2016-04-03 22:04:09 -05:00

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Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
The complete set of authors may be found at
The complete set of contributors may be found at
Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
`<core-transition-css>` implements CSS transitions as `<core-transition>` objects so they can be
reused in a pluggable transition system such as in `<core-overlay>`. Currently this class has
some specific support to animate an element from and to the viewport such as a dialog, but you
can override it for different effects.
<polymer-element name="my-css-transition" extends="core-transition-css">
:host(.my-transition) {
opacity: 0;
transition: transform 1s ease-out, opacity 1s ease-out;
:host( {
opacity: 1;
transform: none;
:host(.my-transition-top) {
transform: translateY(-100vh);
:host(.my-transition-bottom) {
transform: translateY(100vh);
baseClass: 'my-transition',
openedClass: 'my-opened'
<my-css-transition id="my-transition-top" transitionType="top"></my-css-transition>
<my-css-transition id="my-transition-bottom" transitionType="bottom"></my-css-transition>
<link href="components/core-meta/core-meta.html" rel="import">
<link href="my-css-transition.html">
<div id="animate-me"></div>
// Get the core-transition
var meta = document.createElement('core-meta');
meta.type = 'transition';
var transition1 = meta.byId('my-transition-top');
// Set up the animation
var animated = document.getElementById('animate-me');
transition1.go(animated, {opened: true});
The first element in the template of a `<core-transition-css>` object should be a stylesheet. It
will be injected to the scope of the animated node in the `setup` function. The node is initially
invisible with `opacity: 0`, and you can transition it to an "opened" state by passing
`{opened: true}` to the `go` function.
All nodes being animated will get the class `my-transition` added in the `setup` function.
Additionally, the class `my-transition-<transitionType>` will be applied. You can use the
`transitionType` attribute to implement several different behaviors with the same
`<core-transition-css>` object. In the above example, `<my-css-transition>` implements both
sliding the node from the top of the viewport and from the bottom of the viewport.
Available transitions
`<core-transition-css>` includes several commonly used transitions.
`core-transition-fade`: Animates from `opacity: 0` to `opacity: 1` when it opens.
`core-transition-center`: Zooms the node into the final size.
`core-transition-top`: Slides the node into the final position from the top.
`core-transition-bottom`: Slides the node into the final position from the bottom.
`core-transition-left`: Slides the node into the final position from the left.
`core-transition-right`: Slides the node into the final position from the right.
@group Polymer Core Elements
@element core-transition-css
@extends core-transition
@status beta
<link rel="import" href="core-transition.html">
<polymer-element name="core-transition-css" extends="core-transition" attributes="transitionType">
<link no-shim rel="stylesheet" href="core-transition-overlay.css">
Polymer('core-transition-css', {
* The class that will be applied to all animated nodes.
* @attribute baseClass
* @type string
* @default "core-transition"
baseClass: 'core-transition',
* The class that will be applied to nodes in the opened state.
* @attribute openedClass
* @type string
* @default "core-opened"
openedClass: 'core-opened',
* The class that will be applied to nodes in the closed state.
* @attribute closedClass
* @type string
* @default "core-closed"
closedClass: 'core-closed',
* Event to listen to for animation completion.
* @attribute completeEventName
* @type string
* @default "transitionEnd"
completeEventName: 'transitionend',
publish: {
* A secondary configuration attribute for the animation. The class
* `<baseClass>-<transitionType` is applied to the animated node during
* `setup`.
* @attribute transitionType
* @type string
transitionType: null
registerCallback: function(element) {
this.transitionStyle = element.templateContent().firstElementChild;
// template is just for loading styles, we don't need a shadowRoot
fetchTemplate: function() {
return null;
go: function(node, state) {
if (state.opened !== undefined) {
this.transitionOpened(node, state.opened);
setup: function(node) {
if (!node._hasTransitionStyle) {
if (!node.shadowRoot) {
node.createShadowRoot().innerHTML = '<content></content>';
this.installScopeStyle(this.transitionStyle, 'transition',
node._hasTransitionStyle = true;
if (this.transitionType) {
node.classList.add(this.baseClass + '-' + this.transitionType);
teardown: function(node) {
if (this.transitionType) {
node.classList.remove(this.baseClass + '-' + this.transitionType);
transitionOpened: function(node, opened) {
this.listenOnce(node, this.completeEventName, function() {
if (!opened) {
node.classList.toggle(this.openedClass, opened);
node.classList.toggle(this.closedClass, !opened);
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-fade"></core-transition-css>
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-center" transitionType="center"></core-transition-css>
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-top" transitionType="top"></core-transition-css>
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-bottom" transitionType="bottom"></core-transition-css>
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-left" transitionType="left"></core-transition-css>
<core-transition-css id="core-transition-right" transitionType="right"></core-transition-css>