Change-Id: I68e8942e90fb62388b2c400f6a54f3de1a3f1c28 Former-commit-id:e894b1279a
] [formerlye894b1279a
] [formerly56a949fba8
[formerly b18b8f64040b1c41810f391b8ed785327b6e5d59]]] Former-commit-id:56a949fba8
] Former-commit-id:fb673d390f
376 lines
36 KiB
Executable file
376 lines
36 KiB
Executable file
<!-- Dam Break Follow-up Statement (FFS) configuration -->
<!-- Customized by Phil Kurimski WFO DTX 07-14-2011
Modified Evan Bookbinder 09-16-2011 OB11.0.8-8
Modified Phil Kurimski 09-23-2011 OB 11.0.8-8
Modified Phil Kurimski 01-26-2012 OB 12.1.1-1
Modified Qinglu Lin 04-04-2012 DR 14691. Added <feAreaField> tag.
Modified Phil Kurimski 04-27-2012
Evan Bookbinder 09-11-2012 Added settings for locations shapefile
Added areaSource object
Modified Phil Kurimski 02-05-2013 Reordered GUI selections to make more sense
Modified Phil Kurimski 09-19-2013 added geospatialConfig.xml
Modified Mike Rega 01-18-2014 added Alaska GP changes for 14.2.1
ANY pointSource/areaSource/pathcastConfig OVERRIDES TO THAT FILE CAN BE
<include file="geospatialConfig_COUNTY.xml"/>
<!-- Include Various geospatial XML files to create their objects. These are *NOT*
turned on unless the corresponding .vm file is turned on in a given template's .vm file
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure mileMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<include file="pointMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure pointMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<map>County Names</map>
<map>County Warning Areas</map>
<map>Major Rivers</map>
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected
Each followup will become available when the appropriate time range permits.
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enables/disables the 'Dam Break Threat Area' button -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<!-- Customized several sections in bullet section including:
Added Flash Flood Emergency Headline
Changed the CTA Bullet names for easier parsing in the vm file
Added the Primary Cause to CAN and EXP sections for correct headlines -->
<bullet bulletText="*********** SELECT A FOLLOWUP **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="CAN" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** CAN SELECTED **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** END OF WARNING STATEMENTS *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="warnend1" bulletText="Generic Statement" bulletGroup="wEnd"/>
<bullet bulletName="warnend2" bulletText="River Flooding" bulletGroup="wEnd"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** PRIMARY CAUSE *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="dam" bulletText="Dam failure - generic" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="A DAM FAILURE" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="levee" bulletText="Levee failure" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A LEVEE FAILURE" showString="LEVEE FAILURE"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodgate" bulletText="Floodgate opening" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A DAM FLOODGATE RELEASE" showString="A DAM FLOODGATE RELEASE"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacier" bulletText="Glacial-dammed lake outburst" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".GO." showString=".GO."/>
<bullet bulletName="icejam" bulletText="Ice jam" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".IJ." showString=".IJ."/>
<bullet bulletName="rain" bulletText="Rapid rain induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".RS." showString=".RS."/>
<!-- modified by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED SNOWMELT" showString=".SM."/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED DEBRIS FLOW" showString=".SM."/>
<!-- GP end -->
<!-- next two lines from 13.5.2 baseline - may need the more complex parseString for the GP changes above -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT""/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT""/> -->
<bullet bulletName="siteimminent" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - imminent failure" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE IMMINENT FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="sitefailed" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - failure has occurred" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- The bullet names may need to be edited once AWIPS 2 is fixed to include damInfoBullets coding. -->
<!-- Note that Dam Names NEED to be in the CAN section to produce correct headline wording in the vm file -->
<bullet bulletText="****** DAM NAME ******" bulletType="title" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- include file="damInfoBullet.xml"/> -->
<!-- <damInfoBullets>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Big Rock Dam (Fairfield County)" bulletName="BigRockDam" parseString="BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4109 7338 4116 7311 4116 7320"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BigRockhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BigRockhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BigRockmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BigRockmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BigRockruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Branched Oak Dam (Westchester County)" bulletName="BranchedOakDam" parseString="BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4106 7373 4097 7366 4090 7376 4102 7382"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BranchedOakhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BranchedOakhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BranchedOakruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
</damInfoBullets> -->
<bulletActionGroup action="EXP" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** EXP SELECTED **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** END OF WARNING STATEMENTS *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="warnend1" bulletText="Generic Statement" bulletGroup="wEnd"/>
<bullet bulletName="warnend2" bulletText="River Flooding" bulletGroup="wEnd"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** PRIMARY CAUSE (choose 1) *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="dam" bulletText="Dam failure - generic" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="A DAM FAILURE" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="levee" bulletText="Levee failure" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A LEVEE FAILURE" showString="LEVEE FAILURE"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodgate" bulletText="Floodgate opening" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A DAM FLOODGATE RELEASE" showString="A DAM FLOODGATE RELEASE"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacier" bulletText="Glacial-dammed lake outburst" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".GO." showString=".GO."/>
<bullet bulletName="icejam" bulletText="Ice jam" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".IJ." showString=".IJ."/>
<bullet bulletName="rain" bulletText="Rapid rain induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".RS." showString=".RS."/>
<!-- modified by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED SNOWMELT" showString=".SM."/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED DEBRIS FLOW" showString=".SM."/>
<!-- GP end -->
<!-- next two lines from 13.5.2 baseline - may need the more complex parseString for the GP changes above -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT""/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT""/> -->
<bullet bulletName="siteimminent" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - imminent failure" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE IMMINENT FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="sitefailed" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - failure has occurred" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- The bullet names may need to be edited once AWIPS 2 is fixed to include damInfoBullets coding. -->
<!-- Note that Dam Names NEED to be in the EXP section to produce correct headline wording in the vm file -->
<bullet bulletText="****** DAM and DAM BREAK SCENARIOS ******" bulletType="title" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- include file="damInfoBullet.xml"/> -->
<!-- <damInfoBullets>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Big Rock Dam (Fairfield County)" bulletName="BigRockDam" parseString="BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4109 7338 4116 7311 4116 7320"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BigRockhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BigRockhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BigRockmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BigRockmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BigRockruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Branched Oak Dam (Westchester County)" bulletName="BranchedOakDam" parseString="BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4106 7373 4097 7366 4090 7376 4102 7382"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BranchedOakhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BranchedOakhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BranchedOakruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
</damInfoBullets> -->
<bulletActionGroup action="CON" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" floodSeverity="3" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** PRIMARY CAUSE (choose 1) *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="dam" bulletText="Dam failure - generic" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="A DAM FAILURE" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="levee" bulletText="Levee failure" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A LEVEE FAILURE" showString="LEVEE FAILURE"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodgate" bulletText="Floodgate opening" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="FLOODGATE RELEASE" showString="FLOODGATE RELEASE"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacier" bulletText="Glacial-dammed lake outburst" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".GO." showString=".GO."/>
<bullet bulletName="icejam" bulletText="Ice jam" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="ICE JAM FLOODING" showString=".IJ."/>
<bullet bulletName="rain" bulletText="Rapid rain induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="EXTREMELY RAPID RAIN SNOWMELT" showString=".RS."/>
<!-- modified by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED SNOWMELT" showString=".SM."/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED DEBRIS FLOW" showString=".SM."/>
<!-- GP end -->
<!-- next two lines from 13.5.2 baseline - may need the more complex parseString for the GP changes above -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC","-TORRENT""/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC","TORRENT""/> -->
<bullet bulletName="siteimminent" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - imminent failure" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE IMMINENT FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="sitefailed" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - failure has occurred" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** REPORTED BY (choose 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="county" bulletText="County dispatch" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="COUNTY DISPATCH REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law enforcement" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="corps" bulletText="Corps of engineers" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="damop" bulletText="Dam operator" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="DAM OPERATORS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="bureau" bulletText="Bureau of reclamation" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="BUREAU OF RECLAMATION REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="The public" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<!-- added by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="onlyGauge" bulletText="Gauge reports" bulletGroup="source" parseString="GAUGE REPORTS "/>
<bullet bulletName="CAP" bulletText="Civil Air Patrol" bulletGroup="source" parseString="CIVIL AIR PATROL "/>
<bullet bulletName="alaskaVoc" bulletText="Alaska Volcano Observatory" bulletGroup="source" parseString="ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY "/>
<bullet bulletName="cascadeVoc" bulletText="Cascades Volcano Observatory" bulletGroup="source" parseString="CASCADES VOLCANO OBSERVATORY "/>
<!-- GP end -->
<bullet bulletText="************ (OPTIONAL) LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- <bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/> -->
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString=""LOCATIONS","INCLUDE...""/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** ADDITIONAL INFO ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodMoving" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** CALLS TO ACTION (choose 1 or more) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergencyCTA" bulletText="**FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY CTA**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="actQuicklyCTA" bulletText="Act Quickly..." bulletDefault="true" parseString="HIGHER GROUND NOW. ACT QUICKLY TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE."/>
<bullet bulletName="childSafetyCTA" bulletText="Child Safety..." parseString="KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM STORM DRAINS"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding..." parseString="BE ESPECIALLY CAUTIOUS AT NIGHT WHEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="safetyCTA" bulletText=" foot or motorist" parseString="DO NOT ENTER OR CROSS FLOWING WATER"/>
<bullet bulletName="turnAroundCTA" bulletText="Turn around...dont drown" parseString="TURN AROUND...DONT DROWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="stayAwayCTA" bulletText="Stay away or be swept away" parseString="STAY AWAY OR BE SWEPT AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="arroyosCTA" bulletText="Arroyos..." parseString="ARROYOS...STREAMS AND RIVERS CAN BECOME RAGING KILLER CURRENTS"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnAreasCTA" bulletText="Burn Areas..." parseString="MOVE AWAY FROM RECENTLY BURNED AREAS"/>
<!-- added by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcanicFloodCTA" bulletText="Volanic Snowmelt..." parseString="VOLCANIC SNOWMELT"/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanicLaharCTA" bulletText="Volanic Lahar..." parseString="VOLCANIC LAHARS"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacierOutburstCTA" bulletText="Glacier Outburst..." parseString="STAY AWAY FROM"/>
<!-- GP end -->
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to local law enforcement" parseString="PLEASE REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY WHEN YOU CAN"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************************************************************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* The next sections apply only if one of the dam break *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* causes was selected. Choose one dam, and optionally *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* one associated scenario and the rule of thumb. *" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- The bullet names may need to be edited once AWIPS 2 is fixed to include damInfoBullets coding. -->
<bullet bulletText="****** DAM and DAM BREAK SCENARIOS (choose 1) ******" bulletType="title" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- include file="damInfoBullet.xml"/> -->
<!-- <damInfoBullets>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Big Rock Dam (Fairfield County)" bulletName="BigRockDam" parseString="BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4109 7338 4116 7311 4116 7320"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BigRockhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BigRockhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BigRockmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BigRockmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BigRockruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Branched Oak Dam (Westchester County)" bulletName="BranchedOakDam" parseString="BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4106 7373 4097 7366 4090 7376 4102 7382"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BranchedOakhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BranchedOakhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BranchedOakruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
</damInfoBullets> -->
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="***CORRECTED PRODUCT. CLICK CREATE TEXT***" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" floodSeverity="3" bulletGroup="ffwEMER" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** PRIMARY CAUSE (choose 1) *******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="dam" bulletText="Dam failure - generic" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="A DAM FAILURE" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="levee" bulletText="Levee failure" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="A LEVEE FAILURE" showString="LEVEE FAILURE"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodgate" bulletText="Floodgate opening" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="FLOODGATE RELEASE" showString="FLOODGATE RELEASE"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacier" bulletText="Glacial-dammed lake outburst" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=".GO." showString=".GO."/>
<bullet bulletName="icejam" bulletText="Ice jam" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="ICE JAM FLOODING" showString=".IJ."/>
<bullet bulletName="rain" bulletText="Rapid rain induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="EXTREMELY RAPID RAIN SNOWMELT" showString=".RS."/>
<!-- modified by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED SNOWMELT" showString=".SM."/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString="VOLCANIC INDUCED DEBRIS FLOW" showString=".SM."/>
<!-- GP end -->
<!-- next two lines from 13.5.2 baseline - may need the more complex parseString for the GP changes above -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="volcano" bulletText="Volcano induced snowmelt" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","-MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","-TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC","-TORRENT""/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanoLahar" bulletText="Volcano induced lahar/debris flow" bulletGroup="ic" parseString=""VOLCANIC SNOWMELT","MELTING OF SNOW AND ICE","TORRENT"" showString=""VOLCANIC","TORRENT""/> -->
<bullet bulletName="siteimminent" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - imminent failure" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE IMMINENT FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletName="sitefailed" bulletText="Dam break - site specific (pick below) - failure has occurred" bulletGroup="damic" parseString="THE FAILURE OF" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** REPORTED BY (choose 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="county" bulletText="County dispatch" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="COUNTY DISPATCH REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law enforcement" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="corps" bulletText="Corps of engineers" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="damop" bulletText="Dam operator" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="DAM OPERATORS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="bureau" bulletText="Bureau of reclamation" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="BUREAU OF RECLAMATION REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="The public" bulletGroup="reportedBy" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<!-- added by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="onlyGauge" bulletText="Gauge reports" bulletGroup="source" parseString="GAUGE REPORTS "/>
<bullet bulletName="CAP" bulletText="Civil Air Patrol" bulletGroup="source" parseString="CIVIL AIR PATROL "/>
<bullet bulletName="alaskaVoc" bulletText="Alaska Volcano Observatory" bulletGroup="source" parseString="ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY "/>
<bullet bulletName="cascadeVoc" bulletText="Cascades Volcano Observatory" bulletGroup="source" parseString="CASCADES VOLCANO OBSERVATORY "/>
<!-- GP end -->
<bullet bulletText="************ (OPTIONAL) LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- <bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/> -->
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString=""LOCATIONS","INCLUDE...""/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** ADDITIONAL INFO ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES"/>
<bullet bulletName="floodMoving" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** CALLS TO ACTION (choose 1 or more) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergencyCTA" bulletText="**FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY CTA**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="actQuicklyCTA" bulletText="Act Quickly..." bulletDefault="true" parseString="HIGHER GROUND NOW. ACT QUICKLY TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE."/>
<bullet bulletName="childSafetyCTA" bulletText="Child Safety..." parseString="KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM STORM DRAINS"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding..." parseString="BE ESPECIALLY CAUTIOUS AT NIGHT WHEN"/>
<bullet bulletName="safetyCTA" bulletText=" foot or motorist" parseString="DO NOT ENTER OR CROSS FLOWING WATER"/>
<bullet bulletName="turnAroundCTA" bulletText="Turn around...dont drown" parseString="TURN AROUND...DONT DROWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="stayAwayCTA" bulletText="Stay away or be swept away" parseString="STAY AWAY OR BE SWEPT AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="arroyosCTA" bulletText="Arroyos..." parseString="ARROYOS...STREAMS AND RIVERS CAN BECOME RAGING KILLER CURRENTS"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnAreasCTA" bulletText="Burn Areas..." parseString="MOVE AWAY FROM RECENTLY BURNED AREAS"/>
<!-- added by GP -->
<bullet bulletName="volcanicFloodCTA" bulletText="Volanic Snowmelt..." parseString="VOLCANIC SNOWMELT"/>
<bullet bulletName="volcanicLaharCTA" bulletText="Volanic Lahar..." parseString="VOLCANIC LAHARS"/>
<bullet bulletName="glacierOutburstCTA" bulletText="Glacier Outburst..." parseString="STAY AWAY FROM"/>
<!-- GP end -->
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to local law enforcement" parseString="PLEASE REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY WHEN YOU CAN"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************************************************************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* The next sections apply only if one of the dam break *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* causes was selected. Choose one dam, and optionally *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* one associated scenario and the rule of thumb. *" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- The bullet names may need to be edited once AWIPS 2 is fixed to include damInfoBullets coding. -->
<bullet bulletText="****** DAM and DAM BREAK SCENARIOS (choose 1) ******" bulletType="title" showString=""DAM",".DM.","-LEVEE""/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific dams in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each dam in the
template or listing the dams in a separate file and using the include command -->
<!-- include file="damInfoBullet.xml"/> -->
<!-- <damInfoBullets>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Big Rock Dam (Fairfield County)" bulletName="BigRockDam" parseString="BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4109 7338 4116 7311 4116 7320"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BigRockhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BigRockhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BigRockmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BigRockmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BIG ROCK" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BigRockruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BIG ROCK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="dam" bulletText="Branched Oak Dam (Westchester County)" bulletName="BranchedOakDam" parseString="BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM" coords="LAT...LON 4106 7373 4097 7366 4090 7376 4102 7382"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high fast" bulletName="BranchedOakhighfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - high normal" bulletName="BranchedOakhighnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium fast" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumfast" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="scenario" bulletText="scenario - medium normal" bulletName="BranchedOakmediumnormal" parseString="COMPLETE FAILURE OF BRANCHED OAK" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
<damInfoBullet bulletGroup="ruleofthumb" bulletText="rule of thumb" bulletName="BranchedOakruleofthumb" parseString="FLOOD WAVE ESTIMATE" showString="BRANCHED OAK DAM"/>
</damInfoBullets> -->
<pointSource variable="riverdrainages">
<mapping key="cwa">
<constraint constraintValue="$warngenCWAFilter" constraintType="EQUALS" />