] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
184 lines
5.2 KiB
184 lines
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// Method - Base class for scheme classes.
// Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file.
// Notes:
// History:
// 13 Feb 1998 Daniel K. Weiler, Riverside Technology, inc
// Created initial version.
// 04 Mar 1998 Matthew J. Rutherford, RTi
// Changed 'constructTS' to 'construct'
// to make sense for all the methods. Also
// add the '_is_constructed' flag.
// 31 Mar 1998 DKW Added the getTimeStep.
// 31 Mar 1998 MJR Added an integer flag to the solveMethod function
// for isPrimarySolution.
// 06 Apr 1998 DKW Added interval and mult for time step.
// 08 Apr 1998 MJR Added static functions to get and set the dates.
// 12 Nov 2001 James R. VanShaar, RTi
// Added virtual function setInactiveState.
// 12 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added an integer flag _hasStates
// 12 Nov 2001 JRV, RTi Added virtual function setCOstring
// 11 Dec 2002 JRV, RTi Added _Active, _myValue, sendToTS.
// 15 Dec 2002 JRV, RTi Added linkCopiedTS()
// 24 Dec 2002 JRV, RTi Added SPILLWAY_METHOD.
// 12 Feb 2004 JRV, RTi Added INFLOW_METHOD.
// 27 Mar 2006 JRV, RTi Added sendToTS( TSDate date ),
// sendToTS( TSDate date, double scalar ),
// getMyValueAsOut( double *in, double *out ),
// Deleted virtual double sendToTS( TSDate, double,
// double ).
// Variables: I/O Description
#ifndef Method_INCLUDED
#define Method_INCLUDED
#include "DistributedTS.h"
#include "TSList.h"
#define LOSS_METHOD 1
#define WITHD_METHOD 2
#define SI 0
#define ENGLISH 1
#define MAX_COMPONENT 100
class Component;
class Method
Method(); // Default constructor.
Method( const Method& ); // Copy constructor.
virtual ~Method(); // Default destructor.
int getGroupID(); // returns _group_id
char* getID(); // returns the _id.
char* getType(); // returns the type string '_type'.
int setID ( char* ); // sets _id.
double** allocateDataSpace( int rows, int cols );
// allocates data space for 2-D
// double array.
// pure virtual functions
virtual int freeDataSpace() = 0;
virtual int construct( char**, int ) = 0;
virtual Method* copy( Component* ) = 0;
int isConstructed(); // Returns the value of the is constructed flag.
virtual void getMyValueAsOut( double *in, double *out );
virtual int solveMethod( TSDate&, int, double** = NULL ) = 0;
int _Active; // Integer determining the state of a method.
// If 0 = expression returned FALSE, the method
// was not solved.
// If 1 = expression returned TRUE, the method
// was solved.
// If -1 = expression returned TRUE, the method
// was solved, but discarded due to SetMin or
// SetMax dominance.
int _mode; // Normal or interpolate distributed TS, when
// appropriate.
// For SetRelease: 0 = Normal, no interpolation
// 1 = Interpolate in time (default if no
// additional parameter given)
// 2 = Interpolate across elevations
// 3 = Interpolate across elevations and in
// time
int _hasStates; // Carryover states are required (1-yes, 0-no)
double _myValue; // The value last calculated by the method.
virtual void setInactiveState();
virtual int setCOstring(); // Prepares adds carryover string
// to the ResJSys carryover array
virtual int setCOstring(TSDate&); // Prepares adds carryover string
// to the ResJSys carryover array
int _ordered;
virtual int print( FILE* ) = 0;
virtual Component* getOwner() = 0;
virtual void sendToTS( TSDate date );
virtual void sendToTS( TSDate date, double scalar );
virtual int linkCopiedTS( Component *, Component * );
int _group_id; // Used to identify what a method solves
// for so that the ComboMethods know
// what is compatible with what.
// static functions
static TSDate getForecastDate1();
static TSDate getForecastDate2();
static int getTimeInterval();
static int getTimeMult();
static double getTimeStepSec();
static int setForecastDate1( TSDate& );
static int setForecastDate2( TSDate& );
static int setTimeStep( int );
static int setTimeStep( int, int );
static int getUnitType();
static void setUnitType( int );
static double _t_step_in_sec;
int initialize();
char _id[MAXC], // Method identifier.
_type[MAXC]; // Type of Method.
int _is_constructed;// Flag that is TRUE if the method
// has been constructed...
static int _t_int, // Time step interval and mult,
_t_mult, // (int will be hourly for now)
_units; // 0 for metric, 1 for english
static TSDate _forecast_date1,// The start and end dates for the
_forecast_date2;// forecast.