] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
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522 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Author: mathewson
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This class provides interfaces to the ISC Routing Table Web Service.
import xml
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
import socket
import urllib, urllib2, time, os, copy, string
import LogStream,JUtil
import JUtil, iscUtil
from java.util import ArrayList
class IrtAccess():
#Constructor taking the web URL for the ISC Routing Table
def __init__(self, ancfURL=None, bncfURL=None):
self.__addrs = {}
self.__addrs['ANCF'] = ancfURL
self.__addrs['BNCF'] = bncfURL
self.__registered = None #flag to indicate whether we registered
def logEvent(self,*msg):
def logProblem(self,*msg):
def logException(self,*msg):
def logVerbose(self,*msg):
def logDebug(self,*msg):
def __checkArgs(self,parmsWanted, gridDims,gridBoundBox, iscWfosWanted):
if type(parmsWanted) != "list":
parmsWanted = JUtil.javaStringListToPylist(parmsWanted)
if type(gridDims) != "list":
pylist = []
size = gridDims.size()
for i in range(size):
gridDims = pylist
if type(gridBoundBox) != "tuple":
gridBoundBox = ((gridBoundBox.get(0).doubleValue(),gridBoundBox.get(1).doubleValue()),(gridBoundBox.get(2).doubleValue(),gridBoundBox.get(3).doubleValue()))
if type(iscWfosWanted) != "list":
iscWfosWanted = JUtil.javaStringListToPylist(iscWfosWanted)
return parmsWanted, gridDims, gridBoundBox, iscWfosWanted
# Registration call for the ISC Routing Table. Returns True if okay, i.e.,
# you are registered.
def register(self, mhsid, serverHost, serverPort, serverProtocol,
site, parmsWanted, gridDims, gridProj, gridBoundBox, iscWfosWanted):
parmsWanted, gridDims,gridBoundBox, iscWfosWanted = self.__checkArgs(parmsWanted, gridDims,gridBoundBox, iscWfosWanted)
if self.__registered is not None:
self.unregister(self.__registered) #unregister, then reset table
self.__regInfo = None
self.__timeToReRegister = None
# shorten parmsWanted list, i.e., don't need the "_SFC".
for x in xrange(len(parmsWanted)):
idx = parmsWanted[x].find("_SFC")
if idx != -1:
parmsWanted[x] = parmsWanted[x][0:idx]
# set up registration information
self.__regInfo = {'mhsid': mhsid, 'server': serverHost,
'port': serverPort, 'protocol': serverProtocol, 'site': site,
'parms': ",".join(parmsWanted), 'dims': self.__listConvert(gridDims),
'proj': gridProj, 'Bbox': self.__nestedTupleConvert(gridBoundBox),
'wfos': ",".join(iscWfosWanted)}
# set up unregistration information
self.__unregInfo = {'mhsid': mhsid, 'server': serverHost,
'port': serverPort, 'protocol': serverProtocol,
'wfos': ",".join(iscWfosWanted), 'site': site}
okay = self.__doRegister() #perform registration
return okay
# Call made by ifpServer to check and perform re-registration.
# Returns True if no errors.
def checkForReregister(self):
if not self.__registered:
return True #do nothing if not registered
# check for change of IRT web service
if self.__baseURL() != self.__registered:
return self.__doRegister()
# check for time to re-register
if time.time() >= self.__timeToReRegister:
return self.__doRegister()
return True
# Call to unregister from the ISC Routing Table. Returns True if
# successful, false otherwise. The irtAddress overrides the calculated
# IRT web address if present.
def unregister(self, irtAddress=None):
if not self.__registered:
return True #do nothing if never registered
#now unregister
status, xml, transIRT = self.__callIRT('unregister', self.__unregInfo,
if status is False:
return False
# decode XML, read status
tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.XML(xml))
self.logProblem("Malformed XML on unregister: ", xml)
return False
element = tree.getroot()
if element is None:
self.logProblem("status tag missing in XML for unregister")
return False
status = None
for attr, value in element.items():
if attr == 'ok':
status = value
if status is None:
self.logProblem("ok attr missing in status tag for unregister")
return False
if status == "1":
self.__registered = None #reset registration flag
self.logEvent("Unregistered from IRT")
return True
self.logProblem("Error on unregistration", element.text)
return False
# routing to get the list of destination servers that are active for
# the given domain. Returns status flag and XML string.
def getSendAddrs(self, sourceDomain):
sourceDomainDict = {'wfoid': sourceDomain}
status, xml, transIRT = self.__callIRT('getaddrs', sourceDomainDict)
return status, xml
# routine to get the list of servers that are active for the given list
# of domains. Returns status flag and XML string.
def getServers(self, wfos):
if type(wfos) != "list":
wfos = JUtil.javaStringListToPylist(wfos)
wfoDict = {'wfoids': ",".join(wfos)}
status, xml, transIRT = self.__callIRT('getservers', wfoDict)
return status, xml
# registers with the ISC routing table. Returns True if successful,
# False otherwise.
def __doRegister(self):
status, xml, transIRT = self.__callIRT('register', self.__regInfo)
if status is False:
return False
# decode XML
tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.XML(xml))
self.logProblem("Malformed XML on register: ", xml)
return False
element = tree.getroot() #status tag is the root tag
if element is None:
self.logProblem("status tag missing in XML for register")
return False
ok = None
for attr, value in element.items():
if attr == 'ok':
ok = value
if ok is None:
self.logProblem("ok field missing in status tag for register")
return False
# get the ok flag
if ok == "1":
isoTimeStr = element.text
idx = isoTimeStr.find(".")
if idx != -1:
isoTimeStr = isoTimeStr[0:idx] #eliminate sub-seconds if any
# switch to GMT0 for time conversions
prevTZ = os.environ.get('TZ', None)
os.environ['TZ'] = "GMT0"
# Fix to correct importing of the time.strptime method
importError = True
while importError:
self.__timeToReRegister = time.mktime(time.strptime(isoTimeStr,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
except ImportError:
importError = True
# reset TZ environment variable to previous state
if prevTZ:
os.environ['TZ'] = prevTZ
except ValueError:
self.logProblem("time string has bad format", isoTimeStr)
return False
self.__registered = transIRT #set registration flag
self.logEvent("IRT Registration Successful. ",
"Re-register time: ",
return True #okay registration
self.logProblem("Error on registration: ", element.text)
return False
# returns the appropriate (id, url) for the IRT web service.
def __baseURL(self):
statusFile = '/data/mhs/ncfstatus'
#statusFile = '/scratch/ncfstatus'
ncf = "ANCF"
fp = open(statusFile, 'rb')
ncf =
ncf = ncf.strip().upper()
except IOError, e:
#self.logProblem("Can't read NCF status file: ", statusFile,
# "assuming ANCF...")
return ncf, self.__addrs.get(ncf)
# makes call to ISC routing Table service, calling the given function,
# with the given attributes (dictionary). Returns the status of the
# call (bool), the XML returned, and the IRT address (id, url).
# The optional IRTAddress is used to force the call to a specific
# IRT (id, url).
def __callIRT(self, function, attributes, irtAddress=None):
retries = 0
tDuration = 0.000
startT = time.time()
#use normal method to calculate IRT address
if irtAddress is None:
irtid, url = self.__baseURL()
acturl = url + "/" + function
irtid, url = irtAddress
acturl = url + "/" + function
data = urllib.urlencode(attributes)
while True:
prevtimeout = socket.setdefaulttimeout(60.0)
#check for update of ANCF/BNCF
if irtAddress is None:
irtid, url = self.__baseURL()
acturl = url + "/" + function
fd = urllib2.urlopen(acturl, data)
xml =
except urllib2.URLError, e:
problem = "URLError"
problem1 = e
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
problem = "HTTPError"
problem1 = e
except IOError, e:
problem = "IOError"
problem1 = e
except Exception, e:
problem = "Exception"
problem1 = e
#failed transaction
endT = time.time()
tDuration = endT - startT
self.logProblem("IRT access: ", problem, function,
"t=%-7.3f" % tDuration, "retries=%-1d" % retries,
"IRT=[%s %s]" % (irtid, url), attributes, problem1)
#try again?
retries = retries + 1
if retries > 5:
return False, "", (irtid, url) #complete failure
#successful transaction
endT = time.time()
tDuration = endT - startT
self.logEvent("IRT access: okay", function,
"t=%-7.3f" % tDuration, "retries=%-1d" % retries,
"IRT=[%s %s]" % (irtid, url), attributes)
self.logDebug("XML: ", xml)
return True, xml, (irtid, url)
# list convert to comma-deliminated string
def __listConvert(self, a):
s = ""
for x in xrange(len(a)):
if len(s):
s += "," + `a[x]`
s += `a[x]`
return s
# domain (x,y),(xe,ye) convert to comma-deliminated string
def __nestedTupleConvert(self, a):
s = ''
for x in xrange(len(a)):
for y in xrange(len(a[x])):
if len(s):
s += "," + `a[x][y]`
s += `a[x][y]`
return s
# Utility Routines ----------------------------------------------------
def addAddressXML(self, root, serverInfo):
#adds the address XML with the source server information
#to the root XML tree. Input server information is a dict with
#following keys: "mhsid",'host','port','protocol','site'
# Returns element for address (in case additional info is required)
addressE = SubElement(root, 'address')
mhsidE = SubElement(addressE, 'mhsid')
mhsidE.text = serverInfo.get('mhsid', "?")
serverE = SubElement(addressE, 'server')
serverE.text = serverInfo.get('host', "?")
portE = SubElement(addressE, 'port')
portE.text = str(serverInfo.get('port', "?"))
protocolE = SubElement(addressE, 'protocol')
protocolE.text = str(serverInfo.get('protocol', "?"))
siteE = SubElement(addressE, 'site')
siteE.text = serverInfo.get('site', "?")
#optional components "location" "area" "welist"
if serverInfo.has_key('domain') and serverInfo['domain'] is not None:
d = serverInfo['domain']
locationE = SubElement(addressE, 'location', proj=d['proj'],
origx=str(d['origx']), origy=str(d['origy']),
extx=str(d['extx']), exty=str(d['exty']))
if serverInfo.has_key('area') and serverInfo['area'] is not None:
d = serverInfo['area']
areaE = SubElement(addressE, 'area', xdim=str(d['xdim']),
if serverInfo.has_key('parms') and serverInfo['parms'] is not None:
parms = serverInfo['parms']
self.addWelistXML(addressE, parms)
return addressE
def addSourceXML(self, root, serverInfo):
#adds the source XML with the source server information to the root
#XML tree. Input server information is a dict with
#following keys: "mhsid",'host','port','protocol','site'
#Returns the "source" element and the "address" element.
sourcesE = SubElement(root, 'source')
addressE = self.addAddressXML(sourcesE, serverInfo)
return sourcesE, addressE
def addDestinationXML(self, root, serverInfos):
#adds the destinationXML and server information to the XML root.
# Input server information is a list of dicts with
#following keys: "mhsid",'host','port','protocol','site'
# Returns the destinations elment.
destinationsE= SubElement(root, 'destinations')
for serverInfo in serverInfos:
self.addAddressXML(destinationsE, serverInfo)
return destinationsE
def addWelistXML(self, root, parms):
#adds the welist and parms to the XML root. Returns the welist
welistE = SubElement(root, 'welist')
for parm in parms:
parmE = SubElement(welistE, 'parm')
parmE.text = parm
return welistE
def decodeXMLAddress(self, element):
#decodes the address element which identifies the server
#Returns None if not address tag, returns None as part of the
#tuple return if that value is not defined. Otherwise returns
#a dict with keys "mhsid",'host','port','protocol','site','parms',
dict = {}
if element.tag != "address":
return None #not address tag
parms = None
for attrE in element:
if attrE.tag == "mhsid":
dict['mhsid'] = attrE.text
elif attrE.tag == "server":
dict['host'] = attrE.text
elif attrE.tag == "port":
dict['port'] = attrE.text
elif attrE.tag == "protocol":
dict['protocol'] = attrE.text
elif attrE.tag == "site":
dict['site'] = attrE.text
elif attrE.tag == "welist":
parmsE = attrE.getchildren()
for parmE in parmsE:
if parms is None:
parms = []
if parmE.tag not in parms:
elif attrE.tag == "location":
domain = {}
for key, value in attrE.items():
domain[key] = value
dict['domain'] = domain
elif attrE.tag == "area":
size = {}
for key, value in attrE.items():
size[key] = value
dict['area'] = size
dict['parms'] = parms
return dict
def transmitFiles(self, subject, addresses, sourceWfo, attachments,
# assembles the command and executes it.
# determine MHS WMO id for this message
wmoid = "TTAA00 "
if sourceWfo in ['SJU']:
wmoid += "TJSJ"
elif sourceWfo in ['AFG', 'AJK', 'HFO', 'GUM']:
wmoid += "P" + sourceWfo
elif sourceWfo in ['AER', 'ALU']:
wmoid += "PAFC"
elif len(sourceWfo) == 3:
wmoid += "K" + sourceWfo
elif len(sourceWfo) == 4:
wmoid += sourceWfo
wmoid += "XXXX"
wmoid += " " + time.strftime("%d%H%M", time.gmtime(time.time()))
# Transmit files - do string substitution
if xmtScript is not None:
cmd = copy.deepcopy(xmtScript)
cmd = string.replace(cmd, "%SUBJECT", subject)
cmd = string.replace(cmd, "%ADDRESSES", ",".join(addresses))
cmd = string.replace(cmd, "%WMOID", "'" + wmoid + "'")
cmd = string.replace(cmd, "%ATTACHMENTS", ",".join(attachments))
self.logEvent("Transmit: ", cmd)
import siteConfig
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
output,err = Popen(cmd.split(" "), stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE).communicate()
if output.find(siteConfig.GFESUITE_MHSID+"-") == -1:
alertMsg = "ISC Send failed transmission to : "+",".join(addresses)+" --> "+output+" "+err
if len(err) > 0:
alertMsg="ISC data successfully transmitted to: "+",".join(addresses)
for file in attachments:
except OSError:
def printServerInfo(self, serverInfo):
# assembles a string to print out the server information. serverInfo
# is a dict with keys "mhsid",'host','port','protocol','site'.
# Returns the string to print. All input values are strings.
mhsid = serverInfo.get('mhsid', '?')
host = serverInfo.get('host', '?')
port = serverInfo.get('port', '?')
protocol = serverInfo.get('protocol', '?')
site = serverInfo.get('site', '?')
s = "mhs=" + mhsid + ",host=" + host + ",port=" + port +\
",proto=" + protocol + ",site=" + site
return s