153 lines
4.8 KiB
153 lines
4.8 KiB
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
* The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
* The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
(function(scope) {
var ContextFreeParser = {
parse: function(text) {
var top = {};
var entities = [];
var current = top;
var subCurrent = {};
var scriptDocCommentClause = '\\/\\*\\*([\\s\\S]*?)\\*\\/';
var htmlDocCommentClause = '<!--([\\s\\S]*?)-->';
// matches text between /** and */ inclusive and <!-- and --> inclusive
var docCommentRegex = new RegExp(scriptDocCommentClause + '|' + htmlDocCommentClause, 'g');
// acquire all script doc comments
var docComments = text.match(docCommentRegex) || [];
// each match represents a single block of doc comments
docComments.forEach(function(m) {
// unify line ends, remove all comment characters, split into individual lines
var lines = m.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/^\s*\/\*\*|^\s*\*\/|^\s*\* ?|^\s*\<\!-\-|^s*\-\-\>/gm, '').split('\n');
// pragmas (@-rules) must occur on a line by themselves
var pragmas = [];
// filter lines whose first non-whitespace character is @ into the pragma list
// (and out of the `lines` array)
lines = lines.filter(function(l) {
var m = l.match(/\s*@([\w-]*) (.*)/);
if (!m) {
return true;
// collect all other text into a single block
var code = lines.join('\n');
// process pragmas
pragmas.forEach(function(m) {
var pragma = m[1], content = m[2];
switch (pragma) {
// currently all entities are either @class or @element
case 'class':
case 'element':
current = {
name: content,
description: code
// an entity may have these describable sub-features
case 'attribute':
case 'property':
case 'method':
case 'event':
subCurrent = {
name: content,
description: code
var label = pragma == 'property' ? 'properties' : pragma + 's';
makePragma(current, label, subCurrent);
// sub-feature pragmas
case 'default':
case 'type':
subCurrent[pragma] = content;
case 'param':
var eventParmsRe = /\{(.+)\}\s+(\w+[.\w+]+)\s+(.*)$/;
var params = content.match(eventParmsRe);
if (params) {
var subEventObj = {
type: params[1],
name: params[2],
description: params[3]
makePragma(subCurrent, pragma + 's', subEventObj);
case 'extends':
case 'mixins':
var parts = content.split(' ');
var subObj = {
name: parts[0],
url: parts[1] || null
makePragma(current, pragma, subObj);
case 'return':
var returnRe = /\{(.+)\}\s+(.*)$/;
var returnReResult = content.match(returnRe);
if (returnReResult) {
var subReturnObj = {
type: returnReResult[1],
description: returnReResult[2]
subCurrent[pragma] = subReturnObj;
// everything else
current[pragma] = content;
// utility function, yay hoisting
function makePragma(object, pragma, content) {
var p$ = object;
var p = p$[pragma];
if (!p) {
p$[pragma] = p = [];
if (entities.length === 0) {
entities.push({name: 'Entity', description: '**Undocumented**'});
return entities;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = ContextFreeParser;
} else {
scope.ContextFreeParser = ContextFreeParser;