root e2ecdcfe33 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 8e80217e59 [formerly 3360eb6c5f]
Former-commit-id: 377dcd10b9
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

181 lines
6.5 KiB

// Node - encapsulates information about a node topology type.
// Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file.
// Notes:
// History:
// 06 Jan 1998 Matthew J. Rutherford, Riverside Technology, inc
// Created initial version.
// 07 Apr 1998 Daniel Weiler, RTI Added setStates virtual.
// 13 Nov 2001 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added function setCOstring
// 20 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added _dischargeCO and _previousDischargeCO
// 20 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added transferCO().
// 10 Jun 2002 JRV, RTi Added and / or updated setEndInflow(),
// setEndOfTimestepStates, inflow, and discharge
// states for Rules testing.
// 24 Feb 2003 JRV, RTi Revised parameters passed to be consistent with
// Component carryover, despite not being a source
// of error.
// 16 Feb 2006 JRV, RTi Added diversion states.
// Commented out unused stage work.
// Added diversion time series.
// 16 Mar 2006 JRV, RTi Added valueToMethod, revised finalizeSolution to be
// virtual.
// 14 Aug 2007 DJS, RTi Added capability to define rating table or rating
// curve id at the node for Reservoir Tools
// enhancement project.
// Variables: I/O Description
#ifndef Node_INCLUDED
#define Node_INCLUDED
#include "Component.h"
#include "resj/Table.h"
class Node : public Component
Node* copy(); // Calls copy constructor on "this"
//HourTS* getOutputTS( char* );
int buildMinimumTS( char**, int );
virtual int finalizeSolution( TSDate& );
// Handles solution cleanup at the end of
// each time-step.
int freeDataSpace(); // Frees dynamically allocated data.
Node(); // Default constructor.
Node( const Node& );
// Copy constructor.
virtual ~Node(); // Destructor.
void operator= ( const Node& );
// = Operator.
virtual void printContents( FILE* );
int setCOstring(); // Prepares carryover string for original
// parameter input and CO array sizing
int setCOstring(TSDate&); // Prepares carryover string for an
// existing the ResJSys carry over array
void setEndInflow(TSDate&); // Sums inflows at the end of
// the current timestep and sets
// the value of _endInflow, and
// also puts it in the
// _totalInflow timeseries, if
// applicable.
void setEndInflow(TSDate&, double);
// Sets the value of _endInflow,
// and also puts it in the
// _totalInflow timeseries, if
// applicable.
int setEndOfTimestepStates(TSDate&); // Reset states for next
// timestep and output
// carryover, if necessary.
int setStates( char**, int );
// HourTS *_stage_ts;
int transferCO ( Component * compOLD, char * cOLD, char * cNEW,
int * ipr );
// Transfers Node carryover given
// the new Node component and the old
// and new related portions of the
// carryover strings
void valueToMethod ( TSDate date, int reduceDiv );
HourTS *_diversion_ts;
// Diversion time series.
virtual double* getInternalValuePtr( char* );
// Returns a pointer to an internal data
// member.
int initialize(); // Initializes private data members.
// NOTE: In previous paradigms, the Node simply added inflows and
// discharged without further transformation. Both inflows
// and discharges (outflows) are considered below due to the
// possibility of adding a diversion capability to the Node at
// some future time.
double _prevInflow; // Total instantaneous inflow to the
// node at the timestep before
// the beginning of this timestep--
// corresponds to the sum of inflows
// at _prev_date minus one timestep
// when cur_date is the timestep
// being solved.
double _startInflow; // Total instantaneous inflow to the
// node at the beginning of this
// timestep--corresponds to the sum
// of inflows at _prev_date when
// cur_date is the timestep being
// solved.
double _endInflow; // Total instantaneous inflow to the
// node at the end of this
// timestep--corresponds to the sum
// of inflows at cur_date or the
// timestep being solved.
double _discharge; // Diversion from the node (after
// inflow, before discharge).
double _prevDischarge; // Discharge from the node at the
// timestep before the beginning of this
// timestep--at _prev_date minus one
// timestep when cur_date is the
// timestep being solved.
double _startDischarge;// Discharge from the node at the
// beginning of this timestep--at
// _prev_date when cur_date is the
// timestep being solved.
double _endDischarge; // Discharge from the node at the end of
// this timestep--at cur_date or the
// timestep being solved.
double _diversion; // Diversion from the node (after
// inflow, before discharge).
double _prevDiversion; // Diversion from the node at the
// timestep before the beginning of this
// timestep--at _prev_date minus one
// timestep when cur_date is the
// timestep being solved.
double _startDiversion;// Diversion from the node at the
// beginning of this timestep--at
// _prev_date when cur_date is the
// timestep being solved.
double _endDiversion; // Diversion from the node at the end of
// this timestep--at cur_date or the
// timestep being solved.
DistributedTS _min_ctl; // TS read from the control file
int _min; // Trigger for minimum flow parameterization
int _mode; // Mode of MinRemainder interpolation.
bool _has_rating_table;
// The following two params are new as of
// Aug 2007 and are optional -
// if they are not defined in an input
// deck, the system will function
// as before (i.e. backward compatibility
// is preserved.
Table _rating_table; // rating curve table (optional)
char _rating_curve_id[MAXC]; // rating curve id (optional)