root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

473 lines
20 KiB
Executable file

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
import JUtil
import ifpnetCDF, iscUtil
import numpy
import tempfile, os, stat, getopt, sys, cPickle, siteConfig
import LogStream, time, traceback, string, IrtAccess, urllib, urllib2
import xml, copy, string
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
from import File
from java.awt import Point
from com.vividsolutions.jts.geom import Coordinate
from java.util import ArrayList
from com.raytheon.edex.plugin.gfe.config import IFPServerConfig
from com.raytheon.edex.plugin.gfe.config import IFPServerConfigManager
from com.raytheon.edex.plugin.gfe.util import CartDomain2D
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.db.objects import DatabaseID
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.db.objects import GridLocation
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.reference import ReferenceData
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.reference import ReferenceID
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.reference import ReferenceData_CoordinateType as CoordinateType
from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.util import GfeUtil
from com.vividsolutions.jts.geom import Coordinate
# Port of
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 07/06/09 1995 bphillip Initial Creation.
parms = [] #parm names
dbid = None #database identifier
startTR = None #ifpnetCDF start time
endTR = None #ifpnetCDF start time
xmlDestinations = None #XML destinations information
ancf = None #IRT web address
bncf = None
xmtScript = None #transmit script
serverHost = None #server host
serverPort = None #server port
serverProtocol = None #serverProtocol
mhsid = None #MHS site identifier
siteID = None #our site id
startT = None
def logEvent(*msg):
def logProblem(*msg):
def logException(*msg):
def logVerbose(*msg):
def logDebug(*msg):
def executeIscExtract(parmNames, databaseName, startTime, endTime,
irtTableAddressA, irtTableAddressB, transmitScript, ourServerHost,
ourServerPort, ourServerProtocol, ourMHSid, ourSiteID, destinations=None):
startT = time.time()
parms = parmNames
dbid = databaseName
startTR = startTime
endTR = endTime
xmlDestinations = destinations
ancf = irtTableAddressA
bncf = irtTableAddressB
xmtScript = transmitScript
serverHost = ourServerHost
serverPort = ourServerPort
serverProtocol = ourServerProtocol
mhsid = ourMHSid
siteID = ourSiteID
myOfficeType = IFPServerConfigManager.getServerConfig(siteID).officeType()
# determine the list of destination servers
nowT = time.time() #current time
useUntilTime = None #cached use until time
cacheFilename = "/tmp/" + serverHost + serverPort + ".iscExtract"
cachedXmlDestinations = None
#if xmlDestinations is None: #destinations not on command line
# # check the cache
# try:
# fd = open(cacheFilename, 'rb')
# buf =
# fd.close()
# useUntilTime, cachedXmlDestinations = cPickle.loads(buf)
# nowT = time.time() #current time
# if nowT > useUntilTime:
# xmlDestinations = None #cache is too old
# useUntilTime = None
# else:
# logEvent('Using xmlDestinations cache')
# xmlDestinations = cachedXmlDestinations
# except:
# pass
# need to contact IRT to get destinations
irt = IrtAccess.IrtAccess(ancf, bncf)
if xmlDestinations is None:
logEvent('contacting IRT to get destinations')
count = 1
while True:
status, xmlDestinations = irt.getSendAddrs(siteID)
logEvent('IRT getSendAddrs status:', status)
if status:
# if we obtained XML destinations from IRT, then decode
# the useUntilTime field
d = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.XML(xmlDestinations))
dE = d.getroot()
for e in dE:
if e.tag == "useuntil":
isoTimeStr = e.text
idx = isoTimeStr.find(".")
if idx != - 1:
isoTimeStr = isoTimeStr[0:idx] #eliminate subseconds
useUntilTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(isoTimeStr,
logEvent("Use Until: ", isoTimeStr)
logProblem("Malformed XML on getSendAddrs()")
logProblem("XML=", xmlDestinations)
if useUntilTime is None:
useUntilTime = time.time() + 180.0 #3 minutes default
logEvent("Using default 180 second useUntilTime")
# write the cache
fd = open(cacheFilename, 'wb')
buf = cPickle.dumps((useUntilTime, xmlDestinations))
break #success from the irt
# try again and again for 10 minutes, then use cache
# if available and alert GFE users
if time.time() - nowT > 600.00:
logProblem("Unable to access IRT for send addrs")
if cachedXmlDestinations is None:
s = "Unable to access IRT for send addrs. Previous" + \
" cache not available."
# use cached value, even if out of date
xmlDestinations = cachedXmlDestinations
if useUntilTime is not None:
s = time.asctime(time.gmtime(useUntilTime))
s = "Unknown"
logProblem("Using expired cache. Date=", s)
#determine when we issued our last GFE alert
#we alert every 30 minutes.
fd = open(cacheFilename + "-warn", 'rb')
buf =
lastAlertTime = cPickle.loads(buf)
lastAlertTime = 0 #for way long ago
if time.time() - lastAlertTime > 1800.0:
logProblem("Sending GFE notification")
msg = """
Contact NCF. ifpServer is unable to contact IRT central server. ISC
traffic routing information is old and possibly incorrect."""
os.system("sendGfeMessage -u -c GFE -m '" + \
msg + "'")
fd = open(cacheFilename + "-warn", 'wb')
time.sleep(15.0) #sleep awhile and then try again
count = count + 1
logProblem("Retrying to getSendAddrs()", count)
# qc the XML
destTree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.XML(xmlDestinations))
destE = destTree.getroot()
logProblem("Malformed XML on getSendAddrs() or provided xmlDest")
logProblem("XML=", xmlDestinations)
# determine how many transmissions are necessary
xmt = []
logEvent("XML dest:", xmlDestinations)
if destE.tag != "destinations":
logProblem("Destinations packet missing from web service")
# create list of individual transmissions (before attempting to combine
doClip = 1 #0 to send entire domain, 1 to do destination clipping (default)
destStr = "Destination Servers:\n"
for addressE in destE:
if addressE.tag == "doclip":
for name, value in addressE.items():
if name == "clip":
if value == "1":
doClip = 1
elif value == "0":
doClip = 0
logEvent("Clipping State: ", doClip)
for addressE in destE:
if addressE.tag != "address":
# find destination server info and domain information
serverInfo = irt.decodeXMLAddress(addressE)
if doClip == 0:
serverInfo['domain'] = None
keycheckfail = False
for key in ['mhsid', 'host', 'port', 'protocol', 'site']:
if not serverInfo.has_key(key):
logProblem("Fail to decode XML. Skipping serverInfo:",
keycheckfail = True
if keycheckfail:
continue #skipping this destination due to insufficient info
# get the destination office type
siteIndex = IFPServerConfigManager.getServerConfig(siteID).allSites().indexOf(serverInfo['site'])
destOfficeType = str(IFPServerConfigManager.getServerConfig(siteID).officeTypes().get(siteIndex))
logProblem("Unknown site id to get office type. ",
"Skipping serverInfo:", serverInfo)
continue #skipping this destination due to unknown site id
# find weather elements that remote ifpServer wants
# that is available in our server and in the -p parm switches
any = False
for parm in serverInfo['parms']:
p1 = string.replace(parm, "_SFC", "") #remove _SFC if exists
# translation of parm name needed, also if no office type, then
# not wanted from this office.
# example: changes QPFwfo to QPF if we are wfo
# example: discards T if we are wfo and site is non-wfo
if myOfficeType != destOfficeType:
if p1.find(myOfficeType) != - 1:
p1 = string.replace(p1, myOfficeType, "") #remove type
continue #no type, so not intended for our type
# see if parm was listed in the command line switches
if parms.contains(p1):
xmt.append({'serverInfo':[serverInfo], 'parms':[p1],
'domain': serverInfo['domain'], 'area': serverInfo['area']})
if not any:
destStr += irt.printServerInfo(serverInfo) + "\n"
any = True
# now combine transmissions
# find same domains, same parms, to combine servers/destinations
i = 0
while i < len(xmt):
j = i + 1
while j < len(xmt):
if xmt[i]['domain'] == xmt[j]['domain'] and \
xmt[i]['area'] == xmt[j]['area'] and \
xmt[i]['parms'] == xmt[j]['parms']:
for si in xmt[j]['serverInfo']:
if si not in xmt[i]['serverInfo']:
dests = xmt[i]['serverInfo']
xmt[j]['serverInfo'] = dests
del xmt[j] #delete the entry
j = j - 1 #redo this entry index next loop
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
# now try to combine common parm lists (same domain, same servers/destinations)
i = 0
while i < len(xmt):
j = i + 1
while j < len(xmt):
if xmt[i]['domain'] == xmt[j]['domain'] and \
xmt[i]['area'] == xmt[j]['area'] and \
xmt[i]['serverInfo'] == xmt[j]['serverInfo'] :
iparms = xmt[i]['parms']
for p in xmt[j]['parms']:
if p not in iparms:
xmt[i]['parms'] = iparms
del xmt[j] #delete the entry
j = j - 1 #redo this entry index for next loop
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
# if doClip, gather some required information
if doClip:
#get the isc send area and grid domain from the ifpServer
iscSendAreaGrid = iscUtil.getEditArea("ISC_Send_Area",siteID)
sourceDomain = IFPServerConfigManager.getServerConfig(siteID).dbDomain()
iscSendAreaGrid = iscSendAreaGrid.getGrid()
# prepare output files
for dest in xmt:
s = "Processing Xmt Pass:\n"
for sv in dest['serverInfo']:
s += irt.printServerInfo(sv) + '\n'
s += "Domain:" + `dest['domain']` + '\n'
s += "Area:" + `dest['area']` + '\n'
s += "Parms:" + `dest['parms']` + '\n\n'
# extract the data using ifpnetCDF
if os.path.exists(siteConfig.GFESUITE_HOME + "/products/ISC") == False:
os.makedirs(siteConfig.GFESUITE_HOME + "/products/ISC")
tempfile.tempdir = siteConfig.GFESUITE_HOME + "/products/ISC"
fname = tempfile.mktemp(".isc")
# Determine domain edit area.
if doClip == 1 and dest['domain'] is not None and \
dest['domain']['proj'] == sourceDomain.getProjection().getProjectionID():
#make a GridLocation for our domain
gridSize = Coordinate(float(str(sourceDomain.getNx())), float(str(sourceDomain.getNy())))
origin = sourceDomain.getOrigin()
extent = sourceDomain.getExtent()
domain = CartDomain2D(origin, extent)
gloc = sourceDomain
#make a GridLocation covering the area for the destination, expanded
#by 1/2 grid cell
dd = dest['domain']
da = dest['area']
cellsizeX = float(dd['extx']) / (float(da['xdim']) - 1.0)
cellsizeY = float(dd['exty']) / (float(da['ydim']) - 1.0)
originD = Coordinate(float(dd['origx']) - cellsizeX / 2.0,
float(dd['origy']) - cellsizeY / 2.0)
extentD = Coordinate(float(dd['extx']) + cellsizeX,
float(dd['exty']) + cellsizeY)
domainD = CartDomain2D(originD, extentD)
#check for overlap
if not domainD.overlaps(domain):
logEvent("No intersection of domain box, skipping....")
continue #no bits set in the resulting mask, no intersect
domainD.trim(domain) #trim it to just the overlapping section
gridSize = Point(int(da['xdim']),int(da['ydim']))
destGridLocation = GridLocation("Dest",sourceDomain.getProjection(),
# make a Reference Set
refid = ReferenceID("jibberish")
refSet = ReferenceData(gloc, refid, destGridLocation.getGeometry(), CoordinateType.LATLON)
# convert destination site's domain to gridpoints
iscMask = refSet.getGrid()
# "and" it with our ISC_Send_Area
if not iscMask.isAnyBitsSet():
logEvent("No intersection of domain points, skipping....")
continue #no bits set in the resulting mask, no intersect
# store the grid back into the ifpServer
maskName = "iscExtract" + `time.time()`
iscUtil.saveEditAreaGrid(maskName, refSet, siteID)
else: #no clipping, or different projection
maskName = "ISC_Send_Area"
# Run ifpnetCDF for the data
ifpnetCDF.executeIfpNetCDF(siteConfig.GFESUITE_SERVER, siteConfig.GFESUITE_PORT,
fname, JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(dest['parms']), dbid, startTR, endTR, maskName, 0, 1,
None, 6, 1, 1, "iscExtract")
fname = fname + '.gz'
size = os.stat(fname)[stat.ST_SIZE]
endT = time.time()
logEvent('File Size: ', size)
logEvent('After ifpnetCDF, ,wctime:', "%-6.2f" % (endT - startT),
',cputime:', "%-6.2f" % time.clock())
# create XML destinations file for this output
iscE = Element('isc') #create the XML tree root
sourceServer = {'mhsid': mhsid, 'host': serverHost, 'port': serverPort,
'protocol': serverProtocol, 'site': siteID}
irt.addSourceXML(iscE, sourceServer)
irt.addDestinationXML(iscE, dest['serverInfo'])
#get the unique list of mhs sites
mhsSites = []
for si in dest['serverInfo']:
if si['mhsid'] not in mhsSites:
# create the XML file
fnameXML = tempfile.mktemp(".xml")
fd = open(fnameXML, 'wb')
# Transmit files - do string substitution
irt.transmitFiles("ISCGRIDS2", mhsSites, mhsid, [fname,fnameXML], xmtScript)
# Delete temporary files
if maskName != "ISC_Send_Area":
endT = time.time()
logEvent('After transmission pass, ,wctime:',
"%-6.2f" % (endT - startT), ',cputime:', "%-6.2f" % time.clock())
logProblem("Failure", traceback.format_exc())