges.end() && i->touching(*j)) {
template <class T> void RangeSet<T>::addSet(const RangeSet<T>& s) {
typedef RangeSet<T>& (RangeSet<T>::*RangeSetRangeOp)(const Range<T>&);
std::for_each(s.ranges.begin(), s.ranges.end(),
boost::bind((RangeSetRangeOp)&RangeSet<T>::operator+=, this, _1));
template <class T> void RangeSet<T>::removeRange(const Range<T>& r) {
if (r.empty()) return;
typename Ranges::iterator i,j;
i = std::lower_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), r);
if (i == ranges.end() || i->begin() >= r.end())
return; // Outside of set
if (*i == r) // Erase i
else if (i->strictContains(r)) { // Split i
Range<T> i1(i->begin(), r.begin());
Range<T> i2(r.end(), i->end());
*i = i2;
ranges.insert(i, i1);
} else {
if (i->begin() < r.begin()) { // Truncate i
for (j = i; j != ranges.end() && r.contains(*j); ++j)
; // Ranges to erase.
if (j != ranges.end() && j->end() > r.end())
j->begin(r.end()); // Truncate j
template <class T> void RangeSet<T>::removeSet(const RangeSet<T>& r) {
r.ranges.begin(), r.ranges.end(),
boost::bind(&RangeSet<T>::removeRange, this, _1));
template <class T> Range<T> RangeSet<T>::toRange() const {
return empty() ? Range<T>() : ranges.front();
template <class T> void RangeSet<T>::iterator::increment() {
assert(ranges && iter != ranges->end());
if (!iter->contains(++value)) {
if (iter == ranges->end())
*this=iterator(); // end() iterator
template <class T> bool RangeSet<T>::operator==(const RangeSet<T>& r) const {
return ranges.size() == r.ranges.size() && std::equal(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), r.ranges.begin());
template <class T> typename RangeSet<T>::iterator RangeSet<T>::begin() const {
return empty() ? end() : iterator(ranges, ranges.begin(), front());
template <class T> typename RangeSet<T>::iterator RangeSet<T>::end() const {
return iterator();
template <class T> bool RangeSet<T>::iterator::equal(const iterator& i) const {
return ranges==i.ranges && (ranges==0 || value==i.value);
template <class T> Range<T> RangeSet<T>::rangeContaining(const T& t) const {
typename Ranges::const_iterator i =
std::lower_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), Range<T>(t));
return (i != ranges.end() && i->contains(t)) ? *i : Range<T>(t,t);
template <class T> uint32_t RangeSet<T>::span() const {
if (ranges.empty()) return 0;
return ranges.back().last() - ranges.front().first();
template <class T> size_t RangeSet<T>::size() const {
return std::accumulate(rangesBegin(), rangesEnd(), 0, &RangeSet<T>::accumulateSize);
} // namespace qpid
#endif /*!QPID_RANGESET_H*/