Change-Id: Ia72d8c1670c0adb1529937b1943fa9e2d1195692 Former-commit-id:bb1f37da56
] [formerly02e801b359
] [formerlyef3879c4a3
[formerly 795cba334038d920beab93f5c872b02acf29c7f9]]] Former-commit-id:ef3879c4a3
Former-commit-id: 2e5401d9cdc3b6f681ceb65bb28524b1fefca7f6 [formerly7c6fe31032
] Former-commit-id:de47d76f3c
388 lines
12 KiB
388 lines
12 KiB
# #
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
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# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
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# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# #
import JUtil
# Basic handler for Python to Java and back (this handles all the main things
# that JUtil needs to do, but none of the special ones that should and can be
# added if the code wants to be more powerful.
# Note : All methods that convert from Java to Python should take a custom converter, even if it is not used.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 10/14/13 2250 mnash Initial creation of JUtil handler
# 02/06/14 mnash Fixed fallbacks by using OrderedDict,
# fixed exception by declaring a size
from collections import OrderedDict
from java.lang import Integer, Float, Long, Boolean, String, Double, Number
from java.util import Date
from com.raytheon.uf.common.python import PyJavaUtil
import datetime
# Java -> Python conversion
def javaBasicsToPyBasics(obj, customConverter=None):
Determines the correct method to call out of the dict to convert Java basic
objects to Python
if hasattr(obj, 'jclassname'):
classname = obj.jclassname
if classname in javaBasics :
return True, javaBasics[classname](obj)
else :
for javaClass in fallbackBasics :
if PyJavaUtil.isSubclass(obj, javaClass) :
return True, fallbackBasics[javaClass](obj, customConverter)
return False, obj
def _toPythonInt(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Integer to a Python int
return obj.intValue()
def _toPythonLong(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Long to a Python long, or int,
depending on the architecture
return obj.longValue()
def _toPythonFloat(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Float to a Python float
return obj.floatValue()
def _toPythonDouble(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Double to a Python float
return obj.doubleValue()
def _toPythonBool(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Boolean to a Python bool
return bool(obj.booleanValue())
def _toPythonString(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java String to a Python str
return obj.toString()
def _toPythonDatetime(obj, customConverter=None):
Turns a Java Date to a Python datetime
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(obj.getTime() / 1000)
# Python -> Java conversion
def pyBasicsToJavaBasics(val):
Method registered with JUtil to figure out any conversion of Python to Java.
Returns a default of String of that value if nothing else can be found.
valtype = type(val)
if valtype in pythonBasics :
return True, pythonBasics[valtype](val)
return False, str(val)
def _toJavaInt(val):
Turns a Python int to a Java Integer, or a Long, depending the range
of the value.
# since Python on 64 bit has larger ints, we need to do a check
# for compatibility with Java Integers
if val <= Integer.MAX_VALUE and val >= Integer.MIN_VALUE :
return Integer(val)
# outside the Java bounds for Integer, so make it a Java Long
return Long(val)
def _toJavaFloat(val):
Turns a Python float to a Java Float
return Float(val)
def _toJavaLong(val):
Turns a Python long to a Java Long
return Long(val)
def _toJavaBoolean(val):
Turns a Python bool to a Java Boolean
return Boolean(val)
def _toJavaString(val):
Turns a Python str to a Java String
return String(str(val))
def _toJavaDate(val):
Turns a Python datetime to a Java Date
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
delta = val - epoch
return Date(long(delta.total_seconds()) * 1000)
# the dict that registers the Python data type to the method for conversion
pythonBasics = OrderedDict({int:_toJavaInt, float:_toJavaFloat, long:_toJavaLong, bool:_toJavaBoolean, str:_toJavaString, unicode:_toJavaString, datetime.datetime:_toJavaDate})
# the dict that registers the Java String of type to the method for conversion
javaBasics = OrderedDict({'java.lang.Integer':_toPythonInt, 'java.lang.Float':_toPythonFloat, 'java.lang.Double':_toPythonDouble, 'java.lang.Long':_toPythonLong, 'java.lang.Boolean':_toPythonBool, 'java.lang.String':_toPythonString, 'java.util.Date':_toPythonDatetime})
fallbackBasics = OrderedDict({Number:_toPythonFloat})
The following methods will handle Python and Java collection conversion.
from java.lang import Object
from java.util import Collections, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, ArrayList, HashSet
from java.util import Date
from java.lang.reflect import Array
from java.util import List, Set, Map
import jep
# make a jarray to find out if we have that
JEP_ARRAY_TYPE = type(jep.jarray(0, Object))
# Java -> Python conversion
def javaCollectionToPyCollection(obj, customConverter=None):
Main method to register with JUtil for conversion of Java
collections to Python collections.
if hasattr(obj, 'jclassname'):
classname = obj.jclassname
if classname in javaCollections :
return True, javaCollections[classname](obj, customConverter)
elif PyJavaUtil.isArray(obj):
return True, _fromJavaArray(obj, customConverter)
else :
# we have some fallback capability, if we don't specifically handle a class, we
# want to try some of the more common types and see if those are available for
# conversion
for javaClass in fallbackCollections :
if PyJavaUtil.isSubclass(obj, javaClass):
return True, fallbackCollections[javaClass](obj, customConverter)
elif isinstance(obj, JEP_ARRAY_TYPE):
return True, _fromJepArray(obj, customConverter)
return False, obj
def _toPythonList(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python list.
retVal = []
size = obj.size()
for i in range(size):
retVal.append(JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(obj.get(i), customConverter))
return retVal
def _toPythonTuple(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python tuple.
return tuple(_toPythonList(obj, customConverter))
def _toPythonDict(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python dict.
return __toPythonDictInternal(obj, {}, customConverter)
def _toPythonSet(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python set.
retVal = set()
itr = obj.iterator()
while itr.hasNext():
val =
retVal.add(JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(val, customConverter))
return retVal
def _toPythonOrderedDict(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python OrderedDict.
return __toPythonDictInternal(obj, OrderedDict(), customConverter)
def _fromJavaArray(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts from a Java array to a Python list.
retVal = []
size = Array.getLength(obj)
for i in range(size):
retVal.append(JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(Array.get(obj, i), customConverter))
return retVal
def _fromJepArray(obj, customConverter=None):
Converts from a Jep array to a Python list.
retVal = []
size = len(obj)
for i in range(size):
retVal.append(JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(obj[i], customConverter))
return retVal
def __toPythonDictInternal(javaMap, pyDict, customConverter=None):
Converts to a Python dict. Passed in the dict type, and then handles the key conversion.
keys = javaMap.keySet()
itr = keys.iterator()
while itr.hasNext() :
key =
obj = javaMap.get(key)
pyDict[JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(key)] = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(obj, customConverter)
return pyDict
# Python -> Java conversion
def pyCollectionToJavaCollection(val):
Main method registered with JUtil for conversion of collections in Python
to Java collections.
valtype = type(val)
if valtype in pythonCollections :
return True, pythonCollections[valtype](val)
# not directly in the dict, so lets check whether they are subclasses
for pytype in pythonCollections :
if issubclass(pytype, valtype):
return True, pythonCollections[valtype](val)
return False, str(val)
def _toJavaList(val):
Turns a Python list to a Java List
retObj = ArrayList()
for i in val :
return retObj
def _toJavaUnmodifiableList(val):
Turns a Python tuple to a Java UnmodifiableList
return Collections.unmodifiableList(_toJavaList(val))
def _toJavaLinkedMap(val):
Turns a Python OrderedDict to a Java LinkedHashMap
return __toJavaMapInternal(val, LinkedHashMap())
def _toJavaMap(val):
Turns a Python dict to a Java HashMap
return __toJavaMapInternal(val, HashMap())
def _toJavaSet(val):
Turns a Python set to a Java set
return __toJavaSetInternal(val)
def _toJavaUnmodifiableSet(val):
Turns a Python frozenset to a Java unmodifiableset
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(__toJavaSetInternal(val))
def __toJavaSetInternal(val):
Does the actual conversion of the elements inside of the set or frozenset to Set
retObj = HashSet()
for v in val :
return retObj
def __toJavaMapInternal(pyDict, jmap):
Does the actual conversion of the elements inside of the dict to Map
for key in pyDict:
jmap.put(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(key), JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(pyDict[key]))
return jmap
javaCollections = OrderedDict({'java.util.ArrayList':_toPythonList, 'java.util.Arrays$ArrayList':_toPythonList, 'java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList':_toPythonTuple, 'java.util.HashMap':_toPythonDict, 'java.util.LinkedHashMap':_toPythonOrderedDict})
pythonCollections = OrderedDict({ list:_toJavaList, tuple:_toJavaUnmodifiableList, OrderedDict:_toJavaLinkedMap, dict:_toJavaMap, set:_toJavaSet, frozenset:_toJavaUnmodifiableSet })
fallbackCollections = OrderedDict({ List:_toPythonList, Map:_toPythonDict, Set:_toPythonSet })
Handles other types of Java to Python conversion and back.
def javaClassToPyClass(obj, customConverter=None):
Main method to convert Java classes to Python classes that aren't already defined above.
Registers with JUtil
if customConverter is not None :
return True, customConverter(obj)
return False, obj
def pyClassToJavaClass(val):
Main method that registers with JUtil to convert Python classes to Java classes.
valtype = type(val)
for pyType in pythonClasses :
if issubclass(valtype, pyType):
return True, pythonClasses[pyType](val)
return False, str(val)
def _toJavaClass(val):
Utilizes the JUtil.JavaWrapperClass object and its corresponding
toJavaObj() method that returns a Java object.
return val.toJavaObj()
# registers the data type for conversion to a Java class.
pythonClasses = OrderedDict({JUtil.JavaWrapperClass:_toJavaClass})