root 9f19e3f712 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

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<b><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Grid Manager actions</font></font></b>
<p><a NAME="StretchAGrid"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Stretch
the valid time of any grid block.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">The Grid Manager has a built-in tool for stretching
the time over which a grid is valid.&nbsp; Move the cursor to the grid
block that you want to stretch.&nbsp; Press and hold MB2 while moving the
cursor to the left or right.&nbsp; Stretching the grid block to the left
changes the grid's start time while stretching the grid block to the right
changes that grid's end time.&nbsp; Note that you can only stretch the
start time or the end time per operation.&nbsp; To stretch both times,
you must perform this operation twice. See the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#Stretchagridsvalidtimeperiod">Stretch
a grid's valid time period</a> in GFE Training Guide for more information.</font>
<p><a NAME="CopyGrid"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Copy the
contents of one grid block into another grid block.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This task is accomplished using the MB3 pop-up
menu from inside the Grid Manager.&nbsp; Move the cursor over the grid
block that you wish to copy from.&nbsp; Press and hold MB3 and select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Copy
Grid</font><font color="#000000">" from the pop-up menu.&nbsp; Next, move
your cursor to the time at which you want to paste this grid.&nbsp; Press
and hold MB3 again, but this time select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Paste
Grid</font><font color="#000000">".&nbsp; Note that you can paste the grid
into a gap or onto an existing grid.&nbsp; Just the grid data values are
changed when pasting a grid.&nbsp; The valid time is not affected.&nbsp;
See the section in the GFE Training Guide, <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CopyGrids">Copy
Grid</a> for more information.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectTimeRange"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
a time range and list of parameters, then copy data from a selected model
into the FCST database.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This is a two-part task.&nbsp; First you must
select the time range, then copy grids from a model.&nbsp; To select the
time range,&nbsp; move the cursor to the start time of the selection and
over the first weather element you want to select.&nbsp; Press and hold
MB1 and drag diagonally.&nbsp; Motion in the horizontal direction selects
the time range.&nbsp; Motion in the vertical direction selects weather
element.&nbsp; When you have selected the time range and the set of weather
elements you want, release MB1.&nbsp; For more information on selecting
weather elements and time ranges in this way, see the GFE Training Guide
section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select Weather
Element and TimeRange</a>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Next, you need to identify the model source to
copy in to your selected Weather Element/TimeRange.&nbsp; Go to the main
menu and select </font><font color="#FF0000">Populate->Copy Selected Grids
From...</font><font color="#000000">&nbsp; A dialog that contains all model
versions that are curently available will appear.&nbsp; Select the model
of your choice and select </font><font color="#FF0000">OK</font><font color="#000000">.&nbsp;
Grids generated from that model will be copied into your forecast.&nbsp;
For more information on this operation, see the GFE Training Guide, section
<a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CopyfromDerivedModelGrids">Copy
from Derived Model Grids</a>.</font>
<p><a NAME="CreateFromScratch"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Create
a grid from Scratch. Stretch the valid time of that grid and split it into
more than one grid.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This is a three-part task.&nbsp; To create a grid
from scratch, move your cursor over the weather element/timerange you wish,
press and hold MB3 to display the pop-up menu, and select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Create
From Scratch</font><font color="#000000">".&nbsp; You will see a new grid
block appear in the Grid Manager.&nbsp; See the section,&nbsp; <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateGridfromScratch">Create
Grid from Scratch</a> in the GFE Training Guide for more information.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">To stretch the valid time of the newly created
grid, see the instructions above, <a href="#StretchAGrid">Stretch the valid
time of any grid block</a>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Finally, to split the grid block, select a portion
of it using the instructions Select a time range...&nbsp; Then MB3 press
to display the pop up menu and select "Spilt Grid".&nbsp; You will end
up with two grids whose time boundaries are defined by whatever time range
you selected.</font>
<p><a NAME="AssignNullValue"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
a "null" value to an entire grid.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">To assign a "null" value (usually the lowest allowable
value)&nbsp; just move your cursor over your grid of choice and MB3 press
to display the pop-up menu.&nbsp; Select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Assign
[value]</font><font color="#000000">" where [value] is the null value defined
for that weather element.&nbsp; You will see that the null value was assigned
to every grid point in the grid. See the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#AssignDefaultValue">Assign
Default Value</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="TimeShiftGrids"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
several grids and use Time Shift to move the&nbsp; grids to another time
<p><font color="#000000">To TimeShift grids, you first need to select them.&nbsp;
See the section in the Grid Manager Training&nbsp; <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select
Weather Element and TimeRange</a>&nbsp; for more information on selecting
<p><font color="#000000">Next, from the Main Menu select </font><font color="#FF0000">Grids->Time
Shift...</font><font color="#000000"> to display the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#TimeShiftDialog">Time
Shift Dialog</a>.&nbsp; Use the radio buttons to indicate whether to copy
or move and the&nbsp; slider to indicate how many hours to time shift.&nbsp;
Then select </font><font color="#FF0000">OK</font><font color="#000000">.&nbsp;
Watch what happens to the grid that you selected.</font>