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<title>Map Background Configuration</title>
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<h1 CLASS="3Heading">
<a NAME="Top"></a>MapFiles.py - Map Background Shapefile Naming File</h1>
<div CLASS="3Heading">September 13, 2002</div>
<h1 CLASS="3Heading">
<a NAME="Organization"></a>Organization</h2>
<a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
<br><a href="#Format">MapFiles.py Format</a>
<br><a href="#Updating">Updating Map Shapefiles</a>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
The MapFiles.py file defines the shapefile names for each of the main categories
of shapefiles. It is imported by the <a href="mapConfig.html">Maps.py</a>
file and can be overridden by the <a href="localMapFiles.html">localMapFiles.py</a>
in order to provide easy shapefile upgrades. This document describes the
format of the MapFiles.py file.
<p><b><font color="#FF0000">See the <a href="serverConfiguration.html#ServerDatabaseConfigurationModificationOptions">server
configuration overview</a> for information on how to make changes that
are supported to the map backgrounds.</font></b>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="Format"></a>MapFiles.py Format</h2>
The format of the MapFiles.py is very simple. It simply contains
a list of the map filenames and assigns them to variables. These
variables are used throughout <a href="mapConfig.html">Maps.py</a> and
<a href="localMapsConfig.html">localMaps.py</a>. Thus as the shapefiles
are updated, the changes in the map background configuration is confined
to just one file.
<p><tt># MapFiles.py</tt>
<br><tt># Contains a listing of filenames used for map generation.</tt>
<br><tt># NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, instead use the localMapFiles.py
<br><tt># of overriding this file.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt># These are the translations (for convenience from name to shapefile
<br><tt># These entries are used in Maps.py and localMaps.py.</tt>
<br><tt>CountyMapName = 'c_30au02'</tt>
<br><tt>ZoneMapName = 'z_30au02'</tt>
<br><tt>CWAMapName = 'w_25ap02'</tt>
<br><tt>MarineZonesMapName = 'mz10se02'</tt>
<br><tt>StatesMapName = 's_24ja01'</tt>
<br><tt>BasinsMapName = 'ba18jl02'</tt>
<br><tt>FireWxZonesName = 'fz15au02'</tt>
<br><tt>RFCMapName = 'rf19fe99'</tt>
<br><tt>LakeMapName = 'lk17de98'</tt>
<br><tt>HighSeaMapName = 'hz02oc01'</tt>
<br><tt>CityMapName = 'web_city'</tt>
<br><tt>HighwayMapName = 'ri11oc01'</tt>
<br><tt>ISCMapName = 'cm14au02'</tt>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="Updating"></a>Updating Map Shapefiles</h2>
The procedure to update map shapefiles is described in the <a href="localMapFiles.html">localMapFiles.py</a>
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