Change-Id: I09fd0119900dabbde901773469d90b31eda57d63 Former-commit-id:ebe27b736f
] [formerlyebe27b736f
] [formerly099f40fb87
[formerly 4c32ce907e8bad06015688ca5596a23bfb655463]]] Former-commit-id:099f40fb87
] Former-commit-id:7af3b8b174
385 lines
13 KiB
385 lines
13 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Gets all available pirep data in the A-II database over a specified time
# range. The data is output to stdout as ASCII. Each line is one record. The
# individual data items are comma delimited.
# The legacy script does not retrieve any values not stored in the postgres db.
# To compensate for this in side-by-side comparison, a --match-legacy flag is
# provided that will ignore these fields.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 08/25/2014 3405 nabowle Initial modification. Replaces UEngine with DAF.
import a2dafcommon
import argparse
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from ufpy.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer
from import TimeRange
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
parser.add_argument("-h", action="store", dest="host",
help="EDEX server hostname (optional)",
parser.add_argument("-b", action="store", dest="start",
help="The start of the time range in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
parser.add_argument("-e", action="store", dest="end",
help="The end of the time range in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
parser.add_argument("--match-legacy", action="store_true", dest="match",
help="If set, the legacy script output will be matched.",
parser.add_argument("-t", action="store_true", dest="typecode",
help="If set, more type information is displayed.",
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
MULTI_DIM_PARAMS = set(["hazardType",
"turbType", "turbBaseHeight", "turbTopHeight",
"iceType", "iceBaseHeight", "iceTopHeight",
"skyCover1", "skyCover2", "skyBaseHeight", "skyTopHeight"
user_args = get_args()
start = user_args.start
end = user_args.end
if not start or not end:
print >> sys.stderr, "Start or End date not provided"
beginRange = datetime.strptime( start + ":00.0", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
endRange = datetime.strptime( end + ":59.9", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
timerange = TimeRange(beginRange, endRange)
req = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest("pirep")
req.setParameters('id', 'flightLevel', 'temp', 'windDirection', 'windSpeed',
'horzVisibility', 'aircraftType', 'weatherGroup')
geometries = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(req, timerange)
if not geometries :
# print "No data available."
typecode = user_args.typecode
match = user_args.match
msg = ""
layerData = []
combinedGeos = []
for geoData in geometries :
# The DAF returns multi-dimensional parameters as separate results before
# the base result that contain the single-dimensional parameters.
# Because of the separation of parameters and known ordering of result
# types, we can easily figure out what each result is and correlate the
# ancillary data with the base data.
if set(geoData.getParameters()) & MULTI_DIM_PARAMS :
combinedGeos.append({"base":geoData, "layers":layerData})
layerData = []
combinedGeos.sort(key=lambda geoMap: str(geoMap['base'].getDataTime()))
for geoMap in combinedGeos :
geoData = geoMap['base']
layerData = geoMap['layers']
mytime = geoData.getDataTime()
if not mytime:
mytime = mytime = a2dafcommon.datatime_to_string(mytime)
geo = geoData.getGeometry()
if not geo:
mylon = geo.x
mylat = geo.y
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mylat) or a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mylon) :
mylat = "%.4f"%mylat
mylon = "%.4f"%mylon
myflvl = geoData.getNumber("flightLevel")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(myflvl) :
myflvl = "1e37"
else :
myflvl = "%d"%myflvl
# Temp is not stored.
# mytemp = geoData.getNumber("temp")
# if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mytemp) :
# mytemp = "1e37"
# else :
# mytemp = "%.1f"%float(mytemp)
mytemp = "1e37"
# Wind Direction is not stored.
# mydir = geoData.getString("windDirection")
# if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mydir) :
# mydir = "1e37"
# else :
# mydir = "%d"%int(mydir)
mydir = "1e37"
myspd = geoData.getNumber("windSpeed")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(myspd) :
myspd = "1e37"
else :
myspd = "%.1f"%myspd
myvis = geoData.getNumber("horzVisibility")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(myvis) :
myvis = "1e37"
else :
myvis = "%.1f"%myvis
mycraft = geoData.getString("aircraftType")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mycraft) :
mycraft = ""
mywx = geoData.getString("weatherGroup")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(mywx) :
mywx = ""
cc = 0
cldBas = ""
cldTop = ""
cldVal = ""
ii = 0
icgBas = ""
icgTop = ""
icgTyp = ""
icgVal = ""
tt = 0
trbBas = ""
trbTop = ""
trbTyp = ""
trbVal = ""
if match :
# Speed, Horizontal Visibility, aircraft type, and weather group are
# not returned to the legacy script. Flightlevel of -9999 is output
# as such instead of being replaced by "1e37"
myspd = "1e37"
myvis = "-9999998.0"
mycraft = ""
mywx = ""
if geoData.getNumber("flightLevel") == -9999:
myflvl = "-9999"
else :
for pld in layerData:
sep = ""
ltyp = pld.getString("hazardType")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(ltyp) :
fval = pld.getString("skyCover1")
if fval == "None" :
fval = ""
sval = pld.getString("skyCover2")
if sval == "None" :
sval = ""
if ltyp == "CLOUD" :
if fval == "TOP" :
fval = ""
if sval == "TOP" :
sval = ""
if sval != "" :
fval += "-"+sval
if typecode :
if fval == "CLR" :
fval = "0"
elif fval == "OVC" :
fval = "8"
elif fval == "SCT" :
fval = "11"
elif fval == "BKN" :
fval = "12"
elif fval == "FEW" :
fval = "13"
else :
if cldBas != "" :
sep = "|"
base = pld.getNumber("skyBaseHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(base) or base == 99999 :
base = "1e37"
else :
base = "%.0f"%float(base)
top = pld.getNumber("skyTopHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(top) or top == 99999 :
top = "1e37"
else :
top = "%.0f"%float(top)
cldBas += sep+base
cldTop += sep+top
cldVal += sep+fval
cc += 1
elif ltyp == "ICING" :
dtyp = pld.getString("iceType")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(dtyp) :
dtyp = ""
if sval != "" :
fval += "-"+sval
if icgBas != "" :
sep = "|"
if typecode :
if dtyp == "RIME" :
dtyp = "1"
elif dtyp == "CLR" :
dtyp = "2"
elif dtyp == "MXD" :
dtyp = "3"
else :
dtyp = "-9999"
if fval == "NEG" :
fval = "0";
elif fval == "TRACE" :
fval = "1"
elif fval == "TRACE-LGT" :
fval = "2"
elif fval == "LGT" :
fval = "3"
elif fval == "LGT-MOD" :
fval = "4"
elif fval == "MOD" :
fval = "5"
elif fval == "MOD-SEV" :
fval = "7"
elif fval == "SEV" :
fval = "8"
else :
fval = "-9999"
if fval == "-9999" and dtyp == "-9999" :
base = pld.getNumber("iceBaseHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(base) or base == 99999 :
base = "1e37"
else :
base = "%.0f"%float(base)
top = pld.getNumber("iceTopHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(top) or top == 99999 :
top = "1e37"
else :
top = "%.0f"%float(top)
icgBas += sep+base
icgTop += sep+top
icgTyp += sep+dtyp
icgVal += sep+fval
ii += 1
elif ltyp == "TURBC" :
dtyp = pld.getString("turbType")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(dtyp) :
dtyp = ""
if sval != "" :
fval += "-"+sval
if typecode :
if dtyp == "CAT" :
dtyp = "1"
elif dtyp == "CHOP" :
dtyp = "2"
else :
dtyp = "-9999"
if fval == "NEG" :
fval = "0";
elif fval == "LGT" :
fval = "2"
elif fval == "LGT-MOD" :
fval = "3"
elif fval == "MOD" :
fval = "4"
elif fval == "MOD-SEV" :
fval = "5"
elif fval == "SEV" :
fval = "6"
elif fval == "EXTRM" :
fval = "8"
else :
fval = "-9999"
if fval == "-9999" and dtyp == "-9999" :
if trbBas != "" :
sep = "|"
base = pld.getNumber("turbBaseHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(base) or base == 99999 :
base = "1e37"
else :
base = "%.0f"%float(base)
top = pld.getNumber("turbTopHeight")
if a2dafcommon.is_no_data(top) or top == 99999 :
top = "1e37"
else :
top = "%.0f"%float(top)
trbBas += sep+base
trbTop += sep+top
trbTyp += sep+dtyp
trbVal += sep+fval
tt += 1
msg += mylat + "|" + mylon + "," + mytime + "," + myflvl + ",PIREP," + \
mycraft + "," + mytemp + "," + mydir + "," + myspd + "," + \
myvis + ",-1,-1,-1," + mywx + "," + \
str(cc) + "," + cldBas + "," + cldTop + "," + cldVal + "," + \
str(ii) + "," + icgBas + "," + icgTop + "," + \
icgTyp + "," + icgVal + "," + \
str(tt) + "," + trbBas + "," + trbTop + "," + \
trbTyp + "," + trbVal + "\n"
print msg.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':