2016-04-03 22:04:09 -05:00

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Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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@group Paper Elements
Material Design: <a href="">Button</a>
`paper-fab` is a floating action button. It contains an image placed in the center and
comes in two sizes: regular size and a smaller size by applying the attribute `mini`. When
the user touches the button, a ripple effect emanates from the center of the button.
You may import `core-icons` to use with this element, or provide an URL to a custom icon.
See `core-iconset` for more information about how to use a custom icon set.
<link href="path/to/core-icons/core-icons.html" rel="import">
<paper-fab icon="add"></paper-fab>
<paper-fab mini icon="favorite"></paper-fab>
<paper-fab src="star.png"></paper-fab>
Style the button with CSS as you would a normal DOM element. If you are using the icons
provided by `core-icons`, the icon will inherit the foreground color of the button.
/* make a blue "cloud" button */
<paper-fab icon="cloud" style="color: blue;"></paper-fab>
By default, the ripple is the same color as the foreground at 25% opacity. You may
customize the color using this selector:
/* make #my-button use a blue ripple instead of foreground color */
#my-button::shadow #ripple {
color: blue;
The opacity of the ripple is not customizable via CSS.
The button is accessible by default if you use the `icon` property. By default, the
`aria-label` attribute will be set to the `icon` property. If you use a custom icon,
you should ensure that the `aria-label` attribute is set.
<paper-fab src="star.png" aria-label="star"></paper-fab>
@element paper-fab
@extends paper-button-base
@status unstable
<link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-icon/core-icon.html" rel="import">
<link href="../paper-button/paper-button-base.html" rel="import">
<link href="../paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html" rel="import">
<link href="../paper-shadow/paper-shadow.html" rel="import">
<polymer-element name="paper-fab" extends="paper-button-base" attributes="src icon mini" role="button">
:host {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
outline: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 56px;
height: 56px;
background: #d23f31;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
padding: 16px;
:host([mini]) {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
padding: 8px;
:host([disabled]) {
color: #c9c9c9;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: auto;
#ripple {
pointer-events: none;
z-index: -1;
#shadow {
border-radius: inherit;
pointer-events: none;
#icon {
display: block;
pointer-events: none;
<template if="{{raised}}">
<paper-shadow id="shadow" fit animated></paper-shadow>
<!-- to position to ripple behind the icon -->
<core-icon relative id="icon" src="{{src}}" icon="{{icon}}"></core-icon>
publish: {
* The URL of an image for the icon. If the src property is specified,
* the icon property should not be.
* @attribute src
* @type string
* @default ''
src: '',
* Specifies the icon name or index in the set of icons available in
* the icon's icon set. If the icon property is specified,
* the src property should not be.
* @attribute icon
* @type string
* @default ''
icon: '',
* Set this to true to style this is a "mini" FAB.
* @attribute mini
* @type boolean
* @default false
mini: false,
raised: true,
recenteringTouch: true,
fill: false
iconChanged: function(oldIcon) {
var label = this.getAttribute('aria-label');
if (!label || label === oldIcon) {
this.setAttribute('aria-label', this.icon);