] [formerly9f19e3f712
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:8e80217e59
102 lines
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102 lines
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File: DamFeatures.h
Author : CDBGEN
Created : Wed Aug 06 12:34:47 EDT 2008 using database dc_ob7empty
Description: This header file is associated with its .pgc file
and defines functions and the table's record structure.
#ifndef DamFeatures_h
#define DamFeatures_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "DbmsAccess.h"
#include "DbmsUtils.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "GeneralUtil.h"
#include "dbmserrs.h"
#include "datetime.h"
#include "time_convert.h"
typedef struct _DamFeatures
Node node;
char nidid[11];
char other_dam_name[66];
char dam_former_name[51];
char stateid[21];
char section_t_r[31];
char owner_name[51];
char owner_type[15];
char dam_designer[66];
char private_on_federal[7];
char dam_type[7];
char core[7];
char foundation[7];
char purposes[9];
char year_completed[21];
char year_modified[21];
char emerg_action_plan[4];
char inspection_date[21];
char inspection_freq[21];
char st_reg_dam[7];
char st_reg_agency[31];
char spillway_type[7];
double spillway_width;
char outlet_gates[7];
double volume_dam;
double number_locks;
double length_locks;
double width_locks;
char fed_funding[21];
char fed_design[21];
char fed_construction[21];
char fed_regulatory[21];
char fed_inspection[21];
char fed_operation[21];
char fed_other[21];
char fed_owner[21];
char source_agency[61];
double drainage_area;
char topo_map[23];
long return_flow_region;
double dam_length;
double dam_height;
double structural_height;
double hydraulic_height;
double nid_height;
double max_discharge;
double normal_storage;
double nid_storage;
double surface_area;
double elev;
char prebreak_avail[2];
char comments[31];
dtime_t updated;
List list;
} DamFeatures;
Function Prototypes
DamFeatures* GetDamFeatures(const char * where);
DamFeatures* SelectDamFeatures(const char * where);
int SelectDamFeaturesCount(const char * where);
int PutDamFeatures(const DamFeatures * structPtr);
int InsertDamFeatures(const DamFeatures * structPtr);
int UpdateDamFeatures(const DamFeatures* structPtr, const char *where);
int DeleteDamFeatures(const char *where);
int UpdateDamFeaturesByRecord (const DamFeatures * newStructPtr, const DamFeatures * oldStructPtr);
int InsertOrUpdateDamFeatures(const DamFeatures * structPtr);
int InsertIfUniqueDamFeatures(const DamFeatures * structPtr, bool *isUnique);
bool DamFeaturesExists(const DamFeatures * structPtr);
int DeleteDamFeaturesByRecord(const DamFeatures * structPtr);
void GetDamFeaturesPrimaryKeyWhereString (const DamFeatures * structPtr, char returnWhereString[] );
void FreeDamFeatures(DamFeatures * structPtr);
DbStatus * GetDamFeaturesDbStatus();
void SetDamFeaturesErrorLogging(int value);