root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

109 lines
5 KiB

#define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.53"
#define PROGRAM_DATE "06/18/2004"
* userparse.h
* This file contains the code that is common to cstart.c and tcldegrib.c
* when parsing the options provided by the user.
* 9/2002 Arthur Taylor (MDL / RSIS): Created.
/* Include type.h for uChar and sChar */
#include "degrib_inc/type.h"
enum {
/* A structure containing the user's choices. */
typedef struct {
char *cfgName; /* cfgName = -cfg */
char *inName; /* inName = -in */
sChar f_Command; /* See CMD_* Enumeration. */
/* sChar f_Inventory; */ /* f_Inventory = -I */
/* sChar f_Convert; */ /* f_Convert = -C */
/* sChar f_Probe; */ /* f_Probe = -P */
/* sChar f_Version; */ /* f_Version = -V */
/* sChar f_Data; */ /* f_Data = -Data */
sChar f_Flt; /* f_Flt = -Flt */
sChar f_Met; /* f_Met = -nMet */
sChar f_IS0; /* f_IS0 */
sChar f_Shp; /* f_Shp = -Shp */
sChar f_Csv; /* f_Csv = -Csv */
sChar f_Grib2; /* f_Grib2 = -Grib2 */
sChar f_Cube; /* f_Cube = -Cube */
sChar f_Append; /* f_Append = -Append */
sChar f_poly; /* Create polygon .shp or point .shp files? */
sChar f_nMissing; /* Don't store missing values in .shp files. */
int msgNum; /* msgNum = -msg (1..n) (0 means all messages). */
int subgNum; /* which subgrid in the message (0..m-1) */
sChar f_unit; /* f_unit = 0 -Unit n || 1 -Unit e || 2 -Unit m */
sChar decimal; /* How many decimals to round to. (default 3) */
sChar LatLon_Decimal; /* How many decimals to round Lat/Lons (default 6) */
char *nameStyle; /* nameStyle = -nameStyle */
char *namePath; /* directory to store nameStyle files in. */
char *outName; /* outName = -out or NULL (has 3 letter extension.) */
uChar f_stdout; /* true if outName is "stdout" */
char *logName; /* logName = -log or NULL (for error messages.) */
sChar f_interp; /* f_interp = -Interp */
sChar f_GrADS; /* If we should create GrADS control file for .flt. */
sChar f_NetCDF; /* 0 for no NetCDF or integer for version of NetCDF
* to create (currently only have 1). */
sChar f_SimpleWx; /* If we should simplify the .flt file using the NDFD
* Weather table. */
sChar f_SimpleVer; /* Which version of the simple NDFD Weather table to
* use. (1 is 6/2003) (2 is 1/2004) (default 2) */
sChar f_revFlt; /* f_revFlt = -revFlt */
sChar f_MSB; /* f_MSB = -MSB */
char *pntFile; /* pntFile = -pntFile */
sChar f_pntStyle; /* f_pntStyle = -pntStyle */
/* 0 = Elem, Unit, refTime, valTime, (Value at Lat/lon 1), ... */
/* 1 = Stn Name or (lat,lon), Elem[Unit], refTime, valTime, value */
char *separator; /* The separator to use for -P output. */
sChar f_WxParse; /* -WxParse option. 0 == ugly string,
* 1 == English Translation, 2 == -SimpleWx code */
Point pnt; /* pnt = -pnt option. */
LatLon lwlf; /* lower left corner (cookie slicing) -lwlf */
LatLon uprt; /* upper right corner (cookie slicing) -uprt */
sChar f_cellsAll; /* 0 => lat/lon pnts, 1 => cells in pnts,
* 2 => all Cells. */
sChar f_surface; /* 0 => no surface info,
* 1 => short form of surface name
* 2 => long form of surface name */
sChar f_nLabel; /* 1 => Ignore pntFile label, 0 => use pntFile label*/
double majEarth; /* -radEarth if < 6000 ignore, otherwise use this to
* override the radEarth in the GRIB1 or GRIB2
* message. Needed because NCEP lied. They use
* 6371.2 but in GRIB1 could only state 6367.47. */
double minEarth; /* -minEarth if < 6000 ignore, otherwise use this to
* override the minEarth in the GRIB1 or GRIB2
* message. */
char *indexFile; /* indexFile = -Index option or NULL */
sChar f_Print; /* Print option (for diagnosis of indexFile). */
char *Asc2Flx_File; /* Convert ASCII file to flx index file. */
char *matchElem; /* During Probe, entries have to match this element. */
double matchRefTime; /* During Probe, entries have to match this refTime. */
double matchValidTime; /* During Probe, entries match this validTime. */
} userType;
void UserInit (userType *usr);
void UserFree (userType *usr);
/* Possible error messages left in errSprintf() */
int UserValidate (userType *usr);
char * Grib2About (void);