Brad Gonzales 632020195a Issue #628 committing PGEN code received from Plummer on 4-19-2012.
Former-commit-id: fda897d2d0 [formerly 253e8bc948] [formerly fda897d2d0 [formerly 253e8bc948] [formerly 295cbf95e5 [formerly 0816cd253c86acc699cb90866131619c4679f631]]]
Former-commit-id: 295cbf95e5
Former-commit-id: 2a3bf4ec32 [formerly ae3d17c698]
Former-commit-id: a610dcde73
2012-05-10 16:50:45 -05:00

358 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file

#ifndef _CTBCMN_H
#define _CTBCMN_H
* *
* This header file defines the structures needed to read in tables. *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 6/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 2/97 increase the array size of map_list *
* name (13 -> 40), garea(31->80), *
* proj (25 ->80) *
* D. Plummer/NCEP 3/98 Added information from prmlst.tbl *
* C. Lin/EAI 8/98 Add font size table *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 9/98 Changed the length of the path string *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 8/99 Changed the contents of dtinfo *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 1/01 Add clustered counties structures *
* T. Lee/SAIC 2/02 Added layer table structure *
* T. Lee/SAIC 2/02 Added group type to layer structure *
* T. Lee/SAIC 2/02 Added display mode to layer structure *
* H. Zeng/EAI 08/02 Added preference table structures. *
* H. Zeng/EAI 08/02 Modified preference table structures. *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 5/03 add grib2 table G2VARS_TBL *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 5/03 add pdtnmbr to G2VARS_TBL structure *
* H. Zeng/XTRIA 10/03 modified station_list structure *
* E. Safford/SAIC 11/03 removed MAX_LAYER definition -- use *
* MAX_LAYERS defined in gemprm.h *
* T. Lee/SAIC 11/03 increased val (25 -> 128) in prefs.tbl *
* E. Safford/SAIC 11/03 add outfile to layer_t struct *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 3/04 Added marine zone names structures *
* M. Li/SAIC 4/04 Added hzremap and direction to G2Vinfo *
* T. Lee/SAIC 9/04 added time binning to datatype structure*
* B. Yin/SAIC 10/04 added GFA gui info structures *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 10/04 Added permanent cluster structure *
* B. Yin/SAIC 11/04 Added hazard category into GFA structure*
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 12/04 Added ionoff flag to Dtinfo structure *
* S. Gilbert/NCEP 12/04 Added various GRIB2 table structures *
* Added _CTBCMN_H check to see if prev *
* included to avoid redefinition errs *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 01/06 Increased template string length to *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 04/06 Added domtmmtch to Dtinfo *
* B. Yin/SAIC 06/06 Added hazard id into GFA structure *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 10/07 Added Hershey font structure *
* F. J. Yen/NCEP 4/08 Add bin mins &most recent flag to DTinfo*
typedef struct station_list {
int stnm;
/* Station WMO number */
int prior;
/* Station priority */
float rlat;
/* Station latitude */
float rlon;
/* Station longitude */
float elev;
/* Station elevation */
char stid[9];
/* Station ID */
char name[33];
/* Station name */
char state[3];
/* State of station */
char coun[3];
/* Country of station */
char misc_info[30];
/* Misc Station Info */
} StnLst;
struct bulletin_list {
float rlat;
/* Station latitude */
float rlon;
/* Station longitude */
float elev;
/* Station elevation */
char bullid[7];
/* Bulletin ID */
char stid[9];
/* Originating station ID */
char name[33];
/* Station name */
char state[3];
/* State of station */
char coun[3];
/* Country of station */
struct datatype_list {
char datatyp[13];
/* Data type */
char loctbl[13];
/* Location table */
char bsflag[2];
/* Bulletin/Station flag */
char datadir[41];
/* Path to the data files */
char filext[9];
/* File extension */
struct maptype_list {
char name[40];
/* Map attributes */
char proj[80];
/* Map projection */
char garea[80];
/* Map graphics area */
#define PRMLST_TBL "prmlst.tbl"
typedef struct parmele
char name[20];
char value[128];
} ParmEle;
typedef struct plinfo {
int npe; /* Alias number of parameters */
char *alias; /* Alias name */
char *dtype; /* Alias datatype */
char colcod; /* Alias color code flag */
ParmEle *parmele; /* Alias parameter elements */
} PLinfo;
typedef struct prmlst_t {
int nalias; /* Number of display aliases */
PLinfo *info; /* Alias information */
} Prmlst_t;
#define DATA_TBL "datatype.tbl"
typedef struct dtinfo {
int catgry; /* Template category number */
int subcat; /* Template subcategory number */
int nframe; /* Template def number of frames */
int range; /* Template def time range (min) */
int intrvl; /* Template def time interval (min)*/
int ionoff; /* Bin hours turned on or off */
int hrsbfr; /* no of hrs to bin before current time */
int mnsbfr; /* minutes portion of bin time before curtime */
int hraftr; /* no of hrs to bin after current time */
int mnaftr; /* minutes portion of bin time after curtime */
int mstrct; /* most recent only flag for time binning */
int domtmmtch; /* time matching scheme if dominant source */
char alias[13]; /* Template alias */
char path[26]; /* Template path */
char template[MXTMPL]; /* Template */
} DTinfo;
typedef struct data_t {
int numtmpl; /* Number of templates */
DTinfo *info; /* Template information */
} Data_t;
#define FONTSZ_TBL "fontsz.tbl"
typedef struct {
char name[12]; /* font size name */
float value; /* font size value */
int xval; /* X window font size */
} FSZinfo;
typedef struct {
int nfsz; /* Number of font sizes */
FSZinfo *info; /* Font size information */
} Fontsz_t;
#define G2VARS_TBL "g2vars.tbl"
typedef struct {
int discpln;
int categry;
int paramtr;
int pdtnmbr;
int scale;
int hzremap;
int direction;
float missing;
char name[33];
char units[21];
char gemname[13];
} G2Vinfo;
typedef struct {
int nlines; /* number of lines */
G2Vinfo *info; /* grib2 table information */
} G2vars_t;
typedef struct {
int id; /* WMO Center id number */
char name[65]; /* WMO Center name */
char abbrev[9]; /* WMO Center abbreviation */
} G2wmocenter;
typedef struct {
int nlines; /* number of lines */
G2wmocenter *info; /* GRIB Orig Center Tbl info */
} G2wmocntrs;
typedef struct {
int id1; /* GRIB2 1st level number */
int id2; /* GRIB2 2nd level number */
int scale;
char name[34]; /* name of level/layer */
char unit[21]; /* name of level/layer */
char abbrev[5]; /* level/layer abbreviation */
} G2level;
typedef struct {
int nlines; /* number of lines */
G2level *info; /* GRIB2 level/layer tbl info */
} G2lvls;
#define CNTYCLUST_TBL "countyclust.tbl"
typedef struct {
char ccwfo[4]; /* Name of cluster WFO */
char *ccname; /* Name of cluster */
int ncc; /* Number of counties in cluster */
int *cc; /* Clustered county list (FIPS codes) */
} CCinfo;
typedef struct {
int nclust; /* Number of clustered county combos */
CCinfo *clust; /* Clustered county information */
} Clustcnty_t;
#define PERMCLUST_TBL "permclust.tbl"
typedef struct {
char pcwfo[4]; /* Name of permanent cluster WFO */
char *pcname; /* Name of permanent cluster */
int npc; /* Number of counties in cluster */
int *pc; /* Permanent clustered county list (FIPS codes) */
} PCinfo;
typedef struct {
int nclust; /* Number of permanent clustered county combos */
PCinfo *clust; /* Permanent clustered county information */
} Permclust_t;
typedef struct layer_t {
int cid; /* Color id */
char name[10]; /* Name of the class */
char vgfile[MXFLSZ]; /* VG file name */
char outfile[MXFLSZ]; /* Name of output VG file */
char cmode[5]; /* Color mode */
char fmode[4]; /* Fill mode */
char gtype[10]; /* Group type */
char dsply[4]; /* Display mode */
} Layer_t;
#define MZNAMES_TBL "marinenames.tbl"
typedef struct {
char mzid[7]; /* Marine zone id */
char name[257]; /* Full marine zone name */
} MZinfo;
typedef struct {
int nummz; /* number of marine zones */
MZinfo *mzones; /* Full marine zone information */
} Marzon_t;
#define PREFS_TBL "prefs.tbl"
#define MAX_PREF_STR 25
#define MAX_PREF_VAL 128
* Preference table entry structure.
typedef struct {
char tag[MAX_PREF_STR+1]; /* preference tag name */
char val[MAX_PREF_VAL+1]; /* preference value */
* Preference table structure.
typedef struct {
int npref; /* total # of preference entry */
pref_ent_t *prefs; /* preference tag_value pair list */
* GFA gui info
typedef struct haz_desc_t {
char *label;
char *type; /* pull-down or user input */
int nchoices; /* number of pull-down choices or columns */
char **choice; /* NULL if type is user input */
} Haz_Desc_t;
typedef struct hazard_t {
char *hazard;
char cat[ 32 ]; /* Sierra/Tango/Zulu */
char id[ 8 ]; /* hazard identifier */
int ndesc;
Haz_Desc_t *desc;
} Hazard_t;
typedef struct GFA_haz_t {
int nhaz;
Hazard_t *haz;
} GFA_Haz_t;
* Hershey Font info
typedef struct hfpoint_t {
int x;
int y;
} HF_point_t;
typedef struct hfchar_t {
int ascii_val;
int npts;
int xmin;
int xmax;
HF_point_t *point;
char *point_code;
} HF_char_t;
typedef struct hffont_t {
int font_code;
int numchr;
HF_char_t *character;
} HF_font_t;
prefTbl_t _prefTbl;
extern prefTbl_t _prefTbl;
HF_font_t *_hfontTbl;
int _nhfont;
extern HF_font_t *_hfontTbl;
extern int _nhfont;
#include "proto_ctb.h"
#endif /* _CTBCMN_H */