2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

509 lines
17 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Name:
# GFS1-NHD:A9059.0000-SCRIPT;16
# Status:
# History:
# Revision 17
# Created: 10-AUG-2012 15:00:00 GZHANG
# DR 14702: Added fix for PyTables in Gui().trend()
# Revision 16 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 06-MAR-2008 17:01:20 OBERFIEL
# Added fix for leap-years.
# Revision 15 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 20-MAR-2007 13:36:53 OBERFIEL
# Updated text input fields and printer dialogs to be
# consistent. Frame tag removed.
# Revision 14 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 04-JAN-2007 12:52:14 OBERFIEL
# Corrected misspelling.
# Revision 13 (REVIEW)
# Created: 28-DEC-2006 11:33:09 OBERFIEL
# Made validate function less restrictive.
# Revision 12 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 30-JUN-2006 10:58:42 TROJAN
# spr 7190: added plot area window parameters to
# app-recources file
# Revision 11 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 30-MAY-2006 15:10:39 TROJAN
# spr 7144: added auto-update feature, number of years in
# database
# Revision 10 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 23-MAY-2006 08:47:13 TROJAN
# spr 7152: fixed select days matching criteria - round time,
# added history button in TWEB Editor's statusbar,
# fixed spelling
# Revision 9 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 19-MAY-2006 08:32:07 TROJAN
# SPR 7146: fixed select days matching criteria - round
# observation time up
# Revision 8 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 02-MAY-2006 09:34:10 TROJAN
# SPR 7133: fixed "where" selection expression for dates
# wrapping around end of the year
# Revision 7 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 02-MAY-2006 08:52:49 TROJAN
# SPR 7138: fixed "where" selection expression for dates
# wrapping around end of the year
# Revision 6 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 27-MAR-2006 08:11:49 TROJAN
# spr 7103: added ErrorRedirect method
# Revision 5 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 24-MAR-2006 17:45:44 TROJAN
# spr 7106 Pmw code does not forward python exceptions to
# AvnFPS _Logger
# Revision 4 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 23-FEB-2006 08:24:45 TROJAN
# moved paths to text database commands to
# Revision 3 (DELIVERED)
# Created: 16-FEB-2006 14:20:58 TROJAN
# removed unnecessary imports, renamed shadowed variables
# Revision 2 (APPROVED)
# Created: 15-FEB-2006 14:34:43 TROJAN
# fixes transient dialog behavior - spr 7091
# Revision 1 (APPROVED)
# Created: 13-FEB-2006 10:25:14 TROJAN
# stdr 945
# Change Document History:
# 1:
# Change Document: GFS1-NHD_SPR_7373
# Action Date: 02-JUN-2008 20:44:52
# Relationship Type: In Response to
# Status: CLOSED
# Title: AvnFPS: AvnWatch monitoring not reliable.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Mar 10, 2022 8808 randerso Update ConfigParser to better work with
# Java commons.configuration
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import os
import sys
import numpy
import tables
import Avn
import AvnConfigParser
import ClimLib
_Help = {
'title': 'AvnFPS - Ceiling/Visibility Trend Help',
'content': """
This application displays ceiling/visibility trend based
on selected initial conditions.
Use "Get" button to retrieve METAR for a selected site.
The METAR can be modified.
Use "Decode" button to initialize selection widgets.
The initial conditions can be adjusted either by typing
in the "value" and "range" windows, or by mouse actions.
Left button moves value or an edge of range (red area on
the element widget). Middle button is used to move both
value and range. In the "Wind Direction" widget use right
button to toggle between wind arrow and a circle representing
calm and variable wind.
Use "Element" radiobuttons to select forecasted element.
Press "Draw" to display the forecast.
The displayed image can be printed or stored in a graphic file.
Use "File" menu for that purpose.
sys.argv = [__name__]
CigCat = sorted((k, v['cig']) for k, v in ClimLib.FlightCats.items())
VisCat = sorted((k, v['vis']) for k, v in ClimLib.FlightCats.items())
NumCat = len(ClimLib.FlightCats)
Fill = 9
# used by Selection class
CatDict = {
'dd': [30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330],
'ff': [5, 12, 32],
'vsby': [0.4, 1.1, 3.1, 6.1],
'cig': [210, 610, 1020, 3130, 5050],
fields = {}
def ff_range(value):
seq = CatDict['ff']
seq.insert(0, 0)
for lo, hi in Avn.window(seq):
if lo <= value < hi:
elif hi <= value < lo:
raise ValueError('Bad ff_range')
return lo, hi
def vsby_range(value):
seq = CatDict['vsby']
seq.insert(0, 0)
for lo, hi in Avn.window(seq):
if lo <= value < hi:
elif hi <= value < lo:
raise ValueError('Bad vsby_range')
return lo, hi
def cig_range(value):
seq = CatDict['cig']
seq.insert(0, 0)
for lo, hi in Avn.window(seq):
if lo <= value < hi:
elif hi <= value < lo:
raise ValueError('Bad cig_range')
return lo, hi
def _cigCat(v):
for n, cig in CigCat:
if v < cig:
return n
return NumCat
def _visCat(v):
for n, vis in VisCat:
if v < vis:
return n
return NumCat
def squeeze(matches, tref):
# eliminate multiple events within the same time window
def _num(t):
return (t - tref) // 86400.0
d = {_num(t): (n, t) for n, t in matches}
return sorted(d.values())
def process_data_worst(count, data, ref_t, num_hours, table, listener):
tmp_cig = numpy.full((num_hours,), Fill)
tmp_vis = numpy.full((num_hours,), Fill)
tmp_joint = numpy.full((num_hours,), Fill)
for obs in data:
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
dh = int((obs[0] - ref_t) // 3600.0)
if not (0 <= dh < num_hours):
raise Avn.AvnError('Bug in process_data_worst()')
if (obs[1] != table.attrs.cig['fill'] and
obs[2] != table.attrs.vis['fill']):
tmp_cig[dh] = min(tmp_cig[dh], _cigCat(obs[1]))
tmp_vis[dh] = min(tmp_vis[dh], _visCat(obs[2]))
tmp_joint[dh] = min(tmp_cig[dh], tmp_vis[dh])
for h in range(num_hours):
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
if tmp_cig[h] < NumCat:
count['cig'][h, int(tmp_cig[h])] += 1
if tmp_vis[h] < NumCat:
count['vis'][h, int(tmp_vis[h])] += 1
if tmp_joint[h] < NumCat:
count['joint'][h, int(tmp_joint[h])] += 1
if tmp_joint[h] < Fill:
count['total'][h] += 1
class Gui():
AppName = 'AvnFPS - Ceiling/Visibility Trend'
Xresfile = os.path.join('etc', 'app-resources', 'XCigVisTrend')
IdsFile = os.path.join('etc', 'ids.cfg')
RowLabels = ['MVFR', 'IFR', 'LIFR', 'VLIFR', 'COUNT']
MaxHours = 13 # hour_menu must not contain value >= MaxHours
def __init__(self):
def get_site_config(self):
# get list of data files
cp = AvnConfigParser.AvnConfigParser()
self.ids = {x: dict(cp.items(x)) for x in cp.sections()}
if self.ids:
tmp = sorted(self.ids.keys())
def get_metar(self, siteID):
import JUtil
import MetarData
data = MetarData.retrieve([siteID], 1)
if not data:
raise Avn.AvnError('Cannot retrieve data for %s' % siteID)
data = [{'header': d.header, 'text': d.text, 'dcd': d.dcd}
for d in data
data.sort(key=lambda x: x['dcd']['itime']['str'], reverse=True)
return JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(data[0])
def trend(self, table, selection, unltd_cig, listener):
def _in(value, from_, to):
if from_ <= to:
return from_ <= value <= to
return not (to < value < from_)
def time_selector11(sel):
yday0 = sel.yday[0]
yday1 = sel.yday[1]
for o in table.where('(yday0<=yday) & (yday<=yday1)'):
if sel.hour[0] <= o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1]:
yield o
def time_selector12(sel):
yday0 = sel.yday[0]
yday1 = sel.yday[1]
for o in table.where('(yday0<=yday) & (yday<=yday1)'):
if o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1] or sel.hour[0] <= o['hour']:
yield o
def time_selector21(sel):
yday0 = sel.yday[0]
yday1 = sel.yday[1]
for o in table.where('yday0<=yday'):
if sel.hour[0] <= o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1]:
yield o
for o in table.where('yday<=yday1'):
if sel.hour[0] <= o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1]:
yield o
def time_selector22(sel):
yday0 = sel.yday[0]
yday1 = sel.yday[1]
for o in table.where('yday0<=yday'):
if o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1] or sel.hour[0] <= o['hour']:
yield o
for o in table.where('yday<=yday1'):
if o['hour'] <= sel.hour[1] or sel.hour[0] <= o['hour']:
yield o
def wx_selector(row, sel):
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
ff = row['wind_spd']
if ff == table.attrs.wind_spd['fill']:
return False
if not _in(ff, *sel.wind_speed):
return False
dd = row['wind_dir']
if dd == table.attrs.wind_dir['fill']:
if ff == 0:
dd = 0
typ = row['wdir_type']
if typ == 'V':
dd = 0
return False
dd = float(dd)
if dd > 0:
if not _in(dd, *sel.wind_dir):
return False
cig = row['cig']
if cig == table.attrs.cig['fill']:
return False
if not _in(cig, *sel.cig):
return False
vsby = row['vis']
if vsby == table.attrs.vis['fill']:
return False
if not _in(vsby, *sel.vsby):
return False
pcp = [x for x in row['pres_wxm_code'][:] if 50 <= x < 100] != []
if pcp and sel.pcp == 'no' or not pcp and sel.pcp == 'yes':
return False
return True
# convert units
sel = Avn.Bunch(wind_dir=selection.wind_dir,
for x in selection.wind_speed],
cig=[ClimLib.us2hd_cig(x, unltd_cig) for x in selection.cig],
vsby=[ClimLib.us2hd_vsby(x) for x in selection.vsby],
# fix hour selection - round to full hour
def _round(h):
return (h + 1.0 / 6.0) // 1.0 # 10 min before hour
sel.cur_hour = _round(sel.cur_hour)
sel.hour = [_round(x) for x in sel.hour]
# create search selector
if sel.yday[0] <= sel.yday[1]:
if sel.hour[0] <= sel.hour[1]:
time_selector = time_selector11
time_selector = time_selector12
if sel.hour[0] <= sel.hour[1]:
time_selector = time_selector21
time_selector = time_selector22
# select days matching criteria
matches = [(row.nrow, row['date_time'] + 600)
for row in time_selector(sel)
if wx_selector(row, sel)
tref = 3600.0 * sel.hour[0]
count = {'cig': numpy.zeros((self.MaxHours, NumCat), numpy.float32),
'vis': numpy.zeros((self.MaxHours, NumCat), numpy.float32),
'joint': numpy.zeros((self.MaxHours, NumCat), numpy.float32),
'total': numpy.zeros((self.MaxHours,))
delta = (sel.cur_hour - sel.hour[0]) % 24.0 * 3600.0 + tref
# stats method
for n, t in squeeze(matches, tref):
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
# time corrresponding to the selected hour
t0 = (t - tref) // 86400.0 * 86400.0 + delta
# start search time
t1 = t0 - 600.0
# end search time
t2 = t1 + self.MaxHours * 3600.0
# small enough
n1 = max(0, n - 2 * int((t - t1) // 3600.0) - 1)
# big enough
n2 = n1 + 5 * self.MaxHours
data = [(row['date_time'], row['cig'], row['vis']) for row in
table.where('(t1<=date_time) & (date_time<t2)', start=n1, stop=n2)]
process_data_worst(count, data, t1, self.MaxHours, table, listener)
# calculate frequencies
args = list(count.keys())
tmp = 0.01 * count['total']
for arg in args:
for n in range(NumCat):
count[arg][:, n] /= tmp
return count
def get_data(self, selectionDict, id_, hours, fname, listener):
self.MaxHours = hours
selection = Avn.Bunch(cig=selectionDict['cig'],
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
raise Avn.AvnError('File %s does not exist' % fname)
with tables.open_file(fname) as fh:
table = fh.get_node('/obs')
unltd = ClimLib.Unlimited
data = self.trend(table, selection, unltd, listener)
cig_count = data['cig']
vis_count = data['vis']
joint_count = data['joint']
total_count = data['total']
dataDict = {}
cigList = []
visList = []
jntList = []
totalList = []
for h in range(self.MaxHours):
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
tmpCig = []
tmpVis = []
tmpJnt = []
for c in range(NumCat):
if listener.isCanceled():
raise KeyboardInterrupt
dataDict['cig'] = cigList
dataDict['vis'] = visList
dataDict['joint'] = jntList
dataDict['total'] = totalList
return data