-updated opening text to descripe Satellite Menu -updated screenshot of menu options to be current -updated the pattern action -updated sections to include images of AK and HI -made sections for "Ind Channels" and "RGB Composites" and made existing sections into subsections of those -moved the warning for RGB images above the sample screenshots -changed 'u' to a proper mu symbol -updated sections and removed the "NOAAPort Provisional Products" and "L2+" Sections and combined everything with existing sections into "Ind. Channels", "RGB Composites", "Channel Diffs", and "Derived Products" -added new text for RGBs, derived products and channel diffs. -added a note for channel diffs that this relies on client side installation of jep which is troublesome on windows and mac -added link to CIRA's "Quick Guides" for derived products -updated the HDF5 locations -updated the GLM text and menu screenshots -removed the DMW section for now (left a comment for the section header to re-enable and fill out if we add DMW products to AWIPS)
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