303 lines
11 KiB
303 lines
11 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Port of sendAT code from AWIPS1
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- ---------------------------------------------
# Feb 08, 2013 1447 dgilling Initial Creation.
# Jan 24, 2014 2504 randerso change to use iscUtil.getLogger for consistency
# May 15, 2014 3157 dgilling Support multiple TPC and SPC sites.
# Mar 10, 2015 4129 randerso Removed sys.exit() call
# Jul 12, 2017 19898 ryu Include request site's own in VTEC records sent.
# Dec 02, 2020 8294 randerso Set pickle protocol=2 for backward
# compatibility with Python2
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import pickle
import gzip
import os
import time
import tempfile
import stat
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import IrtAccess
import JUtil
import siteConfig
import VTECPartners
import VTECTableSqueeze
import iscUtil
from com.raytheon.uf.common.activetable import VTECPartners as JavaVTECPartners
# Configuration Item for Test Purposes
FORCE_SEND = False #Set to True to always send even if no updates required.
logger = None
def init_logging():
import logging
global logger
logger = iscUtil.getLogger("sendAT", logLevel=logging.INFO)
def execute_send_at(myServerHost, myServerPort, myServerProtocol,
myServerMHSID, myServerSite, sites, filterSites, mhsSites,
issueTime, countDict, fname, xmlIncoming, xmtScript):
logger.info('reqSite= ' + repr(sites))
logger.info('filterSites= ' + repr(filterSites))
logger.info('mhsSite= ' + repr(mhsSites))
logger.info('reqCountDict= ' + repr(countDict))
if issueTime is None:
logger.info('reqIssueTime= None')
logger.info('reqIssueTime= ' + str(issueTime) + ' ' +
irt = IrtAccess.IrtAccess("")
myServer = {'mhsid': myServerMHSID, 'host': myServerHost, 'port': myServerPort,
'protocol': myServerProtocol, 'site': myServerSite}
logger.info('MyServer: ' + irt.printServerInfo(myServer))
# Prepare the file for sending
with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:
buf = fd.read()
table = pickle.loads(buf) #unpickle it
logger.info("Local Table Length= " + str(len(table)))
filtTable = []
# filter by sites listing
if filterSites:
tpcSites = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(JavaVTECPartners.getInstance(myServerSite).getTpcSites())
spcSites = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(JavaVTECPartners.getInstance(myServerSite).getSpcSites())
sites4 = [VTECPartners.get4ID(s) for s in sites]
for t in table:
if t['oid'] in filterSites or t['oid'] in sites4 or \
t['oid'] in tpcSites or t['oid'] in spcSites:
filtTable = table #no filtering
logger.info("Site Filtered Table Length= " + str(len(filtTable)))
# eliminate obsolete records
ctime = time.time() #now time
vts = VTECTableSqueeze.VTECTableSqueeze(ctime)
filtTable = rename_fields_for_A2(filtTable)
actTable, tossRecords = vts.squeeze(filtTable)
actTable = rename_fields_for_A1(actTable)
logger.info("Squeezed Table Length= " + str(len(actTable)))
# check issuance time - any times newer in remote table (this table) than
# the local table (requesting site)?
if issueTime is not None:
newerRec = False
newestRec = 0.0
for t in actTable:
if newestRec < t['issueTime']:
newestRec = t['issueTime']
if issueTime < newestRec:
newerRec = True
logger.info("NewestFound= " + str(newestRec) + ' ' +
logger.info("IssueTime check. Newer record found= " + str(newerRec))
newerRec = True #just assume there are newer records
# check "counts" for number of records. Any more records means that
# we may be missing some records.
if countDict:
missingRec = False
localCountDict = {}
for t in actTable:
if t['oid'] in localCountDict:
localCountDict[t['oid']] = localCountDict[t['oid']] + 1
localCountDict[t['oid']] = 1
for site in localCountDict:
reqCount = countDict.get(site, 0) #number in requesting site
if reqCount != localCountDict[site]: #records different in request site
missingRec = True
logger.info("MissingRec check. Missing record found= " + str(missingRec))
logger.info("lclCountBySite= " + repr(localCountDict))
logger.info("reqCountBySite= " + repr(countDict))
missingRec = True #just assume there are
#should we send?
if missingRec or newerRec or FORCE_SEND:
sendIt = True
sendIt = False
if sendIt:
# Must use protocol=2 for backward compatibility with Python2,
actTablePickled = pickle.dumps(actTable, protocol=2) #repickle it
rawSize = len(actTablePickled)
#output it as gzipped
fname = fname + ".gz"
with gzip.open(fname, 'wb', 6) as fd:
gzipSize = os.stat(fname)[stat.ST_SIZE]
logger.info('#dataSize: ' + str(rawSize) + ', #gzipSize: ' + str(gzipSize))
# Create the destination XML file
iscOut = ElementTree.Element('isc')
irt.addSourceXML(iscOut, myServer)
destServers = []
if xmlIncoming is not None:
with open(xmlIncoming,'rb') as fd:
xml = fd.read()
reqTree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.XML(xml))
sourceE = reqTree.find('source')
for addressE in sourceE.getchildren():
destServer = irt.decodeXMLAddress(addressE)
if destServer is None:
# no XML received on request, this is probably from an older site.
# create a dummy response XML file. Try all combinations. Only
# the mhsid is important for older sites.
for mhss in mhsSites:
for port in range(98000000, 98000002):
for site in sites:
for host in ['dv4', 'dx4f', 'pv3', 'px3']:
destServer = {'mhsid': mhss, 'host': host,
'port': port, 'protocol': "20070723",
'site': site}
irt.addDestinationXML(iscOut, destServers) #add the dest server xml
# print out destinations
s = "Destinations:"
for destServer in destServers:
s += "\n" + irt.printServerInfo(destServer)
# create XML file
tempdir = os.path.join(siteConfig.GFESUITE_HOME, "products", "ATBL")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xml', dir=tempdir, delete=False) as fd:
fnameXML = fd.name
fd.write(ElementTree.tostring(iscOut, encoding="utf-8"))
# Send it
irt.transmitFiles("PUT_ACTIVE_TABLE2", mhsSites, myServerSite,
[fname, fnameXML], xmtScript)
logger.info("Send has been skipped")
def rename_fields_for_A1(table):
newTable = []
for record in table:
record['oid'] = record['officeid']
del record['officeid']
record['vstr'] = record['vtecstr']
del record['vtecstr']
record['end'] = record['endTime']
del record['endTime']
record['start'] = record['startTime']
del record['startTime']
record['key'] = record['phensig']
del record['phensig']
if 'segText' in record:
record['text'] = record['segText']
del record['segText']
return newTable
def rename_fields_for_A2(table):
newTable = []
for record in table:
record['officeid'] = record['oid']
del record['oid']
record['vtecstr'] = record['vstr']
del record['vstr']
record['endTime'] = record['end']
del record['end']
record['startTime'] = record['start']
del record['start']
record['phensig'] = record['key']
del record['key']
if 'text' in record:
record['segText'] = record['text']
del record['text']
return newTable
def runFromJava(myServerHost, myServerPort, myServerProtocol, myServerMHSID,
myServerSite, sites, filterSites, mhsSites, issueTime,
countDict, fname, xmlIncoming, xmtScript):
logger.info('*********** sendAT ****************')
startT = time.time()
sites = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(sites)
filterSites = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(filterSites)
mhsSites = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(mhsSites)
countDict = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(countDict)
execute_send_at(myServerHost, myServerPort, myServerProtocol,
myServerMHSID, myServerSite, sites, filterSites,
mhsSites, issueTime, countDict, fname, xmlIncoming,
logger.exception('Error in sendAT:')
# Finish
endT = time.time()
logger.info("Final: wctime: {0:-6.2f}, cputime: {1:-6.2f}".format(endT - startT, time.clock()))