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`<core-label>` provides a version of the `<label>` element that works with Custom Elements as well as native elements.
All text in the `core-label` will be applied to the target element as a screen-reader accessible description.
There are two ways to use `core-label` to target an element:
1. place an element inside core-label with the `for` attribute:
Context for the Button
<paper-button for>button</paper-button>
2. Set the `for` attribute on the `core-label` element to point to a target element in the same scope with a query
<core-label for=".foo">
Context for the button witht the "foo" class"
<paper-button class="foo">Far away button</paper-button>
All taps on the `core-label` will be forwarded to the "target" element.
@group Core Elements
@element core-label
@homepage github.io
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<!-- Native <label> has cursor: default -->
html /deep/ core-label {
cursor: default;
<polymer-element name="core-label">
(function() {
var ID = 0;
function generate(node) {
if (!node.id) {
node.id = 'core-label-' + ID++;
return node.id;
Polymer('core-label', {
* A query selector string for a "target" element not nested in the `<core-label>`
* @attribute for
* @type string
* @default ''
publish: {
'for': {reflect: true, value: ''}
eventDelegates: {
'tap': 'tapHandler'
created: function() {
this._forElement = null;
ready: function() {
if (!this.for) {
this._forElement = this.querySelector('[for]');
tapHandler: function(ev) {
if (!this._forElement) {
if (ev.target === this._forElement) {
this.fire('tap', null, this._forElement);
_tie: function() {
if (this._forElement) {
this._forElement.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', this.id);
_findScope: function() {
var n = this.parentNode;
while(n && n.parentNode) {
n = n.parentNode;
return n;
forChanged: function(oldFor, newFor) {
if (this._forElement) {
var scope = this._findScope();
if (!scope) {
this._forElement = scope.querySelector(newFor);
if (this._forElement) {