Brad Gonzales 632020195a Issue #628 committing PGEN code received from Plummer on 4-19-2012.
Former-commit-id: fda897d2d0 [formerly 253e8bc948] [formerly fda897d2d0 [formerly 253e8bc948] [formerly 295cbf95e5 [formerly 0816cd253c86acc699cb90866131619c4679f631]]]
Former-commit-id: 295cbf95e5
Former-commit-id: 2a3bf4ec32 [formerly ae3d17c698]
Former-commit-id: a610dcde73
2012-05-10 16:50:45 -05:00

247 lines
6 KiB
Executable file

#define DG_GLOBAL
#include "dg.h"
#undef DG_GLOBAL
void dg_intl ( int *iret )
* dg_intl *
* *
* This subroutine initializes the grid diagnostics package common *
* blocks. This is a one-time initialization. DG_INTL must be *
* called at the beginning of any program that uses grid diagnostic *
* functions. *
* *
* dg_intl ( iret ) *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
** *
* Log: *
* K. Brill/HPC 5/03 Written to do one-time initialization *
* only from application level *
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/03 Added init for /NFILE/ *
* R. Tian/SAIC 2/04 Removed gdfprv and gdoprv *
* K. Brill/HPC 2/04 Remove nuflg argument *
* R. Tian/SAIC 3/04 Modified to use new GD file management *
* R. Tian/SAIC 5/04 Added init for /HINTRP/ *
* T. Lee/SAIC 12/04 Removed crtmem; added mbrnum, iensmb *
* T. Lee/SAIC 3/05 Initialized layer diagnostic *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Recoded from Fortran *
int i;
*iret = 0;
* Initialize layer diagnostic package.
dl_init ( iret );
* Initialize the internal grid storage common block.
_dggrid.idglst = 0;
for ( i = 0; i< NDGRD; i++ ) {
_dggrid.dgg[i].grid = NULL;
_dggrid.dgg[i].size = 0;
_dggrid.dttimd1[i][0] = '\0';
_dggrid.dttimd2[i][0] = '\0';
_dggrid.leveld1[i] = 0;
_dggrid.leveld2[i] = 0;
_dggrid.ivcrdd[i] = 0;
_dggrid.gparmd[i][0] = '\0';
_dggrid.ifiled[i] = 0;
_dggrid.iusesv[i] = 0;
_dggrid.savflg[i] = G_FALSE;
_dggrid.iensmb[i] = 0;
_dggrid.maxdgg = 0;
_dggrid.isubid = 0;
* Initialize the common block used to store user input.
_dginpt.ddttim1[0] = '\0';
_dginpt.ddttim2[0] = '\0';
_dginpt.ldlevl1 = 0;
_dginpt.ldlevl2 = 0;
_dginpt.lvcord = 0;
_dginpt.ingdtm[0] = '\0';
_dginpt.inglev[0] = '\0';
_dginpt.invcrd[0] = '\0';
* Initialize the common block used to store the table made by
* parsing GFUNC or GVECT.
_dgtabl.ltabl = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < LENTC; i++ ) {
_dgtabl.ctabl[i][0] = '\0';
_dgtabl.clevel[i][0] = '\0';
_dgtabl.cvcord[i][0] = '\0';
_dgtabl.cgdttm[i][0] = '\0';
_dgtabl.icflnm[i] = 0;
_dgtabl.nfargs[i] = 0;
* Initialize the common block for the computational stack.
_dgstck.itop = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < LNSTK; i++ ) {
_dgstck.stack[i][0] = '\0';
_dgstck.istack[i] = 0;
_dgstck.icpntr[i] = 0;
* Initialize the common block for the GDFILE entries.
_dgfile.dgset = G_FALSE;
_dgfile.idlun = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < MMFILE; i++ ) {
_dgfile.idflnm[i] = 0;
_dgfile.gdcur[i][0] = '\0';
_dgfile.tmpflg[i] = G_FALSE;
_dgfile.templt[i][0] = '\0';
_dgfile.tdattm[i][0] = '\0';
_dgfile.tfirst[i][0] = '\0';
_dgfile.tlast[i][0] = '\0';
for ( i = 0; i < LLNNAV; i++ ) {
_dgfile.snav[i] = 0.0;
_dgfile.kxd = 0;
_dgfile.kyd = 0;
_dgfile.kxyd = 0;
_dgfile.idglat = 0;
_dgfile.idglon = 0;
_dgfile.cprj[0] = '\0';
for ( i = 0; i < LLGDHD; i++ ) {
_dgfile.ighdr[i] = 0;
_dgfile.anglr1 = RMISSD;
_dgfile.anglr2 = RMISSD;
_dgfile.anglr3 = RMISSD;
_dgfile.concon = RMISSD;
_dgfile.addcol = G_FALSE;
* Initialize pointers to map scale factors and the grid spacing.
_mapscl.ixmscl = 0;
_mapscl.iymscl = 0;
_mapscl.ixmsdy = 0;
_mapscl.iymsdx = 0;
_mapscl.gddx = RMISSD;
_mapscl.gddy = RMISSD;
* Initialize HORIZON projection.
_dgstrm.rot = RMISSD;
_dgstrm.sinclt = RMISSD;
_dgstrm.cosclt = RMISSD;
_dgstrm.clon = RMISSD;
* Initialize diagnostic error string.
_dgerr.errst[0] = '\0';
* Initialize orientation angle.
_dgovec.ornang = RMISSD;
* Initialize the origin for M calculation.
_dgorig.orglat = RMISSD;
_dgorig.orglon = RMISSD;
_dgorig.orgxpt = RMISSD;
_dgorig.orgypt = RMISSD;
* Initialize the area subset common block.
_dgarea.kgxmin = 0;
_dgarea.kgxmax = 0;
_dgarea.kgymin = 0;
_dgarea.kgymax = 0;
_dgarea.kextnd = 0;
_dgarea.jgxmin = 0;
_dgarea.jgxmax = 0;
_dgarea.jgymin = 0;
_dgarea.jgymax = 0;
_dgarea.ksub1 = 0;
_dgarea.ksub2 = 0;
* Initialize subset internal grid common block.
for ( i = 0; i < LLNNAV; i++ ) {
_dgsubg.refnav[i] = 0.0;
_dgsubg.gwrapg = G_FALSE;
_dgsubg.dgsubg = G_FALSE;
_dgsubg.ishift = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgxmn = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgxmx = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgymn = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgymx = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgxsk = 0;
_dgsubg.jsgysk = 0;
* Initialize pointers to rotation sines and cosines.
_dgrtwd.irtcos = 0;
_dgrtwd.irtsin = 0;
* Initialize pointer to land-sea mask.
_dglndc.lndsea = 0;
* Initialize /NFILE/ common block.
for ( i = 0; i < NGDFLS; i++ ) {
_nfile.ntmplt[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.gflpth[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtfnm[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.aftrbr[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtgdt1[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtgdt2[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.outflg[i] = G_FALSE;
_nfile.mbrnum[i] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < LLMXGT; i++ ) {
_nfile.dtmlst1[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.dtmlst2[i][0] = '\0';
_nfile.ntmlst = 0;
_nfile.itmlst = 0;
_nfile.irefnv = 0;
_nfile.nucode = G_FALSE;
* Initialize /HINTRP/ common block.
for ( i = 0; i < LLNNAV; i++ ) {
_hintrp.tfrnav[i] = 0.0;
_hintrp.igrxig = 0;
_hintrp.igryig = 0;
_hintrp.isnrot = 0;
_hintrp.icsrot = 0;
_hintrp.wndrot = G_FALSE;
_hintrp.adcltg = G_FALSE;
_hintrp.gwrptg = G_FALSE;
_hintrp.didint = G_FALSE;