root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

237 lines
7.6 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# iscTime - contains time functions used to determine how a new incoming
# grid should be reconsiled with the an existing grid inventory.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 07/06/09 1995 bphillip Initial Creation.
# leap year routine
def leapYear(year):
return (year % 4 == 0 and (year+100) % 400 != 0)
# days in month routine
def daysInMonth(month, year):
days = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]
if month != 2:
return days[month-1]
# special February handling for leap years
if leapYear(year):
return days[1]+1
return days[1]
# convert to time from components
# 0-year,1-month,2-day,3-hour,4-min,5-sec
def timeFromComponents(timeTuple):
epochDays = 0
pyear = 1970
pmonth = 1 # startTime
while pyear != timeTuple[0]:
epochDays = epochDays + 365 # days in year
if leapYear(pyear):
epochDays = epochDays + 1 # account for leap year
pyear = pyear + 1
while pmonth != timeTuple[1]:
epochDays = epochDays + daysInMonth(pmonth, timeTuple[0])
pmonth = pmonth + 1
epochDays = epochDays + timeTuple[2] - 1; # but not this day
epochTime = epochDays*86400 + \
timeTuple[3]*3600 + timeTuple[4]*60 + timeTuple[5]
return int(epochTime)
# time range routines
def containsT(tr, t):
return (t >= tr[0] and t < tr[1])
def overlaps(tr1, tr2):
if containsT(tr2, tr1[0]) or containsT(tr1, tr2[0]):
return 1
return 0
def intersection(tr1, tr2):
if tr1[0] < tr2[0]:
startTime = tr2[0]
startTime = tr1[0]
if tr1[1] > tr2[1]:
endTime = tr2[1]
endTime = tr1[1]
if startTime >= endTime:
return None # no intersection
return (startTime, endTime)
# sort function for output of mergeTR. Sorts in ascending time order
# based on start time.
def sortFunc(a, b):
atr = a[1]
btr = b[1]
if atr[0] < btr[0]:
return -1
elif atr[0] == btr[0]:
return 0
return 1
# grid time comparision, left and partially overlaps
def leftPartialOverlap(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] < baseTR[0] and invTR[1] > baseTR[0] \
and invTR[1] < baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, left and overlaps
def leftOverlap(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] == baseTR[0] and invTR[1] < baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, inside grid
def insideOverlap(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] > baseTR[0] and invTR[1] < baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, right and overlaps
def rightOverlap(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] > baseTR[0] and invTR[1] == baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, right and partially overlaps
def rightPartialOverlap(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] > baseTR[0] and invTR[0] < baseTR[1] \
and invTR[1] > baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, bigger than base grid (spans)
def spans(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] < baseTR[0] and invTR[1] > baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, bigger than base grid on left side (spans)
def spansLeft(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] < baseTR[0] and invTR[1] == baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, bigger than base grid on right side(spans)
def spansRight(baseTR, invTR):
return invTR[0] == baseTR[0] and invTR[1] > baseTR[1]
# grid time comparision, exact match
def exactMatch(baseTR, invTR):
return baseTR == invTR
# mergeTR - takes an incoming time range, the current inventory of
# grids as time ranges, and returns a list of tuples containing the
# original associated tr (None for new grid), and the new
# time range for the grids, and whether the input grid overlaps.
# NOTE: functions have been inlined for performance
def mergeTR(inputTR, currInv):
outList = []
for invTR in currInv:
# exact match case
#if exactMatch(inputTR, invTR):
if inputTR == invTR:
outList.append((invTR, invTR, 1))
# grid is to left and partially overlaps
#elif leftPartialOverlap(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] < inputTR[0] and invTR[1] > inputTR[0] \
and invTR[1] < inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], inputTR[0]), 0))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[0], invTR[1]), 1))
# grid is to left and overlaps
#elif leftOverlap(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] == inputTR[0] and invTR[1] < inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], invTR[1]), 1))
# grid is inside input grid
#elif insideOverlap(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] > inputTR[0] and invTR[1] < inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], invTR[1]), 1))
# grid is to right and overlaps
#elif rightOverlap(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] > inputTR[0] and invTR[1] == inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], inputTR[1]), 1))
# grid is to the right and partially overlaps
#elif rightPartialOverlap(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] > inputTR[0] and invTR[0] < inputTR[1] \
and invTR[1] > inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], inputTR[1]), 1))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[1], invTR[1]), 0))
# grid is bigger than input grid on both sides
#elif spans(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] < inputTR[0] and invTR[1] > inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], inputTR[0]), 0))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[0], inputTR[1]), 1))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[1], invTR[1]), 0))
# spans left
#elif spansLeft(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] < inputTR[0] and invTR[1] == inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (invTR[0], inputTR[0]), 0))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[0], inputTR[1]), 1))
# spans right
#elif spansRight(inputTR, invTR):
elif invTR[0] == inputTR[0] and invTR[1] > inputTR[1]:
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[0], inputTR[1]), 1))
outList.append((invTR, (inputTR[1], invTR[1]), 0))
# now determine what parts of inputTR are not covered by any of the
# splits from the inventory.
newList = []
if len(outList) == 0: #no overlap at all
newList.append((None, inputTR, 0))
modinputTR = inputTR
for o in outList: #gTR=grid,modinputTR=input grid
gTR = o[1]
if overlaps(inputTR, gTR):
if gTR[0] != modinputTR[0]:
modinputTR = (gTR[1], modinputTR[1])
if modinputTR[0] != modinputTR[1]:
newList.append((None, modinputTR, 0))
# merge the two lists
for i in newList:
return outList