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<title>ifpServerText User's Guide</title>
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<h1 class="1Heading">
ifpServerText User's Guide</h1>
<div class="1Heading">April 4, 2006<br>
<a name="TableofContents"></a>Table of Contents
<h4 class="1Heading"><a href="#Overview">Overview</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#Running">Running the ifpServerText Program</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#ExampleData">Example Output</a></h4>
<div class="1Heading"><b><a href="#formats">Output Formats</a></b></div>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
<div class="1Heading">The ifpServerText is a program to allow reading,
writing, deleting, and inventorying text data in the ifpServer.
is an easy way to store items such as smart tools directly into the
The following data types are supported:
<table nosave="" border="1" cols="2" width="100%">
<td>Smart tools</td>
<td>Utilities for smart tools and procedures</td>
<td>Utilities for text products</td>
<td>Text product definitions</td>
<td>Edit areas</td>
<td>Edit area group definitions</td>
<td>Weather element groups</td>
<td>User-defined selection time ranges</td>
<td>Sample Sets</td>
<td>Color Tables</td>
<td>Map Backgrounds and Attributes</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Combinations<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Zone Combiner Active Combination
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<h3 class="1Heading"><a name="Running"></a>Running the ifpServerText
<div class="1Heading"> </div>
<div class="1Heading">The command line syntax is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>ifpServerText -h hostname -p portnumber [-u
[-s -n name -f filename -c class] [-d -n name [-c Config]] [-i [-c
[-g -f filename -n name [-c Config]] [-m infoType]</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading">
A sample command line to store data is:
<tt>ifpServerText -h dx4f -p 98000000 -s -n MaxT_Tool -f /tmp/maxt.py
-c Tool</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"> </div>
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td><b>Option Syntax</b></td>
<td><b>Optional or Mandatory</b></td>
<td>-h hostname</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the host, upon which the ifpServer is running.</td>
<td>-p port</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the port, upon which the ifpServer is running.</td>
<td>-u user</td>
<td>Optional. </td>
<td>The connection to the ifpServer will be made using this user,
defaults to the UNIX login user. </td>
<td><b><i>MetaData Mode:</i></b></td>
<td>-m infoType</td>
<td>Mandatory for meta mode.</td>
<td>infoType specifies the type of data to be obtained.
Choices are
"site", "sitetimezone", "domain", and "singleton". The "site"
list the site for which the ifpServer is configured. The
lists the site and the timezone for the ifpServer. The
lists all of the databases that are configured as singletons. The
lists the common database domain information.</td>
<td>-f filename</td>
<td>Indicates the name of the file to contain the output
<td><b><i>Save Mode:</i></b></td>
<td>Mandatory for save mode.</td>
<td>Indicates SAVE mode, requires the -n, -f, and -c switches.</td>
<td>-n name</td>
<td>Indicates the name to store the file under in the ifpServer</td>
<td>-f filename</td>
<td>Indicates the filename source for the operation.</td>
<td>-c class</td>
<td>Indicates the type of the file. Must be one of:
"Tool", "Procedure", "Utility", "TextUtility",
"EditArea", "EditAreaGroup", "WeatherElementGroup", ColorTable",
"SelectTR", "Combinations".</td>
<td><b><i>Delete Mode:</i></b></td>
<td>Mandatory for delete mode.</td>
<td>Indicates DELETE mode, requires the -n switch. The -c
is used only for the class type of Config.</td>
<td>-n name</td>
<td>Indicates the name of the entry to be deleted from the
<td>-c Config</td>
<td>Indicates the type of the file. Must be one of:
"Tool", "Procedure", "Utility", "TextUtility",
"EditArea", "EditAreaGroup", "WeatherElementGroup", ColorTable",
"SelectTR", "Combinations".</td>
<td><b><i>Inventory Mode:</i></b></td>
<td>Mandatory for inventory mode.</td>
<td>Indicates INVENTORY mode. The -c switch is used only
for the
class type of Config.</td>
<td>-c Config</td>
<td>Indicates the type of the file. Must be one of:
"Tool", "Procedure", "Utility", "TextUtility",
"EditArea", "EditAreaGroup", "WeatherElementGroup", ColorTable",
"SelectTR", "Maps, "Combinations"</td>
<td><b><i>Get Mode:</i></b></td>
<td>Mandatory for get mode.</td>
<td>Indicates GET mode, requires the -n switch. The -f
switch is
used to output the resulting file to another file, otherwise the output
goes to the terminal. The -c switch is used only for the class
of Config.</td>
<td>-f filename</td>
<td>If present, the retrieved file will be written to the
specified location.</td>
<td>-c Config</td>
<td>Indicates the type of the file. Must be one of:
"Tool", "Procedure", "Utility", "TextUtility",
"EditArea", "EditAreaGroup", "WeatherElementGroup", ColorTable",
"SelectTR", "Maps", "Combinations".</td>
<font color="#3366ff">Note: The -h serverhost and -p port are
based on your installation configration of GFESuite. The -h and
will be defined for the server host and port specified during
If you wish to connect to another server, then these switches will be
necessary. </font><font color="#3366ff"> If environment
variables ${CDSHOST} or
${CDSPORT} are defined, then the default server and port will be
determined from the environment variables, unless overridden with the
user specified -h and -p switches.</font>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="ExampleData"></a>Example Execution</h3>
<div class="1Heading">Note that in the following examples, the -h and
switches are not included. They will default to the currently
ifpServer configuration.</div>
Saving Data</h4>
<tt>camper> <b><i>ifpServerText -s -n MyMaxTool -f
-c Tool</i></b></tt>
<tt>21:13:02.123 IFPServerText.py 289 EVENT: ifpServerText Starting</tt>
<tt>21:13:02.132 IFPServerText.py 289 EVENT: Build Date: Mon Sep 2
01:43:14 2002 Built By: mark Built On: camper.fsl.noaa.gov (linux2)
<tt>21:13:02.142 Client.C 161 EVENT: Establishing connection to server
on camper.fsl.noaa.gov:98000000 ver=20020626</tt>
<tt>21:13:02.150 Client.C 181 EVENT: Connection complete to server
on camper.fsl.noaa.gov</tt>
<tt>21:13:02.420 IFPServerText.py 164 EVENT: Saved file
under MyMaxTool</tt>
<tt>21:13:02.425 IFPServerText.py 289 EVENT: ifpServerText Finished</tt>
<h4>Obtaining an Inventory</h4>
<tt>camper > <b><i>ifpServerText -c Tool -i</i></b></tt> <br>
<tt>21:13:53.870 IFPServerText.py 289 EVENT: ifpServerText Starting</tt>
<tt>21:13:53.878 IFPServerText.py 289 EVENT: Build Date: Mon Sep 2
01:43:14 2002 Built By: mark Built On: camper.fsl.noaa.gov (linux2)
<tt>21:13:53.887 Client.C 161 EVENT: Establishing connection to server
on camper.fsl.noaa.gov:98000000 ver=20020626</tt>
<tt>21:13:53.894 Client.C 181 EVENT: Connection complete to server
on camper.fsl.noaa.gov</tt>
Access Protect</tt>
------ -------</tt>
USER Read-Only</tt>
USER Read-Write</tt>
<h4>Getting Data</h4>
<tt>camper > <b><i>ifpServerText -g -c Tool -n Assign_Value -f
<tt>15:19:16.275 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: ifpServerText
<tt>15:19:16.279 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: Build Date: Tue
Sep 3 14:33:58 2002 Built By: mark Built On: camper.fsl.noaa.gov
(linux2) Version: development</tt>
<tt>15:19:16.291 Client.C 161 EVENT: Establishing connection to server
on localhost:98000044 ver=20020626</tt>
<tt>15:19:16.312 Client.C 181 EVENT: Connection complete to server
on localhost</tt>
<tt>15:19:16.436 IFPServerText.py 197 EVENT: Got
--- written to 1.txt</tt>
<tt>15:19:16.437 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: ifpServerText
<h4>Deleting Data</h4>
<tt>camper > <b><i>ifpServerText -c Tool -d -n MyTool</i></b></tt>
<tt>15:21:34.030 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: ifpServerText
<tt>15:21:34.034 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: Build Date: Tue
Sep 3 14:33:58 2002 Built By: mark Built On: camper.fsl.noaa.gov
(linux2) Version: development</tt>
<tt>15:21:34.043 Client.C 161 EVENT: Establishing connection to server
on localhost:98000044 ver=20020626</tt>
<tt>15:21:34.059 Client.C 181 EVENT: Connection complete to server
on localhost</tt>
<tt>15:21:34.359 IFPServerText.py 185 EVENT: Deleted MyTool</tt>
<tt>15:21:34.360 IFPServerText.py 286 EVENT: ifpServerText
<hr width="100%">
<h3><a name="formats"></a>Output Formats</h3>
The output formats for each of the classes are described in this
<h4>Tool, Procedure, Utility, TextUtility, TextProduct, Config,
The output format is the exact copy of the file in the ifpServer.
Note that this format is not identical to the format of the stored data
in the ifpServer, and thus you cannot use the ifpServer format in this
<tt>INCLUDE </tt>(or EXCLUDE) flag for the polygon
</tt>(number of points in this polygon)
<tt>-115.23 40.23 </tt>(longitude,
latitude for point 1)
<tt>-115.11 40.25 </tt>(longitude,
latitude for point 2)
The output consists of a list of edit area names, one per line, that
contained within the edit area group, such as:
The output consists of the identical format of the weather element
in the ifpServer, such as:
<p><tt>MinT_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>MaxT_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>T_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>Td_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>Wind_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>Wx_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>Sky_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>PoP_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>SnowAmt_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>QPF_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>FzLevel_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
<tt>SnowLevel_SFC:SITE_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -1</tt>
The output consists of the identical format of the user-defined
time range in the ifpServer, such as:
<p><tt>54 78</tt>
<tt>#of samples</tt>
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of color cells</tt>
<tt>red1 green1 blue1</tt>
<tt>red2 green2 blue2</tt>
Map data is much more complicated since there can be POINT, POLYGON,
POLYLINE types of map data. Shapefile attributes are also
in the data stream.
<p>For POINT data:
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
<p>For POLYGON data:
<tt># of points</tt>
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
<tt># of points</tt>
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
<p>For POLYLINE data:
<tt># of points</tt>
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
<tt># of points</tt>
<tt>longitude1 latitude1</tt>
<tt>longitude2 latitude2</tt>
<tt># of attributes</tt>
<tt>attributeName1: attributeValue1</tt>
<tt>attributeName2: attributeValue2</tt>
For "site":
<p>For "sitetimezone":
<tt>siteID timezone</tt>
<p>For "singleton":
<p>For "domain":
<tt>ProjectionID: Grid211</tt>
<tt>Grid Size: (145, 145)</tt>
<tt>Grid Domain: ((38.0, 27.0), (9.0, 9.0))</tt>
<tt>latLonOrigin: (-95.0, 25.0)</tt>
<tt>projectionID: 'Grid211'</tt>
<tt>gridPointLL: (1, 1)</tt>
<tt>lonCenter: 0.0</tt>
<tt>latLonUR: (-49.384998321533203, 57.290000915527344)</tt>
<tt>gridPointUR: (93, 65)</tt>
<tt>stdParallelTwo: 25.0</tt>
<tt>projectionType: 'LAMBERT_CONFORMAL'</tt>
<tt>stdParallelOne: 25.0</tt>
<tt>latIntersect: 0.0</tt>
<tt>lonOrigin: 0.0</tt>
<tt>latLonLL: (-133.45899963378906, 12.189999580383301)</tt>