root 133dc97f67 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d [formerly 9f19e3f712 [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 9f19e3f712
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

85 lines
2.5 KiB

// Balance - Object containing all Balance scheme information.
// Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file.
// Notes:
// History:
// 30 Mar 1998 Matthew J. Rutherford, Riverside Technology, inc
// Created initial version.
// 24 Apr 1998 Daniel Weiler, RTi Added fist cut of data members.
// 12 Jun 2002 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added _max_rel.
// 13 Jun 2002 JRV, RTi Added _totBalStor, _ace.
// Variables: I/O Description
#ifndef Balance_INCLUDED
#define Balance_INCLUDED
#include "ReservoirMethod.h"
#define PERCENT 1
#define VOLUME 2
class Balance : public ReservoirMethod
Balance( Reservoir* ); // Default constructor
Balance( const Balance&, Reservoir* );
// Copy constructor.
virtual ~Balance(); // Destructor
int construct( char**, int ); // Time series construction.
Balance* copy( Component* ); // Calls copy constructor.
int freeDataSpace(); // Deletes dynamically allocated data.
int solveMethod( TSDate &, int, double** = NULL );
// Solving algorithm.
int print( FILE* ); // Prints all the info about the
// Balance object.
int initialize(); // Initialize data members
int _bal_mode, // Either volume or percent volume
// balancing.
_n_res, // Number of downstream reservoirs to be
// balanced.
// The next variables contain the lower and upper bounds, where
// applicable, for each reservoir.
double *_lower_stor,
double _ace; // Attenuation Coefficient for Evaculation--
// Multiplies the change in storage required to
// reach balance on the owning reservoir, thus
// slowing how fast the reservoir tries to reach
// balanced conditions. This also reduces
// oscillation due to lag in releases from the
// owner and inflows to another reservoir in the
// balance.
double _totBalStor; // Sum over all balancing reservoirs of the
// balancing storage--
// UpperStorage - LowerStorage
Reservoir **_balance_res;
// List of pointers to all the reservoirs
// in the balance system.