Steve Harris 7f90924706 12.4.1-10 baseline
Former-commit-id: 7fa9dbd5fb [formerly 4bfbdad17d] [formerly 9f8cb727a5] [formerly 7fa9dbd5fb [formerly 4bfbdad17d] [formerly 9f8cb727a5] [formerly 8485b90ff8 [formerly 9f8cb727a5 [formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]]]
Former-commit-id: 8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: 40aa780b3d [formerly 33a67cdd82] [formerly 73930fb29d0c1e91204e76e6ebfdbe757414f319 [formerly a28d70b5c5]]
Former-commit-id: a16a1b4dd44fc344ee709abbe262aeed58a8339b [formerly e5543a0e86]
Former-commit-id: 0c25458510
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00

943 lines
31 KiB

#include "dg.h"
* dg_ndtmc.c *
* *
* This module contains subroutines to processe the user input for *
* *
* dg_ndtm() scans the user input for GDATTIM *
* tmrang() converts time range to time list *
* tmfill() fills DTMLST *
* tmflst() get the first and last time of data set *
* kwrplc() replace key words with specific time *
* rpflst() replace FIRST and LAST with specific time *
static void tmrang ( const char *tbeg, const char *tend, const char *tinc,
int *ityp, int *ntime, char **times, int *iret );
static void tmfill ( int nt1, char **times1, int nt2, char **times2,
int *iret );
static void tmflst ( const char *cycle, char *tfst, char *tlst,
int *iret );
static void kwrplc ( const char *tmin, char *tmout, int *iret );
static void rpflst ( const char *tmin, char *tmout, int *iret );
void dgc_ndtm ( const char *gdatm, int *iret )
* dgc_ndtm *
* *
* This subroutine scans the user input for GDATTIM and creates an *
* internal list of times to process. DG_NFIL must be called first to *
* set either a template for the first GDFILE entry or to open the file *
* associated with it. DG_NFIL also determines first and last times *
* associated with the first GDFILE entry. The information from DG_NFIL *
* is in DGCMN.CMN *
* *
* All indeterminant time substitutions are based on the times *
* associated with the first GDFILE entry. *
* *
* dgc_ndtm ( gdatm, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *gdatm const char User input for GDATTIM *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -22 = invalid time *
* -56 = grid file open failed *
** *
* Log: *
* K. Brill/HPC 1/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/04 Re-coded *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Recoded from Fortran *
char atime[121], tstart[41], tstop[41], tinc[6],
first[DTTMSZ], last[DTTMSZ], temptm[DTTMSZ];
char **gtime, **time, **tlist1, **tlist2;
int ntime, ntm, itype, ityp1, ityp2, nt1, nt2;
int nt, ier, ier1, ier2, ier3;
*iret = 0;
gtime = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 32, 121, sizeof(char), &ier1 );
tlist1 = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( LLMXGT, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier2 );
tlist2 = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( LLMXGT, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier3 );
if ( ier1 != 0 || ier2 != 0 || ier3 != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -73;
* Parse GDATTIM entry for ";"
cst_clst ( (char *)gdatm, ';', " ", 32, 120, gtime, &ntime, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 || ntime > 32 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -22;
* Loop over all ";" separated entries
for ( nt = 0; nt < ntime; nt++ ) {
strcpy ( atime, gtime[nt] );
cst_lcuc ( atime, atime, &ier );
* Replace key words with specific time.
if ( strstr ( atime, "ALL" ) || strstr ( atime, "FIRST" ) ||
strstr ( atime, "LAST" ) ) {
kwrplc ( atime, atime, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 || strstr ( atime, "FIRST" ) ||
strstr ( atime, "LAST" ) ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -22;
* Check GDATTIM entry for ":"
if ( strchr ( atime, ':' ) ) {
* Dual time
cst_rang ( atime, tstart, tstop, tinc, &itype, &ier );
time = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 2, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -73;
if ( itype == 0 ) {
* Dual single specified time
cst_clst ( atime, ':', " ", 2, 20, time, &ntm, &ier );
if ( _nfile.ntmlst > LLMXGT -1 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)time, &ier );
*iret = -22;
ctg_full ( time[0], _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
_nfile.dtmlst1[_nfile.ntmlst], &ier );
ctg_full ( time[1], _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
_nfile.dtmlst2[_nfile.ntmlst], &ier );
} else if ( itype == 1 ) {
* Dual time range without increment
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)time, &ier );
*iret = -22;
} else if ( itype == 2 ) {
* Dual time range with increment
cst_clst ( tstart, ':', " ", 2, 20, time, &ntm, &ier );
strcpy ( first, time[0] );
cst_clst ( tstop, ':', " ", 2, 20, time, &ntm, &ier );
strcpy ( last, time[0] );
tmrang ( first, last, tinc, &ityp1, &nt1, tlist1, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)time, &ier );
*iret = -22;
cst_clst ( tstart, ':', " ", 2, 20, time, &ntm, &ier );
strcpy ( first, time[1] );
cst_clst ( tstop, ':', " ", 2, 20, time, &ntm, &ier );
strcpy ( last, time[1] );
tmrang ( first, last, tinc, &ityp2, &nt2, tlist2, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 || ityp1 != ityp2 || nt1 != nt2 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)time, &ier );
*iret = -22;
tmfill ( nt1, tlist1, nt2, tlist2, iret );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)time, &ier );
} else {
* No dual time
cst_rang ( atime, tstart, tstop, tinc, &itype, &ier );
if ( itype == 0 ) {
* Single specified time
if ( _nfile.ntmlst > LLMXGT - 1 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -22;
ctg_full ( atime, _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
temptm, &ier );
strcpy ( _nfile.dtmlst1[_nfile.ntmlst++], temptm );
} else if ( itype == 1 ) {
* Range without increment
tinc[0] = '\0';
tmrang ( tstart, tstop, tinc, &ityp1, &nt1, tlist1, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -22;
tmfill ( nt1, tlist1, 0, tlist2, iret );
} else if ( itype == 2 ) {
* Range with increment
tmrang ( tstart, tstop, tinc, &ityp1, &nt1, tlist1, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
*iret = -22;
tmfill ( nt1, tlist1, 0, tlist2, iret );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)gtime, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist1, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tlist2, &ier );
static void tmrang ( const char *tbeg, const char *tend, const char *tinc,
int *ityp, int *ntime, char **times, int *iret )
* tmrang *
* *
* This subroutine converts the time range into a list of times. *
* *
* tmrang ( tbeg, tend, tinc, ityp, ntime, times, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *tgeb const char Time range begin *
* *tend const char Time range end *
* *tinc const char Time range increment *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *ityp int Vary type *
* 1 = forecast time varies *
* 2 = cycle time varies *
* *ntime int Number of times *
* *times char Time list *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -22 = invalid time *
* -56 = grid file open failed *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/05 Changed processing of range with inc *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Translated from Fortran *
* T. Piper/SAIC 04/07 Modified for cfl_scnt CSC *
char filnam[MXFLSZ], rplc[DTTMSZ], tmplt[65], tstart[DTTMSZ],
tstop[DTTMSZ], temptm[DTTMSZ];
char **tmlist, **tmplst;
float adum1, adum2;
int nf, nlist, lns, ifn, mxgd, nfile, ntmp, nt, itmr, itmds, zero, ier;
int ii, gfalse;
struct dirent **dnlist=NULL;
*iret = 0;
*ntime = 0;
zero = 0;
gfalse = G_FALSE;
* Either the cycle time varies or the forecast time varies,
* but not both. And the time type has to be the same
ctg_full ( tbeg, _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0], tstart, iret );
ctg_full ( tend, _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0], tstop, iret );
if ( strncmp ( tstart, tstop, 12 ) == 0 ) {
*ityp = 1;
} else if ( strcmp ( &tstart[11], &tstop[11] ) == 0 ) {
*ityp = 2;
} else {
*iret = -22;
tmlist = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( LLMXGT, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -73;
tmplst = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( LLMXGT, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
*iret = -73;
* Get a list of times in dataset.
if ( strlen ( _nfile.ntmplt[0] ) > 0 ) {
* First GDFILE entry is a template
strcpy ( tmplt, _nfile.ntmplt[0] );
* Try to narrow down the searching of files.
if ( strncmp ( tstart, tstop, 2 ) == 0 ) {
if ( strstr ( tmplt, "YYYY" ) ) {
strcpy ( rplc, "YY" );
strncat ( rplc, tstop, 2 );
rplc[4] = '\0';
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYYY", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, tstop, 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YY", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
if ( strncmp ( &tstart[2], &tstop[2], 2 ) == 0 ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[2], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "MM", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
if ( strncmp ( &tstart[4], &tstop[4], 2 ) == 0 ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[4], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "DD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
if ( strncmp ( &tstart[7], &tstop[7], 2 ) == 0 ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[7], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "HH", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
if ( strcmp ( &tstart[12], &tstop[12] ) == 0 ) {
if ( strstr ( tmplt, "FFFFF" ) ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[12], 3, &ier );
strcat ( rplc, "00" );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "FFFFF", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else if ( strstr ( tmplt, "FFF" ) ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[12], 3, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "FFF", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else if ( strstr ( tmplt, "FF" ) ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &tstop[13], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "FF", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
* Do the searching. Find all those files matching the filled
* template.
cfl_scnt ( _nfile.gflpth[0], tmplt, 1, &dnlist, &nfile, &ier );
* Get times from the searched files.
nlist = 0;
if ( strstr ( _nfile.ntmplt[0], "fFF" ) ) {
* Filenames are assumed to contain complete GEMPAK
* time information.
for ( nf = 0; nf < nfile; nf++ ) {
if ( nlist > LLMXGT - 1 ) {
for (ii=nlist;ii<nfile;ii++){
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
*iret = -22;
cfl_mdat ( dnlist[nf]->d_name, _nfile.ntmplt[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
temptm, &ier );
strcpy ( tmlist[nlist++], temptm );
} else {
* File has to be opened to get time(s)
strcpy ( filnam, _nfile.gflpth[0] );
strcat ( filnam, "/" );
lns = strlen ( filnam );
for ( nf = 0; nf < nfile; nf++ ) {
strcpy ( &filnam[lns], dnlist[nf]->d_name );
gd_open ( filnam, &gfalse, &zero, &zero, &ifn, &adum1, &adum2,
&mxgd, &ier, strlen(filnam) );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
for (ii=nf+1; ii<nfile; ii++){
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
*iret = -56;
cgd_gtim ( ifn, LLMXGT, tmplst, &ntmp, &ier );
for ( nt = 0; nt < ntmp; nt++ ) {
if ( *ityp == 2 ) {
if ( strstr ( tmplst[nt], &tstop[11] ) ) {
if ( nlist > LLMXGT - 1 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
*iret = -22;
strcpy ( tmlist[nlist++], tmplst[nt] );
} else {
if ( nlist > LLMXGT - 1 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
*iret = -22;
strcpy ( tmlist[nlist++], tmplst[nt] );
if ( dnlist != NULL ) free(dnlist);
} else {
* First GDFILE entry is an actual file
gd_open ( _nfile.crtfnm[0], &gfalse, &zero, &zero, &ifn, &adum1, &adum2,
&mxgd, &ier, strlen(_nfile.crtfnm[0]) );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
*iret = -56;
cgd_gtim ( ifn, LLMXGT, tmlist, &nlist, &ier );
* Keep only those times that satisfy the range specification.
if ( strlen( tinc ) == 0 ) {
* Time range without increment
ctg_rnoi ( tstart, tstop, *ityp, nlist, tmlist, ntime, times, iret );
} else {
* Time range with increment
ctg_rinc ( tstart, tstop, tinc, *ityp, &ntmp, tmplst, iret );
for ( itmr = 0; itmr < ntmp; itmr++ ) {
for ( itmds = 0; itmds < nlist; itmds++ ) {
if ( strcmp ( tmlist[itmds], tmplst[itmr] ) == 0 ) {
strcpy ( times[(*ntime)++], tmlist[itmds] );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmlist, &ier );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
static void tmfill ( int nt1, char **times1, int nt2, char **times2,
int *iret )
* tmfill *
* *
* This subroutine fills the DTMLST. *
* *
* tmfill ( nt1, times1, nt2, times2, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* nt1 int Number of times in list *
* **times1 cha rTime list for time 1 *
* nt2 int Number of times in list *
* **times2 char Time list for time 2 *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -22 = invalid time *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Translated from Fortran *
int nt;
*iret = 0;
for ( nt = 0; nt < nt1; nt++ ) {
if ( _nfile.ntmlst > LLMXGT - 1 ) {
*iret = -22;
strcpy ( _nfile.dtmlst1[_nfile.ntmlst], times1[nt] );
if ( nt2 == nt1 ) {
strcpy( _nfile.dtmlst2[_nfile.ntmlst], times2[nt] );
static void tmflst ( const char *cycle, char *tfst, char *tlst,
int *iret )
* tmflst *
* *
* This subroutine finds the first and last time of the given cycle, or *
* the first and last time of the dataset if cycle is blank. *
* *
* tmflst ( cycle, tfst, tlst, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *cycle const char Cycle time *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *tfst char First time *
* *tlst char Last time *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -56 = grid file open failed *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 9/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Translated from Fortran *
* T. Piper/SAIC 04/07 Modified for cfl_scnt CSC *
char tmplt[65], rplc[DTTMSZ], temptm[DTTMSZ], filnam[MXFLSZ];
char **tmplst;
float adum1, adum2;
int ii, ifn, ngrd, mxgd, nf, ntime, nt, zero, ier;
int gfalse;
struct dirent **dnlist=NULL;
*iret = 0;
zero = 0;
gfalse = G_FALSE;
tfst[0] = '\0';
tlst[0] = '\0';
* Check the first GDFILE entry
if ( strlen ( _nfile.ntmplt[0] ) != 0 ) {
* First GDFILE entry is a template
strcpy ( tmplt, _nfile.ntmplt[0] );
if ( strlen ( cycle ) != 0 ) {
if ( strstr ( tmplt, "YYYY" ) ) {
strcpy ( rplc, "YY" );
strncat ( rplc, cycle, 6 );
rplc[8] = '\0';
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYYYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, cycle, 6, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &cycle[7], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "HH", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cfl_scnt ( _nfile.gflpth[0], tmplt, -1, &dnlist, &nf, &ier );
strcpy ( filnam, _nfile.gflpth[0] );
strcat ( filnam, "/" );
if (nf > 0) strcat ( filnam, dnlist[0]->d_name );
for ( ii=0; ii<nf;ii++){
if ( dnlist != NULL) free(dnlist);
gd_open ( filnam, &gfalse, &zero, &zero, &ifn, &adum1, &adum2, &mxgd,
&ier, strlen(filnam) );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -62;
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, temptm, tlst, &ier );
cfl_scnt ( _nfile.gflpth[0], tmplt, 1, &dnlist, &nf, &ier );
strcpy ( filnam, _nfile.gflpth[0] );
strcat ( filnam, "/" );
if (nf > 0) strcat ( filnam, dnlist[0]->d_name );
for ( ii=0; ii<nf;ii++){
if ( dnlist != NULL) free(dnlist);
gd_open ( filnam, &gfalse, &zero, &zero, &ifn, &adum1, &adum2, &mxgd,
&ier, strlen(filnam) );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -62;
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, tfst, temptm, &ier );
} else {
* First GDFILE entry is an actual file
gd_open ( _nfile.crtfnm[0], &gfalse, &zero, &zero, &ifn,
&adum1, &adum2, &mxgd, &ier, strlen(_nfile.crtfnm[0]) );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -56;
if ( strlen ( cycle ) == 0 ) {
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, tfst, tlst, &ier );
} else {
tmplst = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( LLMXGT, DTTMSZ, sizeof(char), &ier);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -73;
cgd_gtim ( ifn, LLMXGT, tmplst, &ntime, &ier );
for ( nt = 0; nt < ntime; nt++ ) {
if ( strncmp ( tmplst[nt], cycle, 11 ) == 0 ) {
strcpy ( tfst, tmplst[nt] );
for ( nt = ntime - 1; nt >= 0; nt-- ) {
if ( strncmp ( tmplst[nt], cycle, 11 ) == 0 ) {
strcpy ( tlst, tmplst[nt] );
cmm_free2d ( (void **)tmplst, &ier );
static void kwrplc ( const char *tmin, char *tmout, int *iret )
* kwrplc *
* *
* This subroutine replaces key words in GDATTIM input with specific *
* time. Key words are FIRST, LAST, and ALL (XALL and ALLX ). ALL will *
* be replaced with a time range. *
* *
* kwrplc ( tmin, tmout, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *tmin const char Input time *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *tmout char Output time *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -22 = invalid time *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Translated from Fortran *
char tstart[DTTMSZ], tstop[DTTMSZ], tinc[6], temptm[48];
int itype, ier;
*iret = 0;
strcpy ( temptm, tmin );
* Key words are invalid in dual time.
if ( strchr ( temptm, ':' ) ) {
*iret = -22;
* ALL is invalid in time range and by itself. In other cases,
* ALL will be replaced with FIRST-LAST time range.
if ( strstr ( temptm, "ALL" ) ) {
if ( strchr ( temptm, '-' ) || strcmp ( temptm, "ALL" ) == 0 ) {
*iret = -22;
} else {
cst_rpst ( temptm, "ALL", "FIRST", tstart, &ier );
cst_rpst ( temptm, "ALL", "LAST", tstop, &ier );
strcpy ( temptm, tstart );
strcat ( temptm, "-" );
strcat ( temptm, tstop );
cst_rang ( temptm, tstart, tstop, tinc, &itype, &ier );
if ( itype == 0 ) {
* No range.
rpflst ( temptm, tmout, &ier );
} else {
* Range with/without increment.
rpflst ( tstart, tstart, &ier );
rpflst ( tstop, tstop, &ier );
if ( itype == 1 ) {
* Without range.
strcpy ( tmout, tstart );
strcat ( tmout, "-" );
strcat ( tmout, tstop );
} else if ( itype == 2 ) {
* With range.
strcpy ( tmout, tstart );
strcat ( tmout, "-" );
strcat ( tmout, tstop );
strcat ( tmout, "-" );
strcat ( tmout, tinc );
static void rpflst ( const char *tmin, char *tmout, int *iret )
* rpflst *
* *
* This subroutine replaces the key words FIRST and LAST with specific *
* time. *
* *
* The meaning of key words FIRST and LAST is data type related and *
* position related. *
* *
* By data type related, for analysis data, FIRST means the first cycle *
* in the dataset, and LAST means the last cycle in the dataset; for *
* forecast data, FIRST means the first forecast hour for the given *
* cycle or the last cycle in the dataset, and LAST means the last *
* forecast hour for the given cycle or the last cycle in the dataset. *
* *
* By position related, if they appear at the forecast position *
* (general format is cycleFforcast), FIRST means the first forecast *
* hour for the given cycle or the last cycle in the dataset, and LAST *
* means the last forecast hour for the given cycle or the last cycle *
* in the dataset. If they appear at the cycle position, FIRST means *
* the first cycle in the dataset, and LAST means the last cycle in the *
* dataset. *
* *
* rpflst ( tmin, tmout, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *tmin const char Input time *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *tmout char Output time *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -22 = invalid time *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/04 *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Translated from Fortran *
char cycle[DTTMSZ], first[DTTMSZ], last[DTTMSZ], dumptm[DTTMSZ], rplc[DTTMSZ];
int intdtf[3], isfcst, ipos1, ipos2, ier, ier1, ier2;
*iret = 0;
strcpy ( dumptm, tmin );
* Check data type for analysis data or forecast data.
tg_ctoi ( _dgfile.tlast[0], intdtf, &ier, strlen(_dgfile.tlast[0]) );
if ( intdtf[2] == 0 ) {
isfcst = G_FALSE;
} else {
isfcst = G_TRUE;
* Replace FIRST.
cst_srch ( 0, strlen(dumptm), "FIRST", dumptm, &ipos1, &ier1 );
cst_srch ( ipos1+1, strlen(dumptm), "FIRST", dumptm, &ipos2, &ier2 );
if ( strcmp ( dumptm, "FIRST" ) == 0 ) {
if ( isfcst == G_TRUE ) {
* FIRST for forecast data.
cst_ncpy ( cycle, _dgfile.tlast[0], 11, &ier );
} else {
* FIRST for analysis data.
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );;
strcpy ( dumptm, first );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ier2 == 0 ) {
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, first, 11, &ier );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "FIRST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
strcpy ( rplc, &first[12] );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "FIRST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ipos1 == 0 ) {
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, first, 11, &ier );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "FIRST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ipos1 > 0 ) {
if ( ipos1 > 1 ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, dumptm, ipos1-1, &ier );
ctg_full ( rplc, _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
cycle, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( cycle, _dgfile.tlast[0], 11, &ier );
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
strcpy ( rplc, &first[12] );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "FIRST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
* Replace LAST.
cst_srch ( 0, (int)strlen(dumptm), "LAST", dumptm, &ipos1, &ier1 );
cst_srch ( ipos1+1, (int)strlen(dumptm), "LAST", dumptm, &ipos2, &ier2 );
if ( strcmp ( dumptm, "LAST" ) == 0 ) {
if ( isfcst == G_TRUE ) {
* LAST for forecast data.
cst_ncpy ( cycle, _dgfile.tlast[0], 11, &ier );
} else {
* LAST for analysis data.
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
strcpy ( dumptm, last );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ier2 == 0 ) {
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, last, 11, &ier );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "LAST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
strcpy ( rplc, &last[12] );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "LAST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ipos1 == 0 ) {
cycle[0] = '\0';
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, last, 11, &ier );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "LAST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
} else if ( ier1 == 0 && ipos1 > 0 ) {
if ( ipos1 > 1 ) {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, dumptm, ipos1-1, &ier );
ctg_full ( rplc, _dgfile.tfirst[0], _dgfile.tlast[0],
cycle, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( cycle, _dgfile.tlast[0], 11, &ier );
tmflst ( cycle, first, last, &ier );
strcpy ( rplc, &last[12] );
cst_rpst ( dumptm, "LAST", rplc, dumptm, &ier );
* Catch FIRSTF and LASTF.
if ( dumptm[strlen(dumptm)-1] == 'F' ) {
*iret = -22;
strcpy ( tmout, dumptm );