root 9f19e3f712 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

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<title>gfeConfig - Mutable Parameter and Viewable Database
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<h2 style="text-align: center;">GFESuite/ifpIMAGE Configuration File<br>
Mutable Database and
Viewable Database Configuration </h2>
This section of the configuration file defines entries that affect the
mutable database and viewable database configurations.
<div class="3Heading">&nbsp;
<table nosave="" border="1" cols="4" width="100%">
<center><b>GFE Configuration Item</b></center>
<center><b>Applicable to GFE</b></center>
<center><b>Applicable to <a href="ifpIMAGE.html"><!--disable indexer-->ifpIMAGE</a></b></center>
<td><a href="#MutableDatabaseandViewableDatabase">Mutable Database</a></td>
<td>Doesn't affect output PNGs</td>
<td><a href="#ViewableDatabaseTypes">Viewable Database Types</a></td>
<td>Affect overall available set of types</td>
<td><a href="#FilteredDataMask">Filtered Data Mask</a></td>
<td>Normally only used for ifpIMAGE</td>
<blockquote> </blockquote>
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<h4><a name="MutableDatabaseandViewableDatabase"></a><font size="+1">Mutable
Database Name</font></h4>
The mutable database name is in a "type_model_time" format.&nbsp; There
are several permutations of this format:
Normally the mutable database name is set to "_Fcst" for the forecast
It is unusual, except for testing, to set this field to a different
<p>The "_model" format is used when the database does not have a
type and a specific model time does not matter.&nbsp; Be sure to
the underscore character for this format. The "type_model" format is
when the database to be edited has a specified type (e.g., D2D for D2D
The formats with the time are not normally used but are useful
when you want to edit a specific database that is not a
The format for the time string is yyyymmdd_hhmm.&nbsp; An example of
time string for November 8, 1999 at 1200z is 19991108_1200. </p>
<p><b><tt>mutableModel = "_Fcst"</tt></b> <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h4><a name="ViewableDatabaseTypes"></a><font size="+1">Viewable
Database Types</font></h4>
The "dbTypes"&nbsp; entry defines the database types that will be
by the GFE.&nbsp; Database types are defined in for
database.&nbsp; Typically the databases derived from models, the
database, and the official database all share the same database
Other databases, such as the D2D viewable models, are assigned
different types.
<p>The standard databases have a database type of '' (no
This value must be included in the list of "dbTypes".&nbsp; D2D model
databases have a type of "D2D".&nbsp; Virtual databases, such as those
used for the Virtual ISC weather elements, have a type of "V". </p>
<p>&nbsp;You may want to adjust this list to always exclude certain
of databases from being displayed on the GFE.&nbsp; </p>
<p><b><tt>dbTypes = ['', 'D2D', 'V']</tt></b> <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h4><a name="FilteredDataMask"></a><font size="+1">Filtered Data Mask</font></h4>
The GFE supports filtering of the displayed data by site identifier or
site plus weather element name.&nbsp; The main purpose of this to to
clipped graphical products (i.e., ifpIMAGE).&nbsp; For normal GFE
the entry should be commented out or non-existant. The displayed data
clipped by specifying an edit area, such as BOU_CWA.&nbsp; The GFE will
access the edit area and then clip all spatially displayed data to this
area.&nbsp; There are four formats of the entry, and the entries are
searched for in this order: <br>
<li><i>siteID</i>_<i>weatherElementName</i>_mask, where <i>siteID</i>
is the site identifier that is currently in use by the GFE, and
weatherElementname is for specific clipping for a weather element, </li>
<li><i>siteID</i>_mask, where <i>siteID</i>
is the site identifier that is currently in use by the GFE, </li>
<li><i>weatherElementName</i>_mask, where weatherElementname is for
specific clipping for a weather element,</li>
<p><b><tt>BOU_Wind_mask = "BOU"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>BOU_mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>Wind_mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
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