root 9bb8decbcf Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 133dc97f67 [formerly a02aeb236c] [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 9f19e3f712 [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

720 lines
26 KiB

* FILENAME: mpe_fieldgen.h
* DESCRIPTION: This file contains parameters and
* user-defined types for the mpe_fieldgen main function.
* CREATION DATE: January 5, 2005
* MACHINE: Dell-Redhat Linux
* 9/15/2006 P Tilles added lid to structure gage_radar_pair_struct
* August 2008 P Tilles added arrays for Q2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "DbmsDefs.h" /* for LOC_ID_LEN */
#include "DbmsAccess.h"
#include "sqlca.h"
#include "GeneralUtil.h"
#include "read_stage1_decoded.h"
#include "mpe_params.h"
#include "mpe_constants.h"
#include "mpe_field_names.h"
#include "local_bias_params.h"
#include "get_os_system.h"
#include "convert_hrap.h" /* Hrap to LatLon Conversion utilities */
#include "time_convert.h"
#include "HourlyPC.h"
#include "mpe_write_xmrg.h"
/* definition of constants */
#define MPE_DIRNAME_LEN 128
/* definition of variables */
/* Ordering of the elements in this list must be the same as the beginning
* of the enum DisplayFieldData type in the mpe_field_names.h header file. */
typedef enum {rmosaic = 0, avgrmosaic, maxrmosaic, gaugeonly, bmosaic, lmosaic,
mmosaic, mlmosaic, satpre, lsatpre, p3lmosaic, srmosaic, sgmosaic, srgmosaic,
qmosaic, lqmosaic, mlqmosaic, rfcmosaic, rfcbmosaic, rfcmmosaic, num_mosaics
}mosaicType ;
extern char currTime[HHMMSS_LEN + 1];
extern char message[MESSAGE_LEN] ;
extern FILE * logFile ;
typedef struct
int hourNum; /* Number of hours to be run. */
time_t tRunTime; /* ending date & time of runs. */
} run_date_struct;
typedef struct _gage_radar_pair_struct
char lid[ LOC_ID_LEN + 1]; /* The id of the gage */
int hrap_x ; /* HRAP x-coordinates of positive radar-gage pair */
int hrap_y ; /* HRAP y-coordinates of positive radar-gage pair */
double gageValue ; /* positive gage data */
double radarValue ; /* positive radar data */
} gage_radar_pair_struct;
typedef struct _gage_radar_pair_table_struct
gage_radar_pair_struct * ptrGageRadarPair;
int pairNum ; /* number of positive radar-gage pairs */
} gage_radar_pair_table_struct;
typedef struct _radar_result_struct
char radID[ RADAR_ID_LEN + 1];
short edit_bias;
short ignore_radar;
float bias ;
} radar_result_struct;
typedef struct _neighbor_list_struct
short listSize ;
short * pIndex;
float * pDistance;
} neighbor_list_struct;
extern run_date_struct * ptrRunDate ;
extern geo_data_struct * ptrGeoData ;
extern mpe_params_struct * ptrMPEParams ;
extern gage_table_struct ** ptrGageTable;
extern gage_table_struct ** ptrGageTableP3;
extern gage_table_struct ** ptrQCGageTable;
extern radarLoc_table_struct * ptrRadarLocTable;
/* function prototypes */
void MPEFieldGen_apply_mpe_polygons ( double ** real_mosaic,
const char * dateYMD,
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
enum DisplayFieldData field,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
double factor,
int add_flag,
int draw_only_persistent );
void printUsage();
int isDigits(const char* );
char* toLowerCase(char* );
int getAppsDefaults(const char*, char*);
void printMessage(const char*, FILE * ) ;
void getCurrentTime(char* strTime) ;
void constructor() ;
void constructorByRunTime() ;
void constructorByGeodata(int blnMosaic[]) ;
void constructorByRadarLoc(int radarLocNum) ;
void destructor() ;
void MPEFieldGen_editPolygonConstructor ( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData );
void MPEFieldGen_editPolygonDestructor ( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData );
void mpe_fg_openLogFile(const time_t tDate, const int i) ;
void deleteLogFiles() ;
void MPEFieldGen_readGeoData(geo_data_struct *);
void MPEFieldGen_readParams(mpe_params_struct *) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readDBParams(mpe_params_struct *) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readRWParams ( RWParams * , long int * ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readRWBiasStat ( RWBiasStat * ,const char *, long int * ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeParams(const mpe_params_struct *) ;
void parseArgs(const int , char **, run_date_struct *);
void shutDownMPE(const char *, FILE * logFile);
void MPEFieldGen_readGageData(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const geo_data_struct *pGeoData ,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTable ,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTableP3 ,
gage_table_struct ** pQCGageTable );
void MPEFieldGen_checkMultiple( gage_table_struct * pGageTable);
void MPEFieldGen_readGagePrecip ( const int runHours ,
char ** datetimes ,
const geo_data_struct *pGeoData,
const int gage_qc,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTable,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTableP3,
int * gageSize,
int * gageSizeP3,
const run_date_struct * pRunDate ) ;
void readGagePrecipFromMpeEditor ( const int runHours ,
char ** datetimes ,
const geo_data_struct *pGeoData,
const int gage_qc,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTable,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTableP3,
int * gageSize,
int * gageSizeP3,
const run_date_struct * pRunDate ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readPseudoPrecip( const int runHours ,
char ** datetimes ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTable,
gage_table_struct ** pGageTableP3,
int * gageSize,
int * gageSizeP3 ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_read_lightning(char dt[19], int *ihrap, int *jhrap,
int *num_strike, long int *irc) ;
double MPEFieldGen_readPrecipLimit( const char * gageID ,
const time_t datetime) ;
void MPEFieldGen_checkSpatialConsistency(const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const geo_data_struct *pGeoData,
const gage_table_struct * pGageTable,
int * gageqc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeGageQC ( const char * lid,
const double value,
const char * ts,
const int dur,
const char * dt,
const int qctype,
long int *irc,
int *messageid ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeRWResult ( const char *rfc,
const char * dt,
const int ngag,
const int isat,
const int nrad,
const char *field,
int * overwrt,
long int *irc ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeArrayConstructor ( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData );
void MPEFieldGen_writeArrayDestructor ( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData );
void MPEFieldGen_writeArray( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const char * filedir ,
const char * filename ,
const double factor ,
const int replace_missing ,
const char * user ,
const time_t tRunTime ,
const char * proc_flag ,
double ** real_mosaic ,
long int * irc ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeQPE(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const int gageNum ,
const int gageNumP3 ,
double ** pQPEMosaic ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_writeRadarResult(const char * rad,
const char * dt,
const int ngag,
const int irad,
const double bias_used,
const double mem_span_bias,
long int * irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_saveGif( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const char * datestring,
const char * filen,
double ** mosaic,
long int * irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_saveNetCDF( const int max_x ,
const int max_y,
const char * fname,
const char * filename_xmrg ,
long int *irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_checkMultisensorQC(const char * datetime ,
double ** mosaic ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
const gage_table_struct * pGageArray ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_runRMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const radarLoc_table_struct * pRadarLocTable ,
const gage_table_struct * pGageTable,
const gage_table_struct * pGageTableP3,
const gage_table_struct * pQCGageTable,
double * meanFieldBias,
int ** ID,
double ** RMosaic,
double ** QPEMosaic,
int * blnMosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readRadarLoc ( radarLoc_table_struct * pRadarLocTable ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readRadarResult (const char * datetime,
radar_result_struct * pRadarResult,
short * count ,
long int * irc) ;
void readRadarData(const char * radarID,
const char * datetime,
const int dpa_wind,
const int ignoreRadarFlag,
float radar [ ] [ NUM_DPA_COLS ] ,
int * radarAvailFlag) ;
void readDPARadar(const char * rad,
const char * datetime,
const int idpawind,
double * maxvald,
double * bias,
char * fname,
int * itim,
long int * irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readMisc(const radarLoc_table_struct * pRadarLocTable,
const char * os,
short int ** radarMiscBins ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_getMeanBias(const radarLoc_record_struct * pRadarLocRecord,
const char * datetime ,
short int radarMiscBins [ ] [ NUM_DPA_COLS ] ,
float radar [ ] [ NUM_DPA_COLS ] ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const gage_table_struct * pGageArray ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
double * meanBias,
double * memSpanBias,
int * gageRadarPairNum) ;
void MPEFieldGen_pairGageRadar(const radarLoc_record_struct * pRadarLocRecord,
short int radarMiscBins [][NUM_DPA_COLS] ,
float radar [][NUM_DPA_COLS] ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const gage_table_struct * pGageArray ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPairTable) ;
void MPEFieldGen_calculatePixelHeight(const double lon_coord,
const double lat_coord,
const double hrap_coord_x,
const double hrap_coord_y,
const double hrap_x,
const double hrap_y,
double * pixelHeight ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_calculateMeanBias(const char * radarID,
const char * datetime ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const gage_table_struct * pGageArray,
gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPairTable ,
double * meanBias,
double * memSpanBias ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_gageRadarPairsQC(const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const double bias_long ,
gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPairTable ,
int * flag) ;
void MPEFieldGen_updateStateVariable(const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const float mem_span[] ,
const int lag ,
const gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPairTable ,
double sumGage[] ,
double sumRadar[] ,
double num_pairs[] ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_write_rwbiasdyn(const char *rad,
const char * site_id,
const char * dt,
const int num_span,
double * num_pairs,
double * sumgag,
double * sumrad,
double * bb,
long int *irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_read_rwbiasdyn2(const char *rad,
const char * site_id,
const char * str,
const int lag_cut,
double *num_pairs,
double *sumgag,
double *sumrad,
double *bias,
int *lag,
char sstr1[19],
long int *irc) ;
void MPEFieldGen_read_spe ( const char * satpre_filename ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
double ** pSatPre,
int * spe_status );
double ** MPEFieldGen_read_satellite ( const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
int run_hour,
int * is_sat_avail );
void MPEFieldGen_free_spe_memory ( const geo_data_struct * pGeoData );
void MPEFieldGen_deleteZeros( int * gageSize,
short * iug, short * ivg, float * zg,
double ** mosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_get_climate(const char * os,
const int rowSize, const int colSize,
const int mon, double ** umeang) ;
void MPEFieldGen_readxmrg(const char * os, const int rowSize, const int colSize,
const char * fname, const int lenf, const double factor,
double ** xmrg , int * irc);
void MPEFieldGen_runGageonly(const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** umeang,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_check_autosave ( const char * rfcname, const int * rfclen,
const char dt[ANSI_YEARSEC_TIME_LEN],
const int * datelen,
int * ioverwrt ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_apply_mfb(const double * mfbias ,
const int rowSize ,
const int colSize ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** BMosaic) ;
void runBMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
double * meanFieldBias ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** BMosaic,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_runLMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** LMosaic,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void runQMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
double ** QMosaic,
double ** MPEFieldGen_QPEMosaic);
void runLQMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** QMosaic ,
double ** LQMosaic,
double ** MPEFieldGen_QPEMosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_lb_gr_pairs ( float gr_min_value ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** mosaic ,
gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPairTable) ;
void MPEFieldGen_runMMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** BMosaic ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void MPEFieldGen_runMLMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** LMosaic ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void runMLQMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
int ** Q2ID ,
double ** QMosaic ,
double ** LQMosaic ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** MPEFieldGen_QPEMosaic) ;
void runSatpre ( const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
double ** QPEMosaic ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_runLSatpre ( const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** RMosaic,
double ** LSatpre,
double ** QPEMosaic ) ;
void runSRMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
int ** ID,
double ** LSatpre ,
double ** LMosaic ,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void runSGMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** LSatpre ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
void runSRGMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** QPEMosaic) ;
int MPEFieldGen_runP3LMosaic ( const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const radarLoc_table_struct * pRadarLocTable,
const gage_table_struct * pGageTableP3,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
enum DisplayFieldData radar_display_type,
double ** P3Mosaic,
double ** AvgMosaic,
double ** QPEMosaic);
void runRfcMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
double ** QPEMosaic);
void runRfcBMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
const mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const radarLoc_table_struct * ptrRadarLocTable,
double * meanFieldBias ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** RfcBMosaic,
double ** QPEMosaic);
void runRfcMMosaic(const run_date_struct * pRunDate ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams ,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
int ** ID ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** RfcBMosaic ,
double ** umeang ,
double ** QPEMosaic);
/* Routines for computing local bias fields. */
const local_bias_params * MPEFieldGen_getLocalBiasParams ( );
void MPEFieldGen_local_bias ( const run_date_struct * pRunDate,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData,
const int gageSize,
short * iug ,
short * ivg ,
float * zg ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const local_bias_params * pLocalBiasParams,
float si_cut,
gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPair,
double ** RMosaic,
short int ** local_span,
double ** local_bias,
const char * dirname,
double ** lmosaic,
int * ierr ) ;
/* Quick sort routines. */
void qksort4 ( gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarTable );
void sort_gage_radar_table ( gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarTable );
void MPEFieldGen_qksort22 ( int n, float * dd, short * ii );
void sort_float_short ( int n, float * dd, short * ii );
void MPEFieldGen_qksort32 ( int n, double * dd, short * ii, short * jj );
void sort_double_short_short ( int n, double * dd, short * ii, short * jj );
void MPEFieldGen_qksorti22 ( int n, short * dd, short * ii );
void sort_short_short ( int n, short * dd, short * ii );
/* heap sort functionss. */
void MPEFieldGen_heapSortForGeoIndex(float heapArray[], short hrap_x[],
short hrap_y[], int arraySize) ;
void MPEFieldGen_heapSortForDoubleAndGeoIndex(double heapArray[], int index_x[],
int index_y[], int arraySize) ;
void hrap_to_latlon(const double hrap_x ,
const double hrap_y ,
double * flon ,
double * flat );
void hrapsize(const double flat , double * rmesh);
/* Routines for handling binary search for station
latitude and longitude data. */
void free_mpe_latlon_info ( );
int get_mpe_loc_latlon ( char * lid, double * dlat, double * dlon );
int get_mpe_loc_latlon_list ( int * arraySize ,
double * dlat ,
double * dlon ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_buildNeighborList (const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
mpe_params_struct * pMPEParams,
const int gageSize, short * iug, short * ivg, float * zg ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_findNeighborList (
const int radius,
const int index_x,
const int index_y,
short * arrIndex,
float * arrDist,
int * listNum ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_findLocalBiasNeighborList (
const gage_radar_pair_table_struct * pGageRadarPair,
const short * iug,
const short * ivg,
const int radius,
const int index_x,
const int index_y,
short * arrIndex,
float * arrDist,
int * listNum );
void MPEFieldGen_find_nbrsX(const int size ,
short * iu ,
short * iv ,
const int iu0 ,
const int iv0 ,
const int iradi ,
int * k ,
short * ilist ,
float * rlist ,
int * iu0_prev ,
int * m ,
short * ivv ,
short * in ) ;
void MPEFieldGen_freeNeighborList(const geo_data_struct * pGeoData) ;
void MPEFieldGen_createMosaic(const radarLoc_record_struct * pRadarLocRecord,
float radar [ ][ NUM_DPA_COLS ] ,
short int radarMiscBins [ ][ NUM_DPA_COLS],
const int index ,
const geo_data_struct * pGeoData ,
double ** RMosaic ,
double ** MHeight,
int ** ID,
double ** MaxMosaic,
double ** AvgMosaic,
int ** AvgMosaicNumRadars,
int * blnMosaic);
void MPEFieldGen_rfcw_load_static ( int * status );
void get_rgb(const char* color_name, int *r, int *g, int *b);
#endif /* #ifndef MPE_FIELDGEN_H */