root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

348 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

import sys
print "Hello world using Jep."
#import os
#raw_input('gdb --pid=%s' % os.getpid())
from jep import *
from java.lang import *
from java.util import HashMap
from import FileInputStream
def console(quit=True):
import console
raise RuntimeError, 'blah'
def testMethod(str):
print 'testMethod: ', str
return Integer(12)
#for i in (range(0, 10)):
if(__name__ == '__main__'):
# turn on stack traces
i = 0
print 'sys.path: ', sys.path
print 'dir(jep): ', dir(jep)
print """
# test parameters
print 'dir test object: ', dir(testo)
print 'test object: ', testo
print 'test parameter: ', test
print 'test int param: ', testi
print 'test bool param: ', testb
print 'test long param: ', testl
print 'double param: ', testd
print 'float param: ', testf
print 'test byte: ', testy
print 'test char: ', testc
print 'test null obj: ', testn
print 'test class obj: ', testz().toString()
print 'test b array: ', testab[1]
print 'test d array: ', testad[1]
print 'test b array: ', amod.testab[1]
print 'test d array: ', amod.testad[1]
print """
# test method calling
print 'test callback: ', testo.callback()
print 'test toString: ', testo.toString()
print 'test getInt: ', testo.getInt()
print 'test getShort: ', testo.getShort()
print 'test getLong: ', testo.getLong()
print 'test getDouble: ', testo.getDouble()
print 'test getFloat: ', testo.getFloat()
print 'test getByte: ', testo.getByte()
print 'test getChar: ', testo.getChar()
print 'test getClass: ', testo.getClass()
integer = testo.getInteger()
print 'dir getInteger: ', dir(integer)
l = testo.getClassLong()
print 'dir getLong: ', dir(l)
print 'long value: ', l.longValue()
print 'integer value: ', integer.intValue()
print 'double value: ', testo.getClassDouble()
print 'float value: ', testo.getClassFloat()
jarrayList = testo.getObject()
print 'dir(jarrayList): ', dir(jarrayList)
print 'test getObject ', jarrayList.get(0)
jarrayList.add("list 1")
jarrayList.add("list 2")
it = jarrayList.iterator()
print 'dir(it) ', dir(it)
print 'it.hasNext() ', it.hasNext()
while it.hasNext():
next =
if(next.equals('list 1')):
print 'array parameter: ', next
print 'test send stuff ', testo.sendMeSomeStuff("an arraylist object",
print 'test send stuff ', testo.sendMeSomeStuff(None, jarrayList)
print """
# test constructors
print 'new Integer: ', Integer(12)
h = HashMap()
h.put('test', 'w00t')
print 'new HashMap: ', h
print 'new Boolean: ', Boolean(False)
print repr(Boolean)
s = String('tested new string')
print 'make jstring: ', s
#s2 = String(s.getBytes())
#print 'another string: ', s2
l = Long(123123123123123)
print 'make long: ', l
d = Double(132123.123123)
print 'make double: ', d
f = Float(123.123)
print 'make float: ', f
c = Character('j')
print 'make char: ', c
b = Byte(123)
print 'make byte: ', b
# *shrugs*
print """
# test fields
print 'stringField: ', testo.stringField
print 'intField: ', testo.intField
print 'shortField: ', testo.shortField
print 'booleanField: ', testo.booleanField
print 'longField: ', testo.longField
print 'doubleField: ', testo.doubleField
print 'floatField: ', testo.floatField
print 'byteField: ', testo.byteField
print 'charField: ', testo.charField
print 'classField: ', testo.classField
testo.stringField = 'a new string for loop: %i' % (i)
testo.intField = i
testo.shortField = i
testo.booleanField = False
testo.longField = testo.longField * -1
testo.doubleField = 1223123.123
testo.floatField = 12312.122
testo.charField = 'j'
testo.byteField = 2
testo.classField = Integer
print 'stringField: ', testo.stringField
print 'intField: ', testo.intField
print 'shortField: ', testo.shortField
print 'booleanField: ', testo.booleanField
print 'longField: ', testo.longField
print 'doubleField: ', testo.doubleField
print 'floatField: ', testo.floatField
print 'byteField: ', testo.byteField
print 'charField: ', testo.charField
print 'classField: ', testo.classField
print """
# test static fields
print 'staticString: ', testo.staticString
print 'staticInt: ', testo.staticInt
print 'staticShort: ', testo.staticShort
print 'staticBoolean: ', testo.staticBoolean
print 'staticLong: ', testo.staticLong
print 'staticDouble: ', testo.staticDouble
print 'staticFloat: ', testo.staticFloat
print 'staticChar: ', testo.staticChar
print 'staticByte: ', testo.staticByte
print 'staticClass: ', testo.staticClass
print ""
testo.staticString = 'a new string for loop: %i' % (i)
testo.staticInt = i
testo.staticShort = i
testo.staticBoolean = True
testo.staticLong = testo.staticLong * -1
testo.staticDouble = 123.12
testo.staticFloat = 123.123
testo.staticByte = testo.staticByte * 10
testo.staticChar = 'z'
testo.staticClass = Integer
Test = findClass('jep.Test')
print 'staticShort: ', Test.staticShort
print 'staticString: ', Test.staticString
print 'staticInt: ', Test.staticInt
print 'staticBoolean: ', Test.staticBoolean
print 'staticLong: ', Test.staticLong
print 'staticDouble: ', Test.staticDouble
print 'staticFloat: ', Test.staticFloat
print 'staticChar: ', Test.staticChar
print 'staticByte: ', Test.staticByte
print 'staticClass: ', Test.staticClass
Test.staticString = 'a new string for loop: %i' % (i)
Test.staticInt = i
Test.staticShort = i
Test.staticBoolean = True
Test.staticLong = Test.staticLong * -1
Test.staticDouble = 213239.990921221221
Test.staticFloat = 3.2121231
testo.staticByte = testo.staticByte * 10
testo.staticChar = 'a'
print 'staticString: ', Test.staticString
print 'staticInt: ', Test.staticInt
print 'staticShort: ', Test.staticShort
print 'staticBoolean: ', Test.staticBoolean
print 'staticLong: ', Test.staticLong
print 'staticDouble: ', Test.staticDouble
print 'staticFloat: ', Test.staticFloat
print 'staticChar: ', Test.staticChar
print 'staticByte: ', Test.staticByte
ii = Integer(12)
print 'int min value: ', ii.MIN_VALUE
print 'int min value: ', Integer.MIN_VALUE
print 'ii type: ', type(ii)
print 'Integer type: ', type(Integer)
print """
# test static methods
print 'staticString: ', testo.getStaticString()
print 'staticBoolean: ', testo.getStaticBoolean()
print 'staticInt: ', testo.getStaticInt()
print 'staticShort: ', testo.getStaticShort()
print 'staticObject: ', testo.getStaticObject()
print 'staticVoid: ', testo.callStaticVoid()
print 'staticLong: ', testo.getStaticLong()
print 'staticDouble: ', testo.getStaticDouble()
print 'staticFloat: ', testo.getStaticFloat()
print 'staticByte: ', testo.getStaticByte()
print 'staticChar: ', testo.getStaticChar()
print 'staticClass: ', testo.getStaticClass()
print """
# test exceptions
# exceptions are *slow*... you wouldn't want to do much of this
# in a real environment.
print '12: ', Integer(12).intValue()
print 'parseInt: caught NumberFormatException'
fin = FileInputStream('asdf')
print 'inputStream: caught FileNotFoundException'
print 'Integer = ', Integer.toString()
print 'fixed'
System.out.println("regression test.")
print 'regression: no crash yet'
#raise TypeError, 'test'
print """
# array handling
# just for fun
fin = FileInputStream("configure")
ar = jarray(20, JBYTE_ID)
count =
# strip any other lines, just want first
if(10 in ar):
count = ar.index(10)
ar = ar[0:count]
print 'configure starts ', String(ar, 0, count)
# array handling
ar = testo.getStringArray()
print 'string[] len: ', len(ar)
print '[0], [1], [2]: ', ar[0], ar[1], ar[2]
ar[0] = "new"
ar[1] = None
print '[0], [1]: ', ar[0], ar[1]
print 'sending: '
ar = testo.getStringStringArray()
print 'string[][]: ', len(ar)
print '[0][1]: ', ar[0][1]
ar = testo.getObjectArray()
print 'object array: ', len(ar)
print '[0], [1]: ', ar[0], ar[1]
ar[1] = None
print '[0], [1]: ', ar[0], ar[1]
ar = testo.getIntArray()
print 'int array[0]: ', ar[0]
ar[0] -= 100
print 'sending: ', repr(ar)
ar = testo.getBooleanArray()
print 'bool array[1]: ', ar[1]
ar = testo.getShortArray()
print 'short [1]: ', ar[1]
ar = testo.getFloatArray()
print 'float[0]: ', ar[0]
print 'Float max: ', Float.MAX_VALUE
testb = True
print 'python loop %i finished.' % (i)