Steve Harris 33a67cdd82 12.4.1-10 baseline
Former-commit-id: 4bfbdad17d [formerly 9f8cb727a5] [formerly 8485b90ff8 [formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]
Former-commit-id: 8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: a28d70b5c5
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00

1216 lines
37 KiB

/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* XW Video Graphics Routines (Part #1) */
/* These are the routines that pertain specifically to */
/* representing the Skew/t and Hodograph on the screen. */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* List of Routines in this module: */
/* */
/* ISOBAR */
/* */
/* OPC MODIFICATION - J. Morgan 5/12/05 */
/* header - Added isobar_nolabel */
/* draw_skewt() - Added drawing of OPC diagnostic layers */
/* ISOBAR_NOLABEL - New function */
#define GLOBAL
#define VIDEO
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
* Private functions
void dry_adiabat (float thta);
void hodo_to_pix (float dir, float mag, short *x, short *y);
void isobar (float pres, short flag);
void isotherm (float temp);
void plot_barbs (void);
void trace_hodo (short width);
void trace_temp (struct sndg_struct *sp, short width);
void trace_temp2 (short width);
void trace_vtmp (short width);
void trace_wetbulb (short width);
void trace_dwpt (struct sndg_struct *sp, short width);
void trace_dwpt2 (short width);
void vvel_profile (void);
void wind_barb (float wdir, float wspd, short x, short y, short siz);
void isobar_nolabel (float pres);
make_screen (void)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws basic SHARP graphic template on screen, including */
/* areas, buttons, and tables. */
/* */
/* char st[80]; */
pagenum = 1;
X_Init ();
/* ----- RAOB Title Line ----- */
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
set_font (1);
/* ----- Parameter Area ----- */
setcolor (4, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle (1, (short) (skv.brx + 20), skv.tly, (short) (xwdth - 5),
(short) (xhght - 5));
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle (0, (short) (skv.brx + 20), skv.tly, (short) (xwdth - 5),
(short) (xhght - 5));
/* ----- Cursor Data Area ----- *-
setcolor(3, draw_reg, gc);
strcpy( st, "CURSOR DATA" );
outgtext ( st,
(((skv.brx + 20 + xwdth) / 2) - (getgtextextent( st ) / 2)),
skv.tly + 5 );
setcolor(0, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle( 1, (short)(skv.brx+30), (short)(skv.tly+22), (short)(xwdth-15), 100);
setcolor(1, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle( 0, (short)(skv.brx+30), (short)(skv.tly+22), (short)(xwdth-15), 100); */
mode = 1;
pagenum = 1;
/* ----- Begin Main Processing Loop ----- */
StartLoop ();
void draw_skewt (void)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws a standard Skew-T/LogP diagram. */
short i;
float thta;
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, ix5, ix6, ix7;
float lvl[] =
{ 1050.0F, 1000.0F, 850.0F, 700.0F, 500.0F, 300.0F, 200.0F, 100.0F };
char rtitle[200];
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
setcolor (0, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle (1, 1, 1, skv.brx + 14, skv.bry + skv.tly + 14);
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
set_font (2);
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
rectangle (0, skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry);
/* ----- Draw Skewed Temperature Lines ----- */
setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (2, 1);
for (i = (-160); i <= 50; i = i + 10)
isotherm ((float) i);
/* ----- Draw Dry Adiabats ----- */
setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
for (thta = (-70.0F); thta <= 350.0F; thta = thta + 20.0F)
dry_adiabat (thta);
/* ----- Draw Horizontal Pressure Lines ----- */
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++)
isobar (lvl[i], 0);
for (i = 100; i <= 1050; i = i + 50)
isobar ((float) i, 1);
/* ----- Draw OPC Horizontal Stability Lines ----- *
* OPC MODIFICATION - J. Morgan 5/12/05 *
* Draws: *
* Lowest Inversion Height *
* Layer Based Mixing Height *
* Surface Based Mixing Height *
* Calls: *
* xwvid.c: void isobar_nolabel () *
* skparams.c: void low_inv () *
* skparams.c: void mix_height () *
low_inv( &ix1, &ix2 );
setcolor (5, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
isobar_nolabel (ix1);
mix_height( &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4, &ix5, &ix6, &ix7, 1);
setcolor (6, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (2, 1);
isobar_nolabel (ix1);
mix_height( &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4, &ix5, &ix6, &ix7, 0);
setcolor (7, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (4, 1);
isobar_nolabel (ix1);
/* Draw frame boarder */
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle (0, skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry);
if (sndgp != NULL)
/* ----- Plot old sounding if exists ----- */
setcolor (28, draw_reg, gc);
if ((overlay_previous == 1) && (sndgp->ovrlev > 0))
trace_temp2 (3);
trace_dwpt2 (3);
if (sndgp->numlev > 0)
/* ----- Plot Environmental Temperature Data ----- */
setcolor (2, draw_reg, gc);
trace_temp (sndgp, 3);
/* ----- Plot Environmental Dew Point Data ----- */
setcolor (3, draw_reg, gc);
trace_dwpt (sndgp, 3);
/* ----- Plot Environmental Virtual Temperature Data ----- */
setcolor (2, draw_reg, gc);
trace_vtmp (1);
/* ----- Plot Environmental Wetbulb Temperature Data ----- */
setcolor (6, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
trace_wetbulb (1);
/* ----- Plot Wind Barbs ----- */
setcolor (5, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
plot_barbs ();
/* ----- If Available, plot VVEL profile ----- */
vvel_profile ();
/* ----- Display Skew-T Inset ----- */
draw_skinset ();
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
set_font (1);
sprintf (rtitle, "%s (%s)", sndgp->title, raob_type);
outgtext (rtitle, skv.tlx, 1);
update_text_values ();
XCopyArea (XtDisplay (draw_reg), canvas, XtWindow (draw_reg),
gc, 0, 0, xwdth, xhght, 0, 0);
draw_hodo (void)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws a standard Hodograph display. */
short x1, y1, x2, y2, i, y3;
float wdir, wspd, mnu, mnv, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
char st[10];
setcolor (0, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle (1, 1, 1, hov.brx + 14, hov.bry + 14);
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
set_font (2);
setcliprgn (hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
rectangle (0, hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry);
/* ----- Plot crosshairs ----- */
setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
hodo_to_pix (180.0F, 60.0F, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1, hov.tly);
lineto (x1, hov.bry);
setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
hodo_to_pix (270.0F, 60.0F, &x1, &y1);
moveto (hov.tlx, y1);
lineto (hov.brx, y1);
/* ----- Plot Radius circles ----- */
setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (2, 1);
hodo_to_pix (0.0F, 0.0F, &x1, &y1);
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
hodo_to_pix (0.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
y3 = (y1 - y2);
ellipse (0, x2 - y3, y2 - y3, x2 + y3, y2 + y3);
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
/* ----- Plot X-Coord hash marks ----- */
for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
hodo_to_pix (180.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
itoa (i, st, 10);
outgtext (st, x1 - getgtextextent (st) - 4, y1 - 5);
hodo_to_pix (360.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
itoa (i, st, 10);
outgtext (st, x1 - getgtextextent (st) - 4, y1 - 5);
/* ----- Plot Y-Coord hash marks ----- */
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
for (i = hov.scale; i <= hov.hodomag; i = i + hov.scale)
hodo_to_pix (90.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
itoa (i, st, 10);
outgtext (st, x1 - (getgtextextent (st) / 2), y1 + 5);
hodo_to_pix (270.0F, (float) i, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
itoa (i, st, 10);
outgtext (st, x1 - (getgtextextent (st) / 2), y1 + 5);
/* ----- Plot Hodograph (Shear Vectors) ----- */
setcolor (2, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 2);
if ((sndgp != NULL) && (sndgp->numlev > 0))
trace_hodo (3);
/* ----- Plot Mean Wind Vector ----- yellow square */
setcolor (5, draw_reg, gc);
mean_wind (-1.0F, -1.0F, &mnu, &mnv, &wdir, &wspd);
hodo_to_pix (wdir, wspd, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1, y1);
rectangle (0, (short) (x1 - 4), (short) (y1 - 4), (short) (x1 + 4),
(short) (y1 + 4));
/* ----- Plot 30/75 Storm Motion Vector -----small light pink circle */
mean_wind (sndgp->sndg[sfc ()].pres, i_pres (msl (6000.0F)), &ix1, &ix2,
&ix3, &ix4);
setcolor (11, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
ix4 *= .75F;
ix3 += 30.0F;
if (ix3 > 360.0F)
ix3 -= 360.0F;
hodo_to_pix (ix3, ix4, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
ellipse (0, x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3);
/* ----- Plot 15/85 Storm Motion Vector ----- small light brick color circle*/
mean_wind (sndgp->sndg[sfc ()].pres, i_pres (msl (6000.0F)), &ix1, &ix2,
&ix3, &ix4);
setcolor (12, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
ix4 *= .85F;
ix3 += 15.0F;
if (ix3 > 360.0F)
ix3 -= 360.0F;
hodo_to_pix (ix3, ix4, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1 - 3, y1);
lineto (x1 + 3, y1);
moveto (x1, y1 - 3);
lineto (x1, y1 + 3);
ellipse (0, x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3);
/* ----- Plot Current Storm Motion Vector ----bigger-white circle , initially at same location as 30/75 stomr */
setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
hodo_to_pix (sndgp->st_dir, sndgp->st_spd, &x1, &y1);
moveto (x1 - 6, y1);
lineto (x1 + 6, y1);
moveto (x1, y1 - 6);
lineto (x1, y1 + 6);
ellipse (0, x1 - 6, y1 - 6, x1 + 6, y1 + 6);
/* ----- Display Hodograph Inset ----- */
draw_hoinset ();
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
set_font (1);
outgtext (sndgp->title, skv.tlx, 1);
/* ----- Draw final outline of hodograph ----- */
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
rectangle (0, hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.brx, hov.bry);
/* reset clip region */
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
XCopyArea (XtDisplay (draw_reg), canvas, XtWindow (draw_reg),
gc, 0, 0, xwdth, xhght, 0, 0);
hodo_to_pix (float dir, float mag, short *x, short *y)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the screen location (x,y) in pixels of the */
/* wind vector (dir,mag). */
float midx, midy;
float scle;
scle = (float) ((hov.brx - hov.tlx) / hov.hodomag);
midx = hov.tlx + ((hov.brx - hov.tlx) / 2) + (hov.xshift * scle);
midy = hov.tly + ((hov.bry - hov.tly) / 2) - (hov.yshift * scle);
*x = (short) (midx - (ucomp (dir, mag) * scle));
*y = (short) (midy + (vcomp (dir, mag) * scle));
pix_to_hodo (short x, short y, float *dir, float *mag)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the wind vector (dir, mag) in knots of the */
/* screen location (x,y). */
float midx, midy, scle, u, v;
scle = (hov.brx - hov.tlx) / hov.hodomag; /* pixels/knot */
midx = hov.tlx + ((hov.brx - hov.tlx) / 2) + (hov.xshift * scle);
midy = hov.tly + ((hov.bry - hov.tly) / 2) - (hov.yshift * scle);
u = (midx - x) / scle;
v = (y - midy) / scle;
*dir = angle (u, v);
*mag = (float) (sqrt ((u * u) + (v * v)));
trace_hodo (short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental wind shear vectors on Hodograph. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0;
if (sndgp == NULL)
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if (qc (sndgp->sndg[i].drct) && qc (sndgp->sndg[i].sped))
if (sndgp->sndg[i].hght <= msl (3000.0F))
setcolor (2, draw_reg, gc);
else if (sndgp->sndg[i].hght > msl (3000.0F)
&& sndgp->sndg[i].hght <= msl (6000.0F))
setcolor (3, draw_reg, gc);
else if (sndgp->sndg[i].hght > msl (6000.0F)
&& sndgp->sndg[i].hght <= msl (9000.0F))
setcolor (5, draw_reg, gc);
else if (sndgp->sndg[i].hght > msl (9000.0F)
&& sndgp->sndg[i].hght <= msl (12000.0F))
setcolor (6, draw_reg, gc);
else if (sndgp->sndg[i].hght > msl (12000.0F))
setcolor (28, draw_reg, gc);
xold = x;
yold = y;
hodo_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped, &x, &y);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
dry_adiabat (float thta)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws dry adiabat of theta (thta, c) on SkewT graphic. */
float pres, temp;
short x, y;
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
for (pres = 1050; pres >= 100; pres = pres - 50)
temp = (float) ((((double) thta + 273.15) / pow (1000.0 /
(double) pres,
ROCP)) - 273.15);
x = temp_to_pix (temp, pres);
y = pres_to_pix (pres);
if( pres <= 200) { printf( "%f %f %d\n", pres, temp, x);}
if (pres == 1050)
moveto (x, y);
lineto (x, y);
isotherm (float temp)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws temperature lines (temp, c) on SkewT graphic. */
short x, y;
char st[10];
setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
x = temp_to_pix (temp, 1050);
y = skv.bry;
if ((temp >= -30) && (temp <= 50))
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
itoa ((short) temp, st, 10);
setcolor (1, draw_reg, gc);
outgtext (st, x - (getgtextextent (st) / 2), y);
setcolor (24, draw_reg, gc);
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
moveto (x, y);
x = temp_to_pix (temp, 100);
y = skv.tly;
lineto (x, y);
isobar (float pres, short flag)
/* ISOBAR */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Draws pressure lines (pres, mb) on SkewT graphic. */
/* */
/* flag = 0 Draw complete horizontal line */
/* = 1 Draw small tick marks along sides of chart */
short y;
char st[10];
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
y = pres_to_pix (pres);
if (flag == 0)
moveto (skv.tlx, y);
itoa ((short) pres, st, 10);
outgtext (st, skv.tlx - getgtextextent (st) - 2, y - 5);
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
moveto (skv.tlx, y);
lineto (skv.brx, y);
moveto (skv.tlx, y);
lineto (skv.tlx + 5, y);
moveto (skv.brx, y);
lineto (skv.brx - 5, y);
trace_temp (struct sndg_struct *sp, short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental temperature trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0;
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < sp->numlev; i++)
if (sp->sndg[i].temp > -200)
xold = x;
yold = y;
x = temp_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].temp, sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
trace_temp2 (short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental temperature trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0, numlvl2;
numlvl2 = sndgp->ovrlev;
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < numlvl2; i++)
if (sndgp->ovrl[i].temp > -200)
xold = x;
yold = y;
x = temp_to_pix (sndgp->ovrl[i].temp, sndgp->ovrl[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->ovrl[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
trace_vtmp (short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots virtual temperature trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0;
setlinestyle (3, width);
for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if (qc (sndgp->sndg[i].temp) && qc (sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt))
xold = x;
yold = y;
x = temp_to_pix (i_vtmp (sndgp->sndg[i].pres), sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
trace_dwpt (struct sndg_struct *sp, short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental Dew Point trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0;
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < sp->numlev; i++)
if (sp->sndg[i].dwpt > -200)
xold = x;
yold = y;
x = temp_to_pix (sp->sndg[i].dwpt, sp->sndg[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sp->sndg[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
trace_dwpt2 (short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental Dew Point trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0, numlvl2;
numlvl2 = sndgp->ovrlev;
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < numlvl2; i++)
if (sndgp->ovrl[i].dwpt > -200)
xold = x;
yold = y;
x = temp_to_pix (sndgp->ovrl[i].dwpt, sndgp->ovrl[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->ovrl[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
trace_wetbulb (short width)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots environmental Wetbulb trace on SkewT. */
short i, x, y, xold, yold, ok = 0;
float t1;
setlinestyle (1, width);
for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if (sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt > -200)
xold = x;
yold = y;
t1 =
wetbulb (sndgp->sndg[i].pres, sndgp->sndg[i].temp,
x = temp_to_pix (t1, sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
if (ok == 0)
moveto (x, y);
ok = 1;
moveto (xold, yold);
lineto (x, y);
pres_to_pix (float pres)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Converts given pressure (mb) to an Y coordinate on */
/* Skewt graphic. */
double scl1, scl2;
scl1 = log (1050.) - log (100.);
scl2 = log (1050.) - log ((double) pres);
return (skv.bry - (short) ((scl2 / scl1) * (skv.bry - skv.tly)));
pix_to_pres (short pix)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Converts given Y coordinate on Skewt graphic to */
/* pressure(mb). */
double scl1, scl2, scl3;
scl1 = log (1050.) - log (100.);
scl2 = (double) (skv.bry - pix);
scl3 = (double) (skv.bry - skv.tly + 1);
return (float) (1050.0 / exp ((scl2 / scl3) * scl1));
/*NP*/ short
temp_to_pix (float temp, float pres)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Converts given temperature (c) to an X coordinate on */
/* Thermodynamic diagram. */
/* */
/* Depending on (skv.type), relationship is for (1) Pseudo- */
/* Adiabatic or (2) Skew-T/Log P diagram. */
/* */
/* Skew: 90c spread across the bottom of chart. */
/* 120c spread up-and-down the chart. */
/* Temp at BR of chart = 50c */
float scl1, scl2;
if (skv.type == 1)
scl1 = (float) skv.brtemp - ((((float) skv.bry -
(float) pres_to_pix (pres)) /
((float) skv.bry -
(float) skv.tly)) * (float) skv.vspread);
scl1 = (float) skv.brtemp;
scl2 = skv.brx - (((scl1 - temp) / skv.hspread) * (skv.brx - skv.tlx));
return (short) scl2;
/*NP*/ float
pix_to_temp (short x, short y)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Converts given X/Y coordinates to temperature(c) on */
/* Thermodynamic diagram. */
float scl1, scl2, scl3;
scl1 =
1 - (((float) x - (float) skv.tlx) / ((float) skv.brx - (float) skv.tlx));
scl2 = (float) skv.brtemp - (scl1 * skv.hspread);
scl1 =
1 - (((float) y - (float) skv.tly) / ((float) skv.bry - (float) skv.tly));
scl3 = scl2 - (scl1 * (float) skv.vspread);
return scl3;
/*NP*/ void
trace_parcel (float pres, float temp, float dwpt)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots parcel(pres, temp, dwpt) trajectory on SkewT */
/* graphic. */
/* */
/* pres - Pressure of initial parcel(mb) */
/* temp - Temperature of initial parcel (c) */
/* dwpt - Dew Point of initial parcel (c) */
float i, p2, t2, t3;
short x, y;
if (!qc (pres) || !qc (temp) || !qc (dwpt))
setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
setlinestyle (4, 1);
x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (pres, temp, dwpt), pres);
y = pres_to_pix (pres);
moveto (x, y);
drylift (pres, temp, dwpt, &p2, &t2);
x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (p2, t2, t2), p2);
y = pres_to_pix (p2);
lineto (x, y);
for (i = p2 - 50; i >= 100; i = i - 50)
t3 = wetlift (p2, t2, i);
x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (i, t3, t3), i);
y = pres_to_pix (i);
lineto (x, y);
t3 = wetlift (p2, t2, 100);
x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (100, t3, t3), 100);
y = pres_to_pix (100);
lineto (x, y);
/*NP*/ void
wind_barb (float wdir, float wspd, short x, short y, short siz)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots wind barb at location (x,y) for given wind. */
short x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, sped, maxsiz = 3;
float dx, dy, spcx, spcy, wid, hgt;
dx = (ucomp (wdir, 10) * (float) siz) / 1.5F;
dy = (vcomp (wdir, 10) * (float) siz) / 1.5F;
x1 = x;
y1 = y;
x2 = x1 + (short) dx;
y2 = y1 - (short) dy;
/* ----- Draw backbone of wind barb, along with origin dot ----- */
if (siz > maxsiz)
setlinestyle (1, 2);
setlinestyle (1, 1);
rectangle (0, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1);
moveto (x1, y1);
lineto (x2, y2);
sped = (short) wspd;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
wid = 5; /* Number of flags that will fit */
spcx = dx / wid;
spcy = dy / wid;
x1 = x1 + (short) spcx;
y1 = y1 - (short) spcy;
/* ----- Draw wind flags (increments of 50kt) ----- */
while (sped > 47)
x1 = x1 - (short) spcx;
y1 = y1 + (short) spcy;
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;
moveto (x1, y1);
lineto (x2, y2);
lineto (x3, y3);
x2 = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3;
y2 = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3;
sped -= 50;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;
/* ----- Draw wind barbs (increments of 5kt) ----- */
while (sped > 7)
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;
moveto (x3, y3);
lineto (x2, y2);
sped -= 10;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;
/* ----- Draw short barb ----- */
if (sped > 3)
hgt = .5F; /* Heigth of flags */
x2 = x1 + (short) (dy * hgt);
y2 = y1 + (short) (dx * hgt);
x3 = x1 - (short) spcx;
y3 = y1 + (short) spcy;
dx = (x3 - x2) / 2;
dy = (y3 - y2) / 2;
x2 = x3 - (short) dx;
y2 = y3 - (short) dy;
moveto (x3, y3);
lineto (x2, y2);
/*NP*/ void
plot_barbs (void)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots wind barbs along side of thermo diagram. */
short ii, xx, yy;
float lastpres;
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
lastpres = 1100;
for (ii = 0; ii < sndgp->numlev; ii++)
if (qc (sndgp->sndg[ii].drct))
yy = pres_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[ii].pres);
xx = skv.brx - 40;
if ((sndgp->sndg[ii].hght - i_hght (lastpres)) > 400)
wind_barb (sndgp->sndg[ii].drct, sndgp->sndg[ii].sped, xx, yy,
lastpres = sndgp->sndg[ii].pres;
vvel_profile (void)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Plots vertical velocity profile */
short i, x1, x2, y, avail, leng;
avail = 0;
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if (qc (sndgp->sndg[i].omega) && (sndgp->sndg[i].omega < 1))
y = pres_to_pix (sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
x1 = skv.tlx + 40;
leng = (sndgp->sndg[i].omega * 1000); /* Convert to Mbs/sec */
x2 = x1 - (leng * 2); /* Determine screen scale */
setcolor (25, draw_reg, gc);
if (sndgp->sndg[i].omega < 0)
setcolor (12, draw_reg, gc);
moveto (x1, y);
lineto (x2, y);
/* ----- Draw Scales ----- */
if (avail > 5)
setcolor (7, draw_reg, gc);
x1 = skv.tlx + 40;
moveto (x1, skv.tly + 40);
lineto (x1, skv.bry - 10);
setlinestyle (3, 1);
x1 = skv.tlx + 20;
moveto (x1, skv.tly + 40);
lineto (x1, skv.bry - 10);
x1 = skv.tlx + 60;
moveto (x1, skv.tly + 40);
lineto (x1, skv.bry - 10);
set_font (2);
outgtext ("OMEGA", skv.tlx + 18, skv.tlx);
outgtext ("+10", skv.tlx + 3, skv.tlx + 15);
outgtext ("-10", skv.tlx + 43, skv.tlx + 15);
void isobar_nolabel (float pres)
/* OPC MODIFICATION - J. Morgan 5/12/05 */
/* ISOBAR_NOLABEL - New function */
/* */
/* J. Morgan OPC */
/* */
/* Modification of void isobar() to draw pressure (pres) */
/* without a label on SkewT graphic */
/* */
/* Called by xwvid1.c: draw_skewt() */
short y;
setcliprgn (1, 1, xwdth, xhght, draw_reg, gc);
y = pres_to_pix (pres);
moveto (skv.tlx, y);
setcliprgn (skv.tlx, skv.tly, skv.brx, skv.bry, draw_reg, gc);
moveto (skv.tlx, y);
lineto (skv.brx, y);