root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

306 lines
11 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
import string, getopt, sys, time, gzip, os, iscTime, stat
import numpy
import LogStream, fcntl
# merges two grids and histories together, input gridA is merged into gridB
# result is returned from mergeGrid. Grids are represented in the following
# manner:
# Scalar: (grid, history)
# Vector: ((magGrid, dirGrid), history)
# Weather: ((byteGrid, key), history)
# Discrete: ((byteGrid, key), history)
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 07/06/09 1995 bphillip Initial Creation.
class MergeGrid:
# Constructor
# Takes creationtime - seconds since Jan 1, 1970, to be used
# in the updating of the histories.
# siteID = site identifier for input grid
# inFillValue = input fill value indicator
# outFillValue = output fill value indicator
# areaMask = numerical mask of areas to merge from grid1 to grid2
def __init__(self, creationTime, siteID, inFillValue, outFillValue,
areaMask, gridType, discreteKeys = None):
self.__creationTime = creationTime
self.__siteID = siteID
self.__inFillV = inFillValue
self.__outFillV = outFillValue
self.__areaMask = areaMask
self.__gridType = gridType
self.__discreteKeys = discreteKeys
# find key
# key = input key
# keymap = existing key maps (updated on exit)
# returns the index to use for the key.
def __findKey(self, key, keyMap):
index = keyMap.index(key)
return index
return len(keyMap) - 1
# commonize key
# wxA = input grid and key
# wxB = input grid and key
# returns a tuple (commonkey, gridA, gridB) where gridA and gridB
# now use the commonkey
def __commonizeKey(self, wxA, wxB):
# make common key and make data changes in B
gridB = wxB[0]
key = wxA[1]
newGrid = numpy.zeros_like(gridB)
for k in range(len(wxB[1])):
index = self.__findKey(wxB[1][k], key)
newGrid = numpy.where(gridB == k, index, newGrid)
return (key, wxA[0], newGrid)
# update history strings
# historyA = history from input grid (None to delete history entry)
# historyB = history from base grid, list (None for no old grid.)
# returns an updated list of strings, each string is an encoded history
# returns None if no history is present.
def __updateHistoryStrings(self, historyA, historyB):
out = []
# removal any old entry
if historyB is not None:
for h in historyB:
index = string.find(h, self.__siteID + "_GRID")
if index == -1:
# if add mode, add in new entries
if historyA is not None:
for h in historyA:
if len(out) > 0:
return out
return None
# merge scalar grid
# Note: gridA can be None, which indicates that the data
# is to be blanked out, i.e., made invalid. gridB can also be
# none, which indicates that there is no destination grid and one must
# be created.
def __mergeScalarGrid(self, gridA, gridB):
if gridA is None and gridB is None:
return None
# merge the grids
if gridA is not None:
inMask = numpy.not_equal(gridA, self.__inFillV)
mask = numpy.logical_and(inMask, self.__areaMask)
if gridB is None:
gridB = numpy.zeros(gridA.shape) + self.__outFillV
return numpy.where(mask, gridA, gridB)
# blank out the data
blankGrid = numpy.zeros(gridB.shape) + self.__outFillV
return numpy.where(self.__areaMask, blankGrid, gridB)
# merge vector grid
# Note: gridA can be None, which indicates that the data
# is to be blanked out, i.e., made invalid. gridB can also be
# none, which indicates that there is no destination grid and one must
# be created.
def __mergeVectorGrid(self, gridA, gridB):
if gridA is None and gridB is None:
return None
# merge the grids
if gridA is not None:
inMask = numpy.not_equal(gridA[0], self.__inFillV)
mask = numpy.logical_and(inMask, self.__areaMask)
if gridB is None:
gridSize = gridA[0].shape
gridB = (numpy.zeros(gridSize) + self.__outFillV,
numpy.zeros(gridSize) + 0.0)
magGrid = numpy.where(mask, gridA[0], gridB[0])
dirGrid = numpy.where(mask, gridA[1], gridB[1])
return (magGrid, dirGrid)
# blank out the data
blankGrid = numpy.zeros(gridB[0].shape) + self.__outFillV
blankDirGrid = numpy.zeros_like(gridB[1])
magGrid = numpy.where(self.__areaMask, blankGrid, gridB[0])
dirGrid = numpy.where(self.__areaMask, blankDirGrid, gridB[1])
return (magGrid, dirGrid)
# merge weather grid
# Note the outFillV is ignored for now, all out-of-bounds points will
# get the <NoWx> value.
def __mergeWeatherGrid(self, gridA, gridB):
if gridA is None and gridB is None:
return None
noWx = "<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:"
# merge the grids
if gridA is not None:
inMask = numpy.not_equal(gridA[0], self.__inFillV)
mask = numpy.logical_and(inMask, self.__areaMask)
if gridB is None: #make an empty grid
noWxKeys = []
noWxGrid = numpy.empty_like(gridA[0])
noWxGrid.fill(self.__findKey(noWx, noWxKeys))
gridB = (noWxGrid, noWxKeys)
(commonkey, remapG, dbG) = self.__commonizeKey(gridA, gridB)
mergedGrid = numpy.where(mask, remapG, dbG)
return (mergedGrid, commonkey)
# blank out the data
blankGrid = numpy.empty_like(gridB[0])
blankGrid.fill(self.__findKey(noWx, gridB[1]))
key = gridB[1]
grid = numpy.where(self.__areaMask, blankGrid, gridB[0])
return (grid, key)
# merge discrete grid
# Note the outFillV is ignored for now, all out-of-bounds points will
# get the first value in the discrete key.
def __mergeDiscreteGrid(self, gridA, gridB):
if gridA is None and gridB is None:
return None
noKey = self.__discreteKeys[0]
# merge the grids
if gridA is not None:
inMask = numpy.not_equal(gridA[0], self.__inFillV)
mask = numpy.logical_and(inMask, self.__areaMask)
if gridB is None: #make an empty grid
noKeys = []
noGrid = numpy.empty_like(gridA[0])
noGrid.fill(self.__findKey(noKey, noKeys))
gridB = (noGrid, noKeys)
(commonkey, remapG, dbG) = \
self.__commonizeKey(gridA, gridB)
mergedGrid = numpy.where(mask, remapG, dbG)
return (mergedGrid, commonkey)
# blank out the data
blankGrid = numpy.empty_like(gridB[0])
blankGrid.fill(self.__findKey(noKey, gridB[1]))
key = gridB[1]
grid = numpy.where(self.__areaMask, blankGrid, gridB[0])
return (grid, key)
# mergeGrid
# Merges the grid
# Scalar: (grid, history)
# Vector: ((magGrid, dirGrid), history)
# Weather: ((byteGrid, key), history)
# Discrete: ((byteGrid, key), history)
# gridA = input remapped grid, contains inFillV to denote invalid
# gridB = grid to have gridA mosaic'd into
# Note: gridA can be None, which indicates that the data
# is to be blanked out, i.e., made invalid. gridB can also be
# none, which indicates that there is no destination grid and one must
# be created.
def mergeGrid(self, gridAIn, gridBIn):
# merge the grids
if gridAIn is not None:
gridA = gridAIn[0]
historyA = gridAIn[1]
gridA = None
historyA = None
if gridBIn is not None:
gridB = gridBIn[0]
historyB = gridBIn[1]
gridB = None
historyB = None
if self.__gridType == 'SCALAR':
mergedGrid = self.__mergeScalarGrid(gridA, gridB)
elif self.__gridType == 'VECTOR':
mergedGrid = self.__mergeVectorGrid(gridA, gridB)
elif self.__gridType == 'WEATHER':
mergedGrid = self.__mergeWeatherGrid(gridA, gridB)
elif self.__gridType == 'DISCRETE':
mergedGrid = self.__mergeDiscreteGrid(gridA, gridB)
mergedGrid = None
# merge History
history = self.__updateHistoryStrings(historyA, historyB)
return (mergedGrid, history)