] [formerlyfda897d2d0
] [formerly295cbf95e5
[formerly 0816cd253c86acc699cb90866131619c4679f631]]] Former-commit-id:295cbf95e5
] Former-commit-id:a610dcde73
155 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file
155 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file
#include "gdlist.h"
void gdldta ( const char *gdfile, const char *gdtime1, const char *gdtime2,
const int *level1, const int *level2, const int *ivcord,
const char *parm, const float *grid, const int *kx,
const int *ky, const char *area, const int *ix1, const int *iy1,
const int *ix2, const int *iy2, const int *iscale,
const int *termflg, const int *fileflg, const char *outfil,
int *iret )
* gdldta *
* *
* This subroutine prints data for the GDLIST program. *
* *
* gdldta ( gdfile, gdtime1, gdtime2, level1, level2, ivcord, parm, *
* grid, kx, ky, area, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2, iscale, termflg, *
* fileflg, outfil, iret ) *
* Input parameters: *
* *gdfile const char Grid file *
* *gdtime1 const char Grid time *
* *gdtime2 const char Grid time *
* *level1 const int Grid level *
* *level2 const int Grid level *
* *ivcord const int Grid coordinate *
* *parm const char Grid parameter *
* *grid const float Grid data *
* *kx const int Number of grid points in x dir *
* *ky const int Number of grid points in y dir *
* *area const char Data area *
* *ix1 const int First column *
* *iy1 const int First row *
* *ix2 const int Last column *
* *iy2 const int Last row *
* *iscale const int Scaling factor *
* *termflg const int Terminal output flag *
* *fileflg const int File output flag *
* *outifl const int Output file name *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
** *
* Log: *
* M. desJardins/GSFC 4/85 *
* M. desJardins/GSFC 6/88 Cleaned up *
* K. Brill/GSC 3/90 Fixed so there are no writes past col 80*
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/04 Modified to list grid sub-set *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/06 Recoded from Fortran *
int tltflg, first;
int nfps, ixx1, ixx2, iyy1, iyy2, kxw, kyw, zero, one, i, j, k,
ii, jj, kk, ier;
float fxx1, fxx2, fyy1, fyy2;
FILE *fps[2], *fp;
*iret = 0;
tltflg = G_TRUE;
zero = 0;
one = 1;
* Loop through each output device.
nfps = 0;
if ( *termflg == G_TRUE ) {
fps[nfps++] = stdout;
if ( *fileflg == G_TRUE ) {
fp = cfl_wopn ( (char *)outfil, &ier );
fps[nfps++] = fp;
for ( ii = 0; ii < nfps; ii++ ) {
* Write out the grid file name.
fprintf ( fps[ii], "\n\n Grid file: %s\n", gdfile );
* Write out the grid identifier.
fprintf ( fps[ii], " GRID IDENTIFIER: \n" );
grc_wtrm ( fps[ii], &tltflg, &zero, gdtime1, gdtime2, level1, level2,
ivcord, parm, &ier );
* Write out the area being printed.
fxx1 = (float)(*ix1);
fxx2 = (float)(*ix2);
fyy1 = (float)(*iy1);
fyy2 = (float)(*iy2);
dg_igrg ( &one, &fxx1, &fyy1, &fxx1, &fyy1, &ier );
dg_igrg ( &one, &fxx2, &fyy2, &fxx2, &fyy2, &ier );
ixx1 = G_NINT ( fxx1 );
ixx2 = G_NINT ( fxx2 );
iyy1 = G_NINT ( fyy1 );
iyy2 = G_NINT ( fyy2 );
dg_qkxy ( &kxw, &kyw, &ier );
fprintf ( fps[ii], " AREA: %-47.47s GRID SIZE: %5d%5d\n"
" COLUMNS: %5d%5d ROWS: %5d%5d\n\n",
area, kxw, kyw, ixx1, ixx2, iyy1, iyy2 );
* Write out the scale factor.
fprintf ( fps[ii], " Scale factor: 10**%2d\n\n\n", *iscale );
* Write out column numbers.
first = G_TRUE;
k = ixx1;
while ( k <= ixx2 ) {
if ( first == G_TRUE ) {
fprintf ( fps[ii], " COLUMN:" );
first = G_FALSE;
} else {
fprintf ( fps[ii], "\n " );
for ( i =0; i < 8 && k <= ixx2; i++, k++ ) {
fprintf ( fps[ii], " %4d ", k );
fprintf ( fps[ii], "\n" );
* Loop through rows from the top down.
for ( jj = iyy2, j = *iy2; j >= *iy1; j--, jj-- ) {
first = G_TRUE;
k = *ix1;
while ( k <= *ix2 ) {
if ( first == G_TRUE ) {
fprintf ( fps[ii], " ROW%3d ", jj );
first = G_FALSE;
} else {
fprintf ( fps[ii], "\n " );
for ( i = 0; i < 8 && k <= *ix2; i++, k++ ) {
kk = ( j - 1 ) * (*kx) + k - 1;
fprintf ( fps[ii], "%9.2f", grid[kk] );
fprintf ( fps[ii], "\n" );
* Close file output.
if ( *fileflg == G_TRUE ) cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );