Matt Nash 82300ccdcf Moving 12.1.1 into ss_sync
Former-commit-id: 580e2938d7 [formerly 66be3bec40] [formerly c83e5ff474 [formerly 2a9569942c48542cf708b6c0b9189146fd954c11]]
Former-commit-id: c83e5ff474
Former-commit-id: 1faae42484
2012-01-19 11:53:12 -06:00

125 lines
14 KiB

* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
-- Data for Name: hydromet_element; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pguser
COPY hydromet_element (element_id, bufr_descriptor, element_name, element_descrip, element_subtype, phys_element_id, duration_type, aggregation, product_name, source_process, revision_number) FROM stdin;
25739 3272 MaxTemp NGM MOS daytime maximum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25740 3273 MinTemp NGM MOS nighttime minimum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25741 15362 PoP NGM MOS probability of precipitation >=.01" Contin_Int_Ele Prob Matches_valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25742 15451 PrecipType NGM MOS Precipitation type categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Precip Type Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25743 15453 SnowAccumulation NGM MOS snow accumulation categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25744 5131 CloudAmount NGM MOS sky cover categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25745 15454 Ceiling NGM MOS ceiling height categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25746 15455 Visibility NGM MOS horizontal visibility categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25747 3016 WindSpeed NGM MOS wind speed forecast in knots Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25748 2817 WindDirection NGM MOS wind direction forecast in degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25756 15454 CloudHeight TAF cloud height forecast in 100's of feet Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25757 15455 Visibility TAF horizontal visibility forecast in statute miles Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous Minimum TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25758 2818 WindSpeed TAF wind speed forecast in knots Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25759 2817 WindDirection TAF wind direction forecast in 10's of degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25760 3073 Temperature METAR observed temperature in degrees Celcius Contin_Real_Ele Temp Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25763 3347 PrecipAmount1 METAR 1hr observed liquid equivalent precipitation, inches Contin_Real_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25764 3348 PrecipAmount3 METAR 3hr observed liquid equivalent precipitation, inches Contin_Real_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25765 3349 PrecipAmount6 METAR 6hr observed liquid equivalent precipitation, inches Contin_Real_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25766 3351 PrecipAmount24 METAR 24hr observed liquid equivalent precipitation, inches Contin_Real_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25767 5123 CurrentWeather METAR observed weather - METAR table Boolean_Element Weather Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25823 \N Temp_in_tenths METAR observed temperature in tenths of degrees Celcius Contin_Real_Ele Temp Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25769 2818 WindSpeed METAR observed wind speed in knots Contin_Real_Ele Speed Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25770 2817 WindDirection METAR observed wind direction in degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25771 5171 CloudAmount METAR observed low cloud coverage (categorical) Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25772 5172 CloudAmount METAR observed middle cloud coverage (categorical) Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25773 5173 CloudAmount METAR observed high cloud coverage (categorical) Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25774 5133 CloudHeight METAR observed cloud layer height in feet Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25807 \N Significant Weather TAF significant weather forecast Boolean_Element Weather Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25776 3341 SnowDepth METAR observed depth of the snow on the ground in inches Contin_Real_Ele Depth Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25777 3083 MaxTemp AEV local forecast maximum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25778 3084 MinTemp AEV local forecast minimum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25779 15362 PoP AEV local forecast probability of precipitation >=.01" Discrete_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25780 15451 PrecipType AEV local forecast precipitation type category Categorical_Ele Precip Type Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25781 15453 SnowAccumulation AEV local forecast snow accumulation category Contin_Int_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25782 5131 CloudAmount AEV local forecast cloud coverage category Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25783 2818 WindSpeed AEV local forecast significant wind speed Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25784 15454 Ceiling AEV ceiling height local forecast in 100's of feet Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25785 15455 Visibility AEV horizontal visibility local forecast in statute miles Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25786 2818 WindSpeed AEV wind speed local forecast in knots Contin_Int_Ele Speed Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25787 2817 WindDirection AEV wind direction local forecast in degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25788 5121 Visibility METAR manually observed horizontal visibility in statute miles Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous Minimum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25790 \N CloudAmount TAF Categorical sky cover forecast Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25791 \N ShearHeight TAF wind shear height forecast Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25792 \N ShearDirection TAF forecast of wind direction at the wind shear height Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25793 \N ShearSpeed TAF forecast of wind speed at the wind shear height Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25794 \N WindGust TAF wind gust forecast Contin_Int_Ele Speed Matches_Valid_Period Maximum TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25795 \N Visibility METAR observed vertical visibility Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous Minimum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25796 \N Pressure METAR observed MSL pressure Contin_Real_Ele Pres Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25797 \N Altimeter METAR observed altimeter setting Contin_Real_Ele Pres Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25798 \N PressureChange METAR observed 3hr pressure change Contin_Real_Ele Pres Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25799 \N PressureTrend METAR observed 3hr pressure tendency Categorical_Ele Tend Matches_Valid_Period None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25800 \N DewPoint METAR observed dewpoint temperature Contin_Real_Ele Temp Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25801 \N Max6hr METAR observed 6 hour maximum temperature Contin_Real_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25802 \N Min6hr METAR observed 6 hour minimum temperature Contin_Real_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25803 \N Max24hr METAR observed 24 hour maximum temperature Contin_Real_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25804 \N Min24hr METAR observed 24 hour minimum temperature Contin_Real_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25805 \N WindGust METAR observed maximum wind gust Contin_Real_Ele Speed Matches_Valid_Period Maximum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25806 \N CloudType METAR observed cloud type Boolean_Element Cloud Type Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25808 \N CloudType TAF cloud type forecast Boolean_Element Cloud Type Instantaneous None TAF_HMDB TDL_TAF_DEC_4.1 0
25809 \N MaxTemp AEV local observed maximum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25810 \N MinTemp AEV local observed minimum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25811 \N PrecipAmount12 AEV local observed 12 hour precipitation amount Contin_Int_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25812 \N AEVPrecipTypes AEV local observed precipitation type on the hour Categorical_Ele Precip Type Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25813 \N AEVPrecipTypes2 AEV local observed precipitation type in a 2 hour window Categorical_Ele Precip Type Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25814 \N SnowAmount12 AEV local observed 12 hour snow accumulation Contin_Int_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25815 \N CeilingHeight AEV local observed ceiling height Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25816 \N Visibility AEV local observed visibility Discrete_Ele Dist Instantaneous Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25817 \N WindDirection AEV local observed wind direction on the hour Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25818 \N WindSpeed AEV local observed wind speed on the hour Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25819 \N PeakWindDirection AEV local observed peak wind direction in a 6 hour window Discrete_Ele Dir Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25820 \N PeakWindSpeed AEV local observed peak wind speed in a 6 hour window Contin_Int_Ele Speed Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25822 \N SnowAmount SCD observed snow amount Contin_Real_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None SCD TDL_SCD_DEC_4.2 0
25824 \N Dewpoint_in_tenths METAR observed dewpoint temperature in tenths of degrees Celcius Contin_Real_Ele Temp Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25825 \N CloudAmount AEV local observed cloud amount Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25826 \N PeakWindSpeed METAR observed peak wind speed Contin_Real_Ele Speed Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25827 \N PeakWindDirection METAR observed peak wind direction Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25828 \N PeakWindTime METAR observed peak wind time, hours and minutes Contin_Real_Ele Clock_Time Instantaneous None MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25829 \N SunshineDuration METAR observed minutes of sunshine Contin_Real_Ele Sunshine Calendar_Day Sum MTR TDL_MET_DEC_3.0 0
25539 3272 MaxTemp AVN MOS daytime maximum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25540 3273 MinTemp AVN MOS nighttime minimum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25541 15362 PoP AVN MOS probability of precipitation >=.01" Contin_Int_Ele Prob Matches_valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25542 15451 PrecipType AVN MOS Precipitation type categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Precip Type Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25543 15453 SnowAccumulation AVN MOS snow accumulation categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25544 5131 CloudAmount AVN MOS sky cover categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25545 15454 Ceiling AVN MOS ceiling height categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25546 15455 Visibility AVN MOS horizontal visibility categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25547 3016 WindSpeed AVN MOS wind speed forecast in knots Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25548 2817 WindDirection AVN MOS wind direction forecast in degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25639 3272 MaxTemp MRF MOS daytime maximum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Maximum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25640 3273 MinTemp MRF MOS nighttime minimum temperature forecast in degrees Fahrenheit Contin_Int_Ele Temp Matches_Valid_Period Minimum AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25641 15362 PoP MRF MOS probability of precipitation >=.01" Contin_Int_Ele Prob Matches_valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25642 15451 PrecipType MRF MOS Precipitation type categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Precip Type Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25643 15453 SnowAccumulation MRF MOS snow accumulation categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Depth Matches_Valid_Period None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25644 5131 CloudAmount MRF MOS sky cover categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Sky Cover Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25645 15454 Ceiling MRF MOS ceiling height categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25646 15455 Visibility MRF MOS horizontal visibility categorical forecast Categorical_Ele Dist Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25647 3016 WindSpeed MRF MOS wind speed forecast in knots Contin_Int_Ele Speed Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0
25648 2817 WindDirection MRF MOS wind direction forecast in degrees from true north Discrete_Ele Dir Instantaneous None AEV_DATA AWIPS_VERIF 0