root e2ecdcfe33 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

501 lines
17 KiB
Executable file

import imp
import os
import sys
import unittest
from nose.loader import TestLoader as Loader
from nose import util, loader, selector # so we can set mocks
def safepath(p):
"""Helper function to make cross-platform safe paths
return p.replace('/', os.sep)
def mods():
# Setting up the fake modules that we'll use for testing
# test loading
M = {}
M['test_module'] = imp.new_module('test_module')
M['module'] = imp.new_module('module')
M['package'] = imp.new_module('package')
M['package'].__path__ = [safepath('/package')]
M['package'].__file__ = safepath('/package/')
M['package.subpackage'] = imp.new_module('package.subpackage')
M['package'].subpackage = M['package.subpackage']
M['package.subpackage'].__path__ = [safepath('/package/subpackage')]
M['package.subpackage'].__file__ = safepath(
M['test_module_with_generators'] = imp.new_module(
M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests'] = imp.new_module(
# a unittest testcase subclass
class TC(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
class TC2(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
# test class that uses a metaclass
class TCType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
class TestMetaclassed(object):
__metaclass__ = TCType
def test_one(self):
def test_two(self):
# test function
def test_func():
# non-testcase-subclass test class
class TestClass:
def test_func(self):
def test_generator_inline(self):
"""docstring for test generator inline
def test_odd(v):
assert v % 2
for i in range(0, 4):
yield test_odd, i
def test_generator_method(self):
"""docstring for test generator method
for i in range(0, 4):
yield self.try_odd, i
def test_generator_method_name(self):
"""docstring for test generator method name
for i in range(0, 4):
yield 'try_odd', i
def try_odd(self, v):
assert v % 2
# test function that is generator
def test_func_generator():
"""docstring for test func generator
def test_odd(v):
assert v % 2
for i in range(0, 4):
yield test_odd, i
def test_func_generator_name():
"""docstring for test func generator name
for i in range(0, 4):
yield 'try_odd', i
def try_odd(v):
assert v % 2
M['nose'] = nose
M['__main__'] = sys.modules['__main__']
M['test_module'].TC = TC
TC.__module__ = 'test_module'
M['test_module'].test_func = test_func
test_func.__module__ = 'test_module'
M['module'].TC2 = TC2
TC2.__module__ = 'module'
M['test_module_with_generators'].TestClass = TestClass
TestClass.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
M['test_module_with_generators'].test_func_generator = test_func_generator
M['test_module_with_generators'].test_func_generator_name = \
M['test_module_with_generators'].try_odd = try_odd
test_func_generator_name.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
test_func_generator.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
try_odd.__module__ = 'test_module_with_generators'
M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests'].TestMetaclassed = TestMetaclassed
TestMetaclassed.__module__ = 'test_module_with_metaclass_tests'
del TC
del TC2
del TestMetaclassed
# del TCType
del test_func
del TestClass
del test_func_generator
return M
M = mods()
# Mock the filesystem access so we don't have to maintain
# a support dir with real files
_listdir = os.listdir
_isdir = os.path.isdir
_isfile = os.path.isfile
_exists = os.path.exists
_import = __import__
# Mock functions
def mock_listdir(path):
if path.endswith(safepath('/package')):
return ['.', '..', 'subpackage', '']
elif path.endswith(safepath('/subpackage')):
return ['.', '..', '']
elif path.endswith(safepath('/sort')):
return ['.', '..', 'lib', 'src', 'test', '', 'a_test']
return ['.', '..', '', '']
def mock_isdir(path):
print "is dir '%s'?" % path
paths = map(safepath, [
'/a/dir/path', '/package',
'/package/subpackage', '/sort/lib',
'/sort/src', '/sort/a_test',
'/sort/test', '/sort'])
paths = paths + map(os.path.abspath, paths)
if path in paths:
return True
return False
def mock_isfile(path):
if path in ('.', '..'):
return False
return '.' in path
def mock_exists(path):
print "exists '%s'?" % path
paths = map(safepath, [
'/package', '/package/', '/package/subpackage',
paths = paths + map(os.path.abspath, paths)
return path in paths
def mock_import(modname, gl=None, lc=None, fr=None):
if gl is None:
gl = M
if lc is None:
lc = locals()
mod = sys.modules[modname]
except KeyError:
pname = []
for part in modname.split('.'):
mname = '.'.join(pname)
mod = gl[mname]
sys.modules[mname] = mod
return mod
except KeyError:
raise ImportError("No '%s' in fake module list" % modname)
class MockImporter:
def importFromPath(self, path, fqname):
m = M[fqname]
except KeyError:
raise ImportError(fqname)
sys.modules[fqname] = m
return m
# Tests
class TestTestLoader(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
os.listdir = mock_listdir
loader.op_isdir = selector.op_isdir = os.path.isdir = mock_isdir
loader.op_isfile = selector.op_isfile = os.path.isfile = mock_isfile
selector.op_exists = os.path.exists = mock_exists
util.__import__ = mock_import
self.l = Loader(importer=MockImporter())#, context=MockContext)
def tearDown(self):
os.listdir = _listdir
loader.op_isdir = selector.op_isdir = os.path.isdir = _isdir
loader.op_isfile = selector.op_isfile = os.path.isfile = _isfile
selector.op_exists = os.path.exists = _exists
util.__import__ = _import
def test_lint(self):
"""Test that main API functions exist
l = self.l
def test_load_from_name_dir_abs(self):
print "load from name dir"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/a/dir/path'))
tests = [t for t in suite]
self.assertEqual(len(tests), 1)
def test_load_from_name_module_filename(self):
print "load from name module filename"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_module(self):
print "load from name module"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_nontest_module(self):
print "load from name nontest module"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
def test_load_from_name_method(self):
print "load from name method"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(':TC.runTest')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
for test in tests:
assert res.errors, \
"Expected a ValueError for unresolvable test name, got none"
def test_load_from_name_module_class(self):
print "load from name module class"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC')
tests = [t for t in suite]
print tests
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
# the item in tests is a suite, we want to check that all of
# the members of the suite are wrapped -- though this is really
# a suite test and doesn't belong here..
assert filter(lambda t: isinstance(t,, tests[0])
def test_load_from_name_module_func(self):
print "load from name module func"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:test_func')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert isinstance(tests[0].test,, \
"Expected FunctionTestCase not %s" % tests[0].test
def test_load_from_name_module_method(self):
print "load from name module method"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC.runTest')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert tests
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_class(self):
print "load from name module missing class"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC2')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing class test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_func(self):
print "load from name module missing func"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:test_func2')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 0 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing func test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_module_missing_method(self):
print "load from name module missing method"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module:TC.testThat')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing method test to raise exception"
def test_load_from_name_missing_module(self):
print "load from name missing module"
res = unittest.TestResult()
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('other_test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, \
"Should have loaded 1 test, but got %s" % tests
assert res.errors, "Expected missing module test to raise exception"
def test_cases_from_testcase_are_wrapped(self):
print "cases from testcase are wrapped"
test_module = M['test_module']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_module.TC)
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
for test in tests:
assert isinstance(test,, \
"Test %r is not a test wrapper" % test
def test_load_test_func(self):
print "load test func"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName('test_module')
tests = [t for t in suite]
self.assertEqual(len(tests), 2, "Wanted 2 tests, got %s" % tests)
assert filter(lambda t: isinstance(t,, tests)
print tests
class_tests = tests[0]
for t in class_tests:
print "class test: ", t
func_tests = tests[1:]
assert class_tests, \
"Expected class suite got %s" % class_tests
assert len(func_tests) == 1, \
"Expected 1 func test got %s" % func_tests
for test in class_tests:
assert isinstance(test.test, unittest.TestCase), \
"Expected TestCase npt %s" % tests[0].test
for test in func_tests:
assert isinstance(test.test,, \
"Expected FunctionTestCase not %s" % tests[1].test
def test_load_from_name_package_root_path(self):
print "load from name package root path"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/package'))
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 1, "Expected one test, got %s" % tests
tests = list(tests[0])
assert not tests, "The full test list %s was not empty" % tests
def test_load_from_name_subpackage_safepath(self):
print "load from name subpackage path"
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromName(safepath('/package/subpackage'))
print suite
tests = [t for t in suite]
assert len(tests) == 0, "Expected no tests, got %s" % tests
def test_load_metaclass_customized_classes(self):
print "load metaclass-customized classes"
test_module_with_generators = M['test_module_with_metaclass_tests']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromModule(test_module_with_generators)
tc = [t for t in suite][0]
tc_methods = [m for m in tc]
self.assertEqual(len(tc_methods), 2)
def test_load_generators(self):
print "load generators"
test_module_with_generators = M['test_module_with_generators']
l = self.l
suite = l.loadTestsFromModule(test_module_with_generators)
tests = [t for t in suite]
for t in tests:
print "test", t
assert isinstance(t, unittest.TestSuite), \
"Test %s is not a suite" % t
# the first item is a class, with both normal and generator methods
count = 0
cl_tests = [t for t in tests[0]]
print "class tests", cl_tests
normal, gens = cl_tests[0], cl_tests[1:]
assert isinstance(normal,, \
"Expected a test case but got %s" % normal
for gen in gens:
assert isinstance(gen, unittest.TestSuite), \
"Expected a generator test suite, but got %s" % gen
count = 0
for t in gen:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t,, \
"Test %s is not a test?" % t
count += 1
self.assertEqual(count, 4, "Expected to generate 4 tests, but "
"got %s from %s" % (count, gen))
# 2nd item is generated from test_func_generator
count = 0
for t in tests[1]:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t,, \
"Test %s is not a Test?" % t
assert isinstance(t.test,, \
"Test %s is not a FunctionTestCase" % t.test
assert 'test_func_generator' in str(t), \
"Bad str val '%s' for test" % str(t)
assert 'docstring for test func generator' \
in t.shortDescription(), \
"Bad shortDescription '%s' for test %s" % \
(t.shortDescription(), t)
count += 1
assert count == 4, \
"Expected to generate 4 tests, but got %s" % count
count = 0
for t in tests[2]:
print "generated test %s" % t
print t.shortDescription()
assert isinstance(t,, \
"Test %s is not a Test?" % t
assert isinstance(t.test,, \
"Test %s is not a FunctionTestCase" % t.test
assert 'test_func_generator_name' in str(t), \
"Bad str val '%s' for test" % str(t)
assert 'docstring for test func generator name' \
in t.shortDescription(), \
"Bad shortDescription '%s' for test %s" % \
(t.shortDescription(), t)
count += 1
assert count == 4, \
"Expected to generate 4 tests, but got %s" % count
if __name__ == '__main__':
#import logging