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Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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<link href="core-transition-pages.html" rel="import">
<core-style id="hero-transition">
/* Hide heroes that are not currently transitioning */
polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host > [animate]:not(.core-selected) [hero]'; }
::content > [animate]:not(.core-selected) /deep/ [hero] {
opacity: 0;
polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host > .core-selected[animate] [hero]'; }
::content > .core-selected[animate] /deep/ [hero] {
opacity: 1;
z-index: 10000;
polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host > * [hero-p]'; }
::content > * /deep/ [hero-p] {
-webkit-transition: box-shadow 100ms ease-out;
transition: box-shadow 100ms ease-out;
polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host > [animate] [hero-p]'; }
::content > [animate] /deep/ [hero-p] {
box-shadow: none !important;
`hero-transition` transforms two elements in different pages such that they appear
to be shared across the pages.
<core-animated-pages transition="hero-transition">
<section layout horizontal>
<div id="div1" flex></div>
<div id="div2" flex hero-id="shared" hero></div>
<section layout horizontal>
<div id="div3" flex hero-id="shared" hero></div>
<div id="div4" flex></div>
In the above example, the elements `#div2` and `#div3` shares the same `hero-id`
attribute and a single element appears to translate and scale smoothly between
the two positions during a page transition.
Both elements from the source and destination pages must share the same `hero-id`
and must both contain the `hero` attribute to trigger the transition. The separate
`hero` attribute allows you to use binding to configure the transition:
<core-animated-pages transition="hero-transition">
<section layout horizontal>
<div id="div1" flex hero-id="shared" hero?="{{selected == 0}}"></div>
<div id="div2" flex hero-id="shared" hero?="{{selected == 1}}"></div>
<section layout horizontal>
<div id="div3" flex hero-id="shared" hero></div>
In the above example, either `#div1` or `#div2` scales to `#div3` during a page transition,
depending on the value of `selected`.
Because it is common to share elements with different `border-radius` values, by default
this transition will also animate the `border-radius` property.
You can configure the duration of the hero transition with the global variable
@class hero-transition
@extends core-transition-pages
@status beta
@homepage github.io
<polymer-element name="hero-transition" extends="core-transition-pages">
(function() {
var webkitStyles = '-webkit-transition' in document.documentElement.style
var TRANSITION_CSSNAME = webkitStyles ? '-webkit-transition' : 'transition';
var TRANSFORM_CSSNAME = webkitStyles ? '-webkit-transform' : 'transform';
var TRANSITION_NAME = webkitStyles ? 'webkitTransition' : 'transition';
var TRANSFORM_NAME = webkitStyles ? 'webkitTransform' : 'transform';
var hasShadowDOMPolyfill = window.ShadowDOMPolyfill;
go: function(scope, options) {
var props = [
var duration = options && options.duration ||
(CoreStyle.g.transitions.heroDuration ||
scope._heroes.forEach(function(h) {
var d = h.h0.hasAttribute('hero-delayed') ? CoreStyle.g.transitions.heroDelay : '';
var wt = [];
props.forEach(function(p) {
wt.push(p + ' ' + duration + ' ' + options.easing + ' ' + d);
h.h1.style[TRANSITION_NAME] = wt.join(', ');
h.h1.style.borderRadius = h.r1;
h.h1.style[TRANSFORM_NAME] = '';
if (!scope._heroes.length) {
this.completed = true;
prepare: function(scope, options) {
var src = options.src, dst = options.dst;
if (scope._heroes && scope._heroes.length) {
} else {
scope._heroes = [];
// FIXME(yvonne): basic support for nested pages.
// Look for heroes in the light DOM and one level of shadow DOM of the src and dst,
// and also in src.selectedItem or dst.selectedItem, then transform the dst hero to src
var ss = '[hero]';
var h$ = this.findAllInShadows(src, ss);
if (src.selectedItem) {
hs$ = this.findAllInShadows(src.selectedItem, ss);
hsa$ = [];
// De-duplicate items
Array.prototype.forEach.call(hs$, function(hs) {
if (h$.indexOf(hs) === -1) {
h$ = h$.concat(hsa$);
for (var i=0, h0; h0=h$[i]; i++) {
var v = h0.getAttribute('hero-id');
var ds = '[hero][hero-id="' + v + '"]';
var h1 = this.findInShadows(dst, ds);
if (!h1 && dst.selectedItem) {
h1 = this.findInShadows(dst.selectedItem, ds);
// console.log('src', src);
// console.log('dst', dst, dst.selectedItem);
// console.log(v, h0, h1);
if (v && h1) {
var c0 = getComputedStyle(h0);
var c1 = getComputedStyle(h1);
var h = {
h0: h0,
b0: h0.getBoundingClientRect(),
r0: c0.borderRadius,
h1: h1,
b1: h1.getBoundingClientRect(),
r1: c1.borderRadius
var dl = h.b0.left - h.b1.left;
var dt = h.b0.top - h.b1.top;
var sw = h.b0.width / h.b1.width;
var sh = h.b0.height / h.b1.height;
// h.scaley = h.h0.hasAttribute('scaley');
// if (!h.scaley && (sw !== 1 || sh !== 1)) {
// sw = sh = 1;
// h.h1.style.width = h.b0.width + 'px';
// h.h1.style.height = h.b0.height + 'px';
// }
// Also animate the border-radius for the circle-to-square transition
if (h.r0 !== h.r1) {
h.h1.style.borderRadius = h.r0;
// console.log(h);
h.h1.style[TRANSFORM_NAME] = 'translate(' + dl + 'px,' + dt + 'px)' + ' scale(' + sw + ',' + sh + ')';
h.h1.style[TRANSFORM_NAME + 'Origin'] = '0 0';
// carefully look into ::shadow with polyfill specific hack
findInShadows: function(node, selector) {
return node.querySelector(selector) || (hasShadowDOMPolyfill ?
queryAllShadows(node, selector) :
node.querySelector('::shadow ' + selector));
findAllInShadows: function(node, selector) {
if (hasShadowDOMPolyfill) {
var nodes = node.querySelectorAll(selector).array();
var shadowNodes = queryAllShadows(node, selector, true);
return nodes.concat(shadowNodes);
} else {
return node.querySelectorAll(selector).array().concat(node.shadowRoot ? node.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(selector).array() : []);
ensureComplete: function(scope) {
if (scope._heroes) {
scope._heroes.forEach(function(h) {
h.h1.style[TRANSITION_NAME] = '';
h.h1.style[TRANSFORM_NAME] = '';
scope._heroes = [];
complete: function(scope, e) {
// if (e.propertyName === TRANSFORM_CSSNAME) {
var done = false;
scope._heroes.forEach(function(h) {
if (h.h1 === e.path[0]) {
done = true;
if (done) {
// }
// utility method for searching through shadowRoots.
function queryShadow(node, selector) {
var m, el = node.firstElementChild;
var shadows, sr, i;
shadows = [];
sr = node.shadowRoot;
while(sr) {
sr = sr.olderShadowRoot;
for(i = shadows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
m = shadows[i].querySelector(selector);
if (m) {
return m;
while(el) {
m = queryShadow(el, selector);
if (m) {
return m;
el = el.nextElementSibling;
return null;
function _queryAllShadows(node, selector, results) {
var el = node.firstElementChild;
var temp, sr, shadows, i, j;
shadows = [];
sr = node.shadowRoot;
while(sr) {
sr = sr.olderShadowRoot;
for (i = shadows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
temp = shadows[i].querySelectorAll(selector);
for(j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) {
while (el) {
_queryAllShadows(el, selector, results);
el = el.nextElementSibling;
return results;
queryAllShadows = function(node, selector, all) {
if (all) {
return _queryAllShadows(node, selector, []);
} else {
return queryShadow(node, selector);
<hero-transition id="hero-transition"></hero-transition>