] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
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359 lines
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* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of the HDF Java Products distribution. *
* The full copyright notice, including terms governing use, modification, *
* and redistribution, is contained in the files COPYING and Copyright.html. *
* COPYING can be found at the root of the source code distribution tree. *
* Or, see *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* *
package ncsa.hdf.object;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
* An attribute is a (name, value) pair of metadata attached to a primary
* data object such as dataset, group or named datatype.
* <p>
* Like a dataset, an attribute has a name, datatype and dataspace.
* <p>
* For more details on attibutes, see
* {@link <a href="">HDF5 User's Guide</a>}
* The following code is an example of an attribute with 1D integer array of two elements.
* <pre>
* // Example of creatinge a new attribute
* // The name of the new attribute
* String name = "Data range";
* // Creating an unsigned 1-byte integer datatype
* Datatype type = new Datatype(Datatype.CLASS_INTEGER, // class
* 1, // size in bytes
* Datatype.ORDER_LE, // byte order
* Datatype.SIGN_NONE); // signed or unsigned
* // 1-D array of size two
* long[] dims = {2};
* // The value of the attribute
* int[] value = {0, 255};
* // Create a new attribute
* Attribute dataRange = new Attribute(name, type, dims);
* // Set the attribute value
* dataRange.setValue(value);
* // See FileFormat.writeAttribute() for how to attach an attribute to an object,
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.FileFormat#writeAttribute(HObject, Attribute, boolean)
* </pre>
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Datatype
* @version 1.1 9/4/2007
* @author Peter X. Cao
public class Attribute implements Metadata
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.HObject#serialVersionUID
public static final long serialVersionUID = HObject.serialVersionUID;
/** The name of the attribute. */
private final String name;
/** The datatype of the attribute. */
private final Datatype type;
/** The rank of the data value of the attribute. */
private int rank;
/** The dimension sizes of the attribute. */
private long[] dims;
/** The value of the attribute. */
private Object value;
/** Flag to indicate if the datatype is an unsigned integer. */
private boolean isUnsigned;
* Create an attribute with specified name, data type and dimension sizes.
* For scalar attribute, the dimension size can be either an array of size one
* or null, and the rank can be either 1 or zero. Attribute is a general class
* and is independent of file format, e.g., the implementation of attribute
* applies to both HDF4 and HDF5.
* <p>
* The following example creates a string attribute with the name "CLASS" and value "IMAGE".
* <pre>
long[] attrDims = {1};
String attrName = "CLASS";
String[] classValue = {"IMAGE"};
Datatype attrType = new H5Datatype(Datatype.CLASS_STRING, classValue[0].length()+1, -1, -1);
Attribute attr = new Attribute(attrName, attrType, attrDims);
* </pre>
* @param attrName the name of the attribute.
* @param attrType the datatype of the attribute.
* @param attrDims the dimension sizes of the attribute, null for scalar attribute
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Datatype
public Attribute(String attrName, Datatype attrType, long[] attrDims)
this(attrName, attrType, attrDims, null);
* Create an attribute with specific name and value.
* For scalar attribute, the dimension size can be either an array of size one
* or null, and the rank can be either 1 or zero. Attribute is a general class
* and is independent of file format, e.g., the implementation of attribute
* applies to both HDF4 and HDF5.
* <p>
* The following example creates a string attribute with the name "CLASS" and value "IMAGE".
* <pre>
long[] attrDims = {1};
String attrName = "CLASS";
String[] classValue = {"IMAGE"};
Datatype attrType = new H5Datatype(Datatype.CLASS_STRING, classValue[0].length()+1, -1, -1);
Attribute attr = new Attribute(attrName, attrType, attrDims, classValue);
* </pre>
* @param attrName the name of the attribute.
* @param attrType the datatype of the attribute.
* @param attrDims the dimension sizes of the attribute, null for scalar attribute
* @param attrValue the value of the attribute, null if no value
* @see ncsa.hdf.object.Datatype
public Attribute(String attrName, Datatype attrType, long[] attrDims, Object attrValue)
name = attrName;
type = attrType;
dims = attrDims;
value = null;
rank = 0;
if (dims != null) {
rank = dims.length;
if (attrValue != null) {
value = attrValue;
isUnsigned = (type.getDatatypeSign()==Datatype.SIGN_NONE);
* Returns the value of the attribute.
* For atomic datatype, this will be an 1D array of integers, floats and strings.
* For compound datatype, it will be an 1D array of strings with field members
* separated by comma. For example, "{0, 10.5}, {255, 20.0}, {512, 30.0}" is a cmpound
* attribute of {int, float} of three data points.
* @return the value of the attribute, or null if failed to retrieve data from file.
public Object getValue()
return value;
* Sets the value of the attribute.
* It returns null if failed to retrieve the name from file.
* @param theValue The value of the attribute to set
public void setValue(Object theValue)
value = theValue;
* Returns the name of the attribute.
* @return the name of the attribute.
public String getName()
return name;
* Returns the rank (number of dimensions) of the attribute.
* It returns a negative number if failed to retrieve the dimension
* information from file.
* @return the number of dimensions of the attribute.
public int getRank()
return rank;
* Returns the dimension sizes of the data value of the attribute.
* It returns null if failed to retrieve the dimension information from file.
* @return the dimension sizes of the attribute.
public long[] getDataDims()
return dims;
* Returns the datatype of the attribute.
* It returns null if failed to retrieve the datatype information from file.
* @return the datatype of the attribute.
public Datatype getType()
return type;
* Checks if the data type of this attribute is an unsigned integer.
* @return true if the data type of the attribute is an unsigned integer; otherwise returns false.
public boolean isUnsigned()
return isUnsigned;
* Return the name of the attribute.
* @see toString(String delimiter)
public String toString() {
return name;
* Returns a string representation of the data value of the attribute.
* For example, "0, 255".
* <p>
* For compound datatype, it will be an 1D array of strings with field members
* separated by comma. For example, "{0, 10.5}, {255, 20.0}, {512, 30.0}" is a cmpound
* attribute of {int, float} of three data points.
* <p>
* @param delimiter The delimiter to separate individual data point.
* It can be comma, semicolon, tab or space.
* For example, to String(",") will separate data by comma.
* @return the string representation of the data values.
public String toString(String delimiter)
if (value == null) {
return null;
Class valClass = value.getClass();
if (!valClass.isArray()) {
return value.toString();
// attribute value is an array
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int n = Array.getLength(value);
if (isUnsigned)
String cname = valClass.getName();
char dname = cname.charAt(cname.lastIndexOf("[")+1);
switch (dname)
case 'B':
byte[] barray = (byte[])value;
short sValue = barray[0];
if (sValue < 0) {
sValue += 256;
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
sValue = barray[i];
if (sValue < 0) {
sValue += 256;
case 'S':
short[] sarray = (short[])value;
int iValue = sarray[0];
if (iValue < 0) {
iValue += 65536;
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
iValue = sarray[i];
if (iValue < 0) {
iValue += 65536;
case 'I':
int[] iarray = (int[])value;
long lValue = iarray[0];
if (lValue < 0) {
lValue += 4294967296L;
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
lValue = iarray[i];
if (lValue < 0) {
lValue += 4294967296L;
sb.append(Array.get(value, 0));
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
sb.append(Array.get(value, i));
sb.append(Array.get(value, 0));
for (int i=1; i<n; i++)
sb.append(Array.get(value, i));
return sb.toString();